Feedback Birthday Olé!

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by shooger.sweet, Jan 22, 2025.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the "Birthday Olé!" Event in this Feedback thread. We are looking forward to capturing your initial reaction to the event, as well as the final opinion after participating in the event.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. upa70

    upa70 Forum Mogul

    once again the magic tree which we bought or won so we can get event drops from them.....
    are not giving drops-.- seriously ???????

    my love for this game is waning this rate you will be losing more players than you can recruit new ones. maybe keeping your long term players is what you should be focusing on with so many new free games being released all the time, people will stray and may not return!
  3. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Baron

    As often happens, while skeptical at first read, I find myself really enjoying the event!

    Most particularly: I like that it is set up to not only permit, but encourage, a less frantic playing style. We're going to need much of the two week period regardless of how hard we play, which makes it less of a push, for which I am grateful, while at the same time allowing for a certain amount of personal playing style, through the use of SG and SSG for crops, and the various methods to speed up animal and workshop harvests. I do find myself wishing we had something for workshops akin to the Sprayer item for animals - five of those gives instant harvests and I had the animal drops done in twenty minutes. I also enjoy that this event requires a small amount of planning - figuring out how to lay things out for optimal use of our available time.

    The magic tree not giving drops is a bit puzzling but for me, not concerning - I look upon those as a benefit, not something that is expected. On a similar note, I have no problem with there being additional benefits available through the use of real life funds - I run a small business and my clients can certainly get more if they spend more. I do not like, as we have often seen, for there to be an expectation for real life funds to be used just to complete. I do feel that this is not the case in this event, nor has it been in most of the recent events, so yay for that! The graphics are precious as always, the concept is great, and I am enjoying the new game dynamic. I appreciate all the work that goes into creating something new, and a birthday event is a perfect time for something new.

    For the players who protest that it's a birthday event and WE should be given the gifts, I will just call to mind that when someone throws a birthday party for themselves, the guests are expected to bring the gift, not the party attendees receiving the gifts! Seen in that light, i think this is a very generous birthday party!

    Thank you Farmerama, for my thirteen years of play!
  4. snatchsquad

    snatchsquad Junior Expert

    Love the mini game :D
  5. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Master

    the puzzle type deco item looks neat but after 15 years, who's got the space for it?
    already there are a zillion deco items in the barn that have nowhere to go.

    I like the leisurely pace of this event and the way the minigames award some of the stuff you need to donate or to play the minigame.

    60 BB to reset the minigames seems like a very steep price, considering some of the donation item prizes will not be useful if the player has already finished the relevant donations. Or will the prizes change accordingly?

    I am done with all the minigames with 246 h left of the event. So all the tokens hereafter will be useless. It would be more fun if you could keep playing the minigame without the hefty BB investment.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2025
  6. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    With due respect, BP is not family or a's a company, with us as customers. I've been playing for almost 15 years and have spent many funds on this game. That is my choice. This is my entertainment cost. I do enjoy the fun of events and challenges. However the forum has drastically changed in the past few years. I really miss our old style of the forum.
    I do feel the rewards for this B-day event quite stingy. The large amount of breeding, animals, trees etc. is very high...especially following the Big Fall competition that nearly took all my stock and I still didn't reach Top 1000. :eek:
    I won't make that mistake again.o_O
    I also dislike that we cannot keep playing the minigame without paying.:(
    I lost my premium status for almost a month because my credit card was hacked. This reminded me of how difficult this game is when you have little BB's, water, PF etc. Thankfully I finally had it restored...but I don't think I would have continued playing without it.
    I have a renewed respect for farmers that truly play the "free" Farmerama!
    Happy Birthday to the Game Developers and creators of Farmerama!!

    Thank you to all my neighbors and good friends within the game! Hugs ;):inlove:
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2025
  7. Jayded

    Jayded Forum Apprentice

    Please remove the 60BB price to reset the mini game.
  8. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Love this event! :inlove:

    I like that it is a longer event as I have been on holiday and would not have had time to grow tons of crops in the last week or so. I started with animals and products until I got back yesterday. I will finish the crops tomorrow as well as the breeding part - thanks to the Baby Boom and Happy Discount Day. It will also help me with my breeding FSQs. Another bonus is that we can breed what we want. :)

    Love the mini-game and am really miffed that we cannot carry on without paying a huge price in BBs, the only negative I can find in this event.-.-

    Happy Birthday Farmerama from one of the (nearly) original players, been a farmer since March 2010!:music:
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025
  9. Shimmer

    Shimmer Count Count

    I love everything about this event except the 60BB price to reset the mini-games. I would really like it if there was the option to reset for free, or for a very low price, which maybe wouldn't give you the prizes for the mini-games but would allow you keep playing, essentially donating your coins to the global goals. It's clear that without this, the team have hugely overestimated what we can achieve as global goals. I love the minigame and would like to keep playing, I would like to contribute to the global goal but can't justify the steep price considering how little I can contribute to the global total.
  10. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Connoisseur

    The bad: the issues with the mini-game - it freezes. Still. And the event is almost over. And, apparently I'm the only one who has noticed that sometimes you make the proper match for the section you're in and yet, you don't get credit for the match (the number of lightbulbs doesn't go up when you just matched 3 lightbulbs).

    The other "bad" thing is that I think you sorely over-estimated the number active farmers still playing this game and willing to spend real money to get those four sections to 100%.

    Other than that - it's been fun - the mini-game (when it's not frozen or cheating us) is fun...although now becoming tedious after 8 days.
  11. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice

    The event itself is ok. however, the 60BB price to reset the mini games is very steep, esp when it does not increase the global % I tried it a couple times and it had no effect.
    The global feature of the game is not very appealing. There are 5 levels of rewards that are supposed to be attainable and yet with 47 hrs left for the event we will be lucky to reach level 2. this is very discouraging especially for those that finished their individual portion a week ago. This is very disappointing. I hope to never see this event again unless some serious changes are made.
  12. Frenchmom14261

    Frenchmom14261 Forum Connoisseur

    I only did the mini games. I do not like it when we have to empty our barns for so stingy a reward.
    Though the time to do it was long, it involved too many steps and too small a reward to be worth doing it. I started playing over 14 years ago, but i skip many challenges now as the games have too many layers.
  13. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I enjoyed the event overall, the new mini game was a nice change of pace and the extended time frame was much appreciated. :) I've been playing long enough (13 yrs) to remember when we got 1 or 2 events a month, which at times seemed boring, but I often find myself wishing for that slower pace these days as RL becomes more hectic. The few drawbacks I found in this event were, as stated, the mini game freezing. Also certain portions of the board at times not allowing moves to be made, especially frustrating when it was the only match of needed tiles on the board. The 60 BB reset was also an issue, I am unable to purchase BBs so they are precious to me; payed to play once and would happily have kept playing but for that. :oops: The one thing that I personally found really unfair was the lack of an extended BB day in an event that required breeding. -.- Yes, we had two BB days, but they were only short 12 hour windows of opportunity which not everyone, myself included, may have been able to participate in. I think there should be a regular full weekend BB in events which require drops from breeding. Other than that, congratulations on 15 years of success! :D
    Brookeham, MeadowCrossing and Nordais like this.
  14. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    I agree with above comments. If it were not for other players tireless efforts to explain the FAQs, offer suggestions on what to use to reach goals, and playing extra games, we would not have achieved the global goals. I also am a player who cannot spend much real cash in the game and save it for harvester and mill subscriptions, so, I also was unwilling to part with 60BBs to reset the mini games. The games also froze many times and it took me quite a while before I understood I could X out and re-enter the same game with no lost coins. Maybe many senior moments, but it was a lot to absorb when there's lots going on in RL.

    I do enjoy the game and the graphics and effort made by whomever puts together all the different aspects. Really, really, really appreciate the Forum and all who share here. Thank you! :inlove:
    Nordais likes this.
  15. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    This was the second event that was strethed over a longer period and I must say I loved it: lon time players can spend some supergrow, power feeds and Suzy super grow to finish faster and newest players do have enough time to finish it.

    I did love the mini game too, more than the one where we need to click and drag a line to emprison other items. I'm not a fan of events that ask for 2 tokens to play one mini game. Just ajust the drop rate and make that 1 token to play.

    The 60 BBs to play 30 mini games was a steep price. I'd rather wish we could use an set amount of Birthday Tokens to reset them instead.

    I'm also not a fan of FAQ changing after the event started, modifying the requirements or the magic tree not dropping the event drop is a big no no for me.

    I have to say kudos to the art department for the sleak look of the event, it's something that makes the events a lot nicer!
    spotsbox and MeadowCrossing like this.