Board Game Bonanza

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by Nordais, Jan 8, 2025.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    This is a straightforward event where we need to grow event crops, mill a card deck and play a boardgame.

    Event items are:

    Event crop:Event drop:Event mill item:
    Wild Card
    Time: 6 hours
    Gives (2x2): 240 EP

    Plantable on the Main field and Green Meadow only!
    Fizzy Drink
    You will get these drops when harvesting the main field and green meadow from crops and trees.
    Card Deck
    Ingredients: 510 x Wild Cards + 50 x Fizzy Drinks + 6 x Sunflowers
    Milling time: 15 seconds
    It can be produced in the main and tropical Mills - Events feed tab!

    Each Player will receive 1 x Card Deck for free to try the mini-game.

    Play 37 mini-games:18870 Wild Cards
    1850 Fizzy Drinks
    222 Sunflowers
    37 Card Decks
    9m 15s milling time
    Prize purchased with Star Coins:
    Cloud row
    In Your Face giver
    Relight the Fire giver
    Dragon Trainer giver
    Play 64 mini-games:32640 Wild Cards
    3200 Fizzy Drinks

    384 Sunflowers
    64 Card Decks
    16m milling time
    Prize purchased with Star Coins:
    Cloud row
    2 x In Your Face giver
    2 x Relight the Fire giver
    2 x Dragon Trainer giver

    The event is tagged as medium-hard, so maybe the drops will be hard to get by.

    Good luck everyone!
  2. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    Thank you, Northy. Totally in. Good luck to everyone participating.
    Flower, yagmur_5, Nala777 and 5 others like this.
  3. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Northy for the detailed post! I have planted Amaranth on both fields to hopefully get good drops! I will attempt
    to grow enough crops to mill the 37 card decks!:p Good luck every one
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Nala777 and 7 others like this.
  4. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Pro

    I goofed. I put in the wrong crops late in the day yesterday. Now I'm waiting for them to mature. Ugh.

    I think I got lazy with this really long event and nothing else going on.

    And, I notice that NOW! Now! that we have 11 days left on the currently running season, the powers that be at BP have figured out that we've gotten no extra chances for feather coins and extra season points. None. Zip. o_Ops. So now they want us to spend star coins on season points and coins. Why? I've managed to get the upgrade for the accolade without any extras on SL's farm. And this one is at level 35, so even this farm is close to the accolade upgrade.

    So now I have to go see what I can salvage of my crops, dump my current load of buffs, change all that around and get the longest timed crops in that I can. Ugh.
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Nala777 and 6 others like this.
  5. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    It's not Star Coins but Trivia points: 24 Trivia Points (8 questions answered correctly) for 1364 season's points that can be purchased up to 5 times. Dunno if it's too much or too little... o_O When compared to the 80 Trivia Points needed to buy the Piccolo Wonder Box it's sounds like a fair price for them.
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks, Nordais, for doing all the sums for us. ;)

    I'm in as far as I can go. Good luck all! :)
  7. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Nordais, Thanks for Details for this event :);)

    Season Points: Facts, We not had events lately that helps us get Season Tokens, compared to previous season

    24 Trivia Points for 1364 Season Points is Bonkers>:( , Compared to 5 Trivia Points for Season Token

    You need 9 Seasons Tokens to buy +1 crop, 5 Season Tokens for +1 Tree Fruit, Overall It takes lots of season points to gain season tokens generally :wuerg::wuerg:

    I not bother doing seasons that much as i find them not as rewarding or meaningful to my style and joy playing farmerama ;):p

    I just focus getting good prizes Good luck have fun with Board Game ;):p
  8. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I looked through the Archive and found this post of *WisdomTree*'s with answers to the Trivia questions. If it doesn't show the place, go to Post 11. ;)

    Trivia Answers
    Thanks *WisdomTree* :)
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Jarrow and 7 others like this.
  9. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Thank you, @Nordais, for yet another great strategy thread, I am all in.
    Thanks @illy1996 for finding and sharing the trivia answers post from @*WisdomTree*.

    Following link will take you exactly to the trivia answers:


    Good luck everyone, have fun!
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Jarrow and 5 others like this.
  10. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    There is extra prize Football Board game Segment 1 Tile 18 (in FAQ).

    Who is the farm's greatest detective? Inspector Mouseau
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Jarrow and 6 others like this.
  11. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Pro

    I just played the first game on this farm. My trivia question was: How many pigs does the neon V: pigsty yield? I chose FOUR (4). It was red - I was wrong. However, I am pretty darn sure it's FOUR pigs and I just checked in the city where we can build the upgrades and it says FOUR!

    So yay for me. I'm right, but I'm wrong. This is how my life has been going lately. Why should it change now.
  12. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    What's the name of Farmerama's tough Viking goose? Ingrid
  13. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    There were a few questions at the start of the event that were answered correctly but the game registered it as an incorrect response. All questions have been corrected so from now on, you will receive the full amount of trivia points for a correct question.

    If you answered a question correctly, but the game registered it as wrong, please contact Support as they may be able to assist you. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  14. RockRose

    RockRose Forum Greenhorn

    1How old will Farmerama turn in 2025?15 years
    2How old can Galapagos Giant Tortoises get?Over 100 years
    3What are the names of the aliens on FARMERAMA?Nublons
    4At what level is the rose available?66
    5How much salt do you need for a langos?10
    6One of the event series is called ''.... About Animals''Wild
    7One of the new playing fields is called ...?Castaway Coast
    8How many BB does a Rent-a-Friend cost?50
    9How many pigs do you get from the Neon pigsty?4
    10Who is Captain Boarbarossa?A pirate pig
    11From what level is the chameleon stable available?66
    12How many Baha animals can you unlock at the Monkey Temple?20
    13On which level can you access the Artisans' Village?40
    14Farmerama turned into which wonderland in December 2014?Cookie Wonderland
    15Which Farmwheel collection does not exist?Bikes
    16Which animal produces air bubbles?Axolotl
    17What are the requirements for the Overall Revenue Bonus S?Diamond Slot
    18Ziegfried Caprinus is a master … Alchemist
    19On which level can you plant fern?70
    20What color are the eggs of the American Robin?Blue
    21The reward crates were introducet in which event?Gone Fishin'
    22What does EP mean?Experience Points
    23How many minigames can you play at Renzo's fair?4
    24Who is the Rock Star Scorpion?Breeding Scorpion
    25Which one isn't a Moonlight World crop?Pink Spider Broccoli
    26From which level can players access the Pet Playground?35
    27How many animals can you optain from the Anaconda Terrarium IV?3
    28During World Water Day, Farmerama experienced a draught in which year?2013
    29A Jumping Spider in Jack's Shop costs how many Latticed Stinkhorn?5000
    30What's the name of Farmerama's tough Viking goose?Ingrid
    31Which animal was the first you could breed?Sheep
    32How long is the Harvest Helper Subscription active after buying it?30 days
    33What do crows eat in Farmerama?Cucumbers
    34Which one of these features is part of the Moonlight World?Jack’s Shop
    35Which band played at the Open Air Festival 2013?Trims'N'Roses
    36How much does the plant Spelt cost in the shop?420 CC
    37Who is the farm's greatest detective ?Inspector Mouseau
    38What is the stock limit of Super-grow?No limit
    39When was the ticket limit at the Farm Wheel changed from 20 to 99?2017
    40FARMERAMA is available in which of these languages?Danish
    41How many giver items and pet playfields exist in Farmerama?1 Pet 5 Giver items
    42Where can you plant Horror Tomatoes?They are animals
    43What's the name of Borsty's sidekick?Gree D. Weasel
    44What does the Scented Tree provide? Pheremones
    45What's the title of farm level 87?Berryister
    46Brad Smith is...A customer
    47What do you need to make butterfly feed?Tulips & Sunflowers
    48How many air Conditioners are required to build a Steaming Sauna?5
    49Which currency is used in the Shop-O-RamaFarm Coins
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
  15. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you to players who share the questions and answers!
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Jarrow and 7 others like this.
  16. sapeli

    sapeli Active Author

    Not even "some-luck" in Partyspins, 120 spinned, no +100% or no +200% or not even +1/6h BUT:

    3x Jack O gift and "some green Super-Grow" -> this evening amount of event-crops are 16968
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Jarrow and 6 others like this.
  17. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Thanks for the number crunching, Northy. The detailed chart is quite helpful, and I'll do what I can in a low-key way. I think I'll wait til I have needed crops/drops before playing - but, we'll see how far I go with that plan! I need something to distract me while waiting for the last 10 Baha levels, so might have to play a few games :D

    Wish everyone success and it's lovely to not have a timer this week!
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Jarrow and 8 others like this.
  18. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Pro

    So Northy called it. Drops are going to be an issue. Starting this evening, I'll be putting out longer timed crops on the main field and green meadow.

    And, just to clarify (for this dizzy broad) - the "mini-games" in the OP are one segment, right? As in 64 "mini-games" equals 32 full board games (2 segments) played? I'm easily confused these days.
    ç.çiftçi, Nala777, Flower and 5 others like this.
  19. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Yes that 32 full boards (playing the 2 segments). Since 1 Card Deck lets you play 1 segment, that's either playing 38 (milling only 37) or 65+ (milling 64+) depending on your goal.
  20. Flower

    Flower Forum Mogul

    Thanks Nordais and RockRose for your help :) I'm in.

    Wish everyone to have fun and reach their goals.