Dutch fansite Draadje

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by miekje9, Jul 30, 2024.

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  1. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Forum Apprentice

    Goodmorning Dutchies!
    Going to enjoy my day off. Tomorrow my last workday and than a two week vacation.
    If the weather will cooperate, I'm going to work in my house. The attick still has the wallpaper of the previous neighbours.
    I also want to fill all the nooks and crannies before winter, and paint one of the walls in the living room.
    No rush, I will see how much I get done. I also want to do some fun things.
    Borkie and BellaMary69 like this.
  2. miekje9

    miekje9 Active Author

    I can say that everything is in dutch on the site
    have fun
  3. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    It is humid and hot, only harvisting once a day now and using my heaps of Knechtencoupons.
    Way to hot to be doing anything. Oke walking to the icesalon and get some.
    BellaMary69, Gert-Jannetje and Borkie like this.
  4. Oldwief

    Oldwief Forum Greenhorn

    *Just waving to everybody here.* :)
    popje4 and BellaMary69 like this.
  5. popje4

    popje4 Forum Apprentice

    hello, come and have a look here and wave:p
  6. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    Waving back. whilest waiting for the rain to come.

    And I have a few new neigbours after several of them quit after the trick BP pulled.
  7. popje4

    popje4 Forum Apprentice

    hello everyone, it's very quiet here....I wanted to post something about the food of the full moon animals, what a quest it is...I can't post in general questions, so I put it somewhere else, it must be wrong hahah have a nice day all:)
  8. jvjustin2000

    jvjustin2000 Forum Greenhorn

    Hey hoi,

    I started again playing Farmerama. It's a shame that the Dutch forum is closed:(. Glad you started this thread!

    I've actually lost track a bit, I have my old account back (lvl 77) . But I don't know how the best to proceed. There is so much new. Have anyone good advice?

    You have to wright English on this forum. Thank you
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 10, 2024 at 5:59 PM