FAQ Eerie Museum

Discussion in 'Game FAQ's' started by shooger.sweet, Jun 13, 2023.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Eerie Museum

    What is the Eerie Museum?
    The Eerie Museum is the storage quarters feature for deco items on the Haunted Manor.
    After reaching level 50, you can unlock the Eerie Museum and save more space on your land by placing up to 8 decos under 1 Eerie Museum.
    You can place any size combination of deco items in the Eerie Museum.

    At this stage, only deco items that can be placed on the Haunted Manor will be placeable in the Eerie Museum.

    The EP collected from the Eerie Museum will be the sum of all the deco items you place in it. The production time will be the longest harvest time out of the deco items placed in this Eerie Museum.

    Please note: When you place a new deco item in the Eerie Museum, it will reset the countdown, therefore we recommend you to wait until the countdown is up and harvest the Eerie Museum before you add new deco items.
    How can you unlock this feature?
    After reaching level 50, you can unlock the Eerie Museum from "The Eerie Museum" Farmer's Society Quest.​

    At the moment you will only be able to have 2 Eerie Museums, both available from "The Eerie Museum" Farmer's Society Quest.
    How can I use it?
    The Eerie Museum can be placed on your Haunted Manor. After buying it, you will find it in your Decorations inventory:

    After placing it on your field, you can select the deco items you wish to use in this Eerie Museum. By default, you have 4 slots, but you can unlock 4 more - by upgrading the Eerie Museum twice, with 2 slots each time.​

    placing items 1.png
    Click on the cogs icon to start adding deco items into your slots:​

    placing items 2.png
    You can click on the green deco item icon to upgrade the base deco item. If the green icon is unavailable, there are no updates for this deco item in your barn.
    placing items 3.png

    Once you fill in your slots, the timer begins. You will see the construction sign once they are ready to be harvested.
    • Givers of any size can be placed in the Eerie Museum
    • Pets cannot be placed in the Eerie Museum
    • Only givers that can be placed on the same field you place the Eerie Museum can be placed in it
    • Howie Donut is not placeable in the Eerie Museum
    • Vanity items (decoration only) are not placeable in the Eerie Museum

    • The deco icon will show how many buff items, if any are placed in the Eerie Museum that you will get when harvested.
    • The Eerie Museum can only be harvested with the Pet Helpers.
    • You can only upgrade an item once when placed in the Eerie Museum. For further upgrades if an item has them, you need to upgrade the item on your field. You can then add the fully upgraded item to the Eerie Museum.
    When a Charged giver is placed, the icon will show how many charges are left.
    Once all charges have been used, like on a playfield, you have to delete the item from the Eerie Museum then you can re-place it again to receive the base EP/TEP reward.​
    The upgraded Eerie Museum has different graphics as well:​
    Eerie Museum I

    To upgrade the Eerie Museum and unlock 2 more slots you will need regular tools (10000 x Bricks, 4000 x Roof tiles), 10 x Power Drills (random drops that can only be gathered from harvesting the Storage Houses), and 8 x Museum Blueprints - which can be obtained by completing The Museum quest in the Farmer's Society.
    Eerie Museum II


    Then you can upgrade it again for unlocking 2 more slots, reaching a total of 8 slots, by using 20000 x Bricks, 8000 x Roof tiles, 20 x Power Drills and 16 x Museum Blueprints.
    The Eerie Museum Quest


    1689 quest.png
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2023
    dumbunny, Nordais and sanddollar15 like this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    The Eerie Museum II


    1823 quest.png

    zilverDolfijn and Nordais like this.
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