For February 2025

Discussion in 'Grapevine' started by Nala777, Jan 30, 2025.

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  1. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    February Preview Calendar

    1st - 2nd February: The Fruit Market
    1st - 5th February: 15th Birthday Event (running)
    1st - 28th February: Season 48 (running)
    1st - 28th February: Sticker Series 2 (running)
    6th February: Storehouse Release
    6th - 12th February: Compound Event

    7th - 10th February: Gift and Trade
    7th - 10th February: Wonder Stables
    9th - 23rd February: Valentine's Gift Calendar
    11th - 13th February: Pick-A-Tree Spree
    11th - 13th February: Valentine's Cloud Row Sale
    13th - 19th February: Valentine's Event
    19th February: Breeding Content Update
    19th - 23rd February: Circle Breeding Event
    19th - 23rd February: Valentine's Pet Sale
    20th - 26th February: X out of Y Event
    27th - 28th February: Carnival Event
    27th - 28th February: Farmwheel Jackpot Update

    Disclaimer: Of course, being a preview, anything (dates or events) in this calendar could change slightly.
    Flower, gardengal, codyj and 2 others like this.
  2. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    so many good stuff (hopefully) coming up! Another calendar and a new building (make that a menagery pleaaaaasssseeeee!!!)
    Jarrow, sanddollar15, Flower and 3 others like this.
  3. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Wonder what we will be breeding?
    Jarrow, sanddollar15, Flower and 3 others like this.
  4. Flower

    Flower Forum Mogul

    Monkey Queen!!!!:inlove:
  5. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Moonlight Mania:
    Starts: Monday, 3rd of February at 10:00 CET (UTC+1)
    Ends: Tuesday, 4th of February at 22:00 CET (UTC+1)

    Good morning everyone!
    The two-page submission event

    marked on the event calendar for February 6th : Thick fog is creeping around my house, but I recognized something. Look: Your animals are having the day off due to the heavy snowfall! Put on your coat and mittens and jump headfirst into cold winter activities before the beautiful snow melts! Enjoy some fun time in the snow by growing snowman sprouts and collecting snowballs at harvest. Deliver the necessary items to the event. You will need to complete two task lists. They can be completed at the same time, but must be completed in order. As you complete the tasks, the progress bar will fill up and you will receive the grand prize. # Image of winnable decors: #








    [​IMG]Snowboard catapult

    [​IMG] Tractor says no

    [​IMG] Cold to the bone

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
  6. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks for the reminder that MM will open Mon and the new "snow" event looks cute!
    As always Nala777 thanks for the great rumors!
    Nala777, Nordais and Jarrow like this.
  7. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Today a good friend sent me a postcard.


    The ones on the right and left must have fallen into the paint pot.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I'm sure you've been waiting for this.

    And what are these two waiting for?


    Balloons and a gift box?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And what is underneath?


    Where can we find it then?

    Puzzle stable and quest

    Watch out!
    Treat yourself to the puzzle stable "Kalahari" in the shop now and, with a little luck, win the new Muntjac stable or upgrades for the Red-eared Slider!

    The dreaming deer
    Working in the mayor's office is actually interesting, but today the Muntjac is bored to death. While he drills holes in important documents with his sharp teeth, the little deer begins to daydream.

  8. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Nala777 for the newest rumors. They are very colorful and full of luv! Happy Valentines Day one and all!:music:;)