Feedback Inutep's Curse II

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Oct 9, 2024.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the "Inutep's Curse" Event in this Feedback thread. We are looking forward to capturing your initial reaction to the event, as well as the final opinion after participating in the event.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I am not a fan of this type of event but I decided to do it because I had the time and the resources (which are much depleted now!). :p

    I did actually enjoy it though I am always impatient for the seeds to actually grow (grow the first seeds, make the Amulets, plant the seeds - too long and drawn out for me), hence why I used so much SG. I did manage to time things so that I was always able to take advantage of the bonuses throughout. The prizes are pretty good, lots of PF to help with the breeding event and lots of Piccolo Boxes, one of the two gave me a Magic Hat. Not quite a BB Tree but a close second! Maybe the last Piccolo Box! :inlove:
    I will do an event like this in the future but I will be more inclined if I have a good supply of SG and SSG! :music:
    Nordais and sanddollar15 like this.
  3. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Like illy1996 I'm not a big fan of this event too: growing an event plant to mill to play to grow another 3 seeds to donate. It takes a lot of space. I was scared about the huge amount of event crops needed to get to the end (over 16k) on the MM field mainly because we cannot use comfort fields in Moonlight Mania. I used 200% & 100% in the diamond slot to be able to get there without feeling rushed. The 3 seeds amount between 2500 and 2900 were easy to get if we had super grows to use so that we can activate all bonuses in one go and nuke everything with super grow.

    I do love the artwork, each year it gets better. I'd like to see some small animation at the end of the mini game so that we could enjoy the art, maybe after finishing the tetris like puzzle we could see a door sliding open from the top that'd show a mummy or other MM critters with the seed pouches. I'd love to get a better view of the Anubis statues on each side of the mini game board, but they're partially hidden with the window containing the puzzle pieces and once we're done the window shuts down fast.

    I tought the prizes were great too on the donation side of the event and there was plenty of seed pouches to get to the end with no problem at all.
  4. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Like the mini game. Don't like the work required to get there. So didn't do this event.
  5. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Baron

    I do like this event, ONLY because of the +1 +2 and +3 bonuses that are given - I wait until I have an eight hour time frame, activate all the bonuses, use the farmwheel or a special bonus to get just a bit more, and I'm usually done with two harvests of the long one. The event plants are gorgeous, and the puzzles are fun with great graphics. I can see why the average player might find this to be tedious -unless you have the opportunity to combine all the bonuses and take advantage, the event just drags - but for me, it's loads of fun.
    Nordais likes this.
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