Navigator with Flash player for Iad

Discussion in 'Technical issues' started by melrosse94, Sep 2, 2024.

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  1. melrosse94

    melrosse94 Forum Greenhorn

    I bought my Ipad and I can’t play my farm.. I tried with Puffin, Fire Fox, Opera and nothing works :mad:>:(:cry:
  2. Borkie

    Borkie Forum Apprentice

    Dit you try with just Edge? It works on my smartphone (Android). I don't know about IOS though...:oops:
    BellaMary69 and BlackCaviar like this.
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello melrosse94,

    Can you try as Borkie suggested and try Edge. Flash Player has not been supported for a long time, so those browsers that require it will not work.

    Can I assist you further?
  4. enk52

    enk52 Junior Expert

    I use Google Chrome on my ipad (IOS) also for android on my phone and it works.
    May be you can try that too
    ticuss, DomiCal, Borkie and 2 others like this.