The Book of Orla

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, May 23, 2023.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    This is a tricky event, don't be fooled by the number of played games! In order to get the prizes listed we'll need to finish each mini game in the time imparted for it. This will NOT be easy!

    Event plant: Electric Star 5h30 can be grown on Main field and Green Meadow only
    event drop: Light Bulb from crops and trees on Main farm and Green Meadow only

    milling item: Banker's Lamp 320 Electric Star + 18 Light Bulbs (15 seconds to mill)

    We'll get 2 Banker's Lamps = 1 free mini game.

    Each mini game will reward either 5 star coins for a failed attempt or 40 star coins for completing it. To get the cloudrow and the 3 givers asked for it we'll need 605 star coins.

    failed (closed down or no more moves allowed) mini game: 5 star coins
    finished (completed after the timer runs out): 20 star coins
    succesful (completed before the timer runs out): 20 star coins + special prize

    Here it's where it gets crazy:

    If we only fail at completing the mini games, we'll need to play 121 mini games to get the 605 star coins = 242 (-2 for the free mini game) Banker's Lamps would be needed to do so and this means :

    76 800 Electric Stars and 4320 Light Bulbs which would require 1h 29m 30s of milling time!

    Else, if we're lucky, to get the 605 star coins we'll need to only be succesful in 30 mini games and fail 1. Thus making the lowest mini games needed down to 31 with 60 Banker's Lamps (62 - 2 for the free mini game):

    19 200 Electric Stars and 1080 Light Bulbs which will require 7m 30s of milling time!

    To get access to a chance of winning every single prize offered in the 40 different mini games, we'll have to play them all at least once and finish them, so numbers jump to 78 Banker's Lamps (80 - 2 for the free mini game):

    24 960 Electric Stars and 1404 Light Bulbs in 19m 45s minutes of milling time!

    Some other prizes are offered in the star coin's shop, but not so much. The 40 different mini games can offer some great prizes for newer players like a hummingbird base stall, egg tree, cow milk tree and a textile mill workshop. Of course the last prize is a Piccolo box!

    After playing each mini game once, we'll have a chance to cherry pick what prize we want and retry the mini game if we failed on the first try...

    Good luck to all who will be attempting this!
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
  2. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Nordais, for your time doing this post and crunching the numbers!
    This is an event I choose not to do as I have little or no interest in any of the prizes offered;) so I will use this time to grow the crops I need for the Quest "The Great job switcheroo" Please, if you are one of my GREAT neighbors, I will not need an event gift, so send one to help someone doing the event! Good luck everyone, I hope you all reach your goals!
  3. Floridasolve

    Floridasolve Forum Pro

    They are sure going back in time for the rewards - not sure this one is worth it. Might be time for a break.

    What is the "great job switcheroo" ?
    Sue46, Nordais and sanddollar15 like this.
  4. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    It Is a "Quest in the Farmers society" that uses the "Protest pig" among other things
    I have to grow lots of Laurel, Persian Buttercups, Chamomile, meadow sweet and
    Lotus flowers:p
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
    Floridasolve, Sue46 and djtillu like this.
  5. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Ugh. I remember the last iteration of this event - The Great Macaron Debacle! There were a double handful of levels that I never could solve in the required amount of time.

    I am seriously considering sitting this one out entirely. There's nothing that I need in the list of prizes, the cloudrow is meh, and the star coin shop doesn't have anything worthwhile.

    In fact, I think I just convinced myself to just say NO to the great book debacle.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you for starting the strategy thread for us.

    I remember the last edition of this event mechanic too :oops:

    Please note that you stay on the same mini game level if you fail. You get 5 star coins and try again. In some cases, you will try, try, try and try some more before you complete the game in the time allowed. You do not get to fail and move on. You stay stuck until you solve the puzzle.

    I will also be sitting this one out. The timer was not long enough last time and to pay in a total of 3 (2 to start and 1 to extend time) milled items is more crops/drops I want to worry about growing or collecting. Prizes are ok, but I will be gone for most of day 1 (my niece graduates elementary school tomorrow:inlove:) so would be starting already feeling behind and needing to catch up.

    I am working on a quest that asks for tons and tons and tons of crops so I think my time would be better spent chipping away at that. No Piccolo box in that quest but I didn't reach the end last time so will take that life lesson and put that wisdom elsewhere.

    Good luck to those participating! This could be a very fun event...just need a few tweaks xD
  7. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    With the Macaron's event, a player could finish filling the boxes after the timer ran out and would get 5 star coins (fail reward) and move on to the next step. It was not a requiste to win the top prize to move to the next mini game. Unless someone would kill the ongoing mini game or had no back moves left, we still had a chance to move on further.
    Flower and sanddollar15 like this.
  8. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I love sorting, but hate timing. So I probably end up doing this event. Growing Meadowsweets and longer flowers is getting boring. I am also short of animal feeds, so event in main farm suits well to make a brake. I have long time crops growing.

    I am after Season points, I want Sonny.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Ok, thank you for clarification. Perhaps I remembered wrongo_O:oops::eek:
    Flower and Nordais like this.
  10. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    I remeber I went to the end, then someone was really nice and posted solutions to each puzzle with each box numbered and what move to make. Thing was the wraping animation was taking SO much time that in games between 8 to 15 I could never finish it because of it. >:( I did end up being able to get one of the milk trees in the macaron event, this time around the ones offered are the egg tree and cowmilk tree (always a "hit" in the G&T event).

    I totally understand why people wouldn't want to play this event anymore. I might grow the event crop on one field only and see how many star coins I can get and then spend that in the market on the other stuff. Dumbunny is right tho: the cloudrow is not worth the effort and the Crate O'Farm Coins is nothing to rave about.

    EDIT: here is the link to the archived event game strategy discussion for the macaron event:

    EDIT 2: comparing both events, the egg and cowmilk trees are exactly at the same place in both events. The okapi is replaced by the hummingbird and the poodlemoth by the stag beetle. The required crops and drops form milling is lower this time arount (320 & 18 vs 404 & 22 for the macaron event). Less Season's points this time but more powerfeed/SG/SSG and such.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
    Flower, dumbunny, BlackCaviar and 4 others like this.
  11. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Real life has kicked me in the rear so I will be sitting this one out on all farms.
  12. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Thanks Northy.
    I am undecided what whether to participate or not.

    **** Star coins are only 20 per completed, successful game *****

    Made up my mind after playing the freebie. I'm sitting this one out too.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
    Flower, Sue46, sanddollar15 and 2 others like this.
  13. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Thank you for pointing that we get 20 star coins for a finished mini game. To get the 605 star coins with that, we'll need to play 31 mini games - 1 free mini game = milling 60 Banker's Lamps :

    13 200 Electric Stars and 1080 Light Bulbs needing 15 minutes to mill.
    Flower and dumbunny like this.
  14. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    It's still a huge NO for me this morning.

    Black Caviar - hoping your RL issues resolve soon...

    Many of mine are "self-induced". I've been gone for all last week and now have exactly 9 days to RL Farmer's Market. I'm sewing, but life gets in the way - other responsibilities and such. We all have them, so nothing new there. Just trying to do what I can and hope its enough.
  15. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Auts - Ouh - and many more wors that tell to ME that "do not try this at... anywhere..."

    Yes, I (also) like the game it-self! Just to make to mathematicans... (bad english maybe, try to not use translator, learned a LOT of english in these forum later than Finnish forum, try to understand me (or just translate ENG-to-FIN :) )


    timelimits --> impossible, last time40 levels completed ONLY with watching those videos here in forum-chain!

    PLEASE if You an and have time and resources --> do those videoes AGAIN...

    CR - very poor, (Bahama already level800)
    AND to get good prizes... just kidding it is VERY EASY...

    BUT number 2 - I can´t recommended this (event) to anybody...
  16. Flower

    Flower Regular

    This minigame brought me a lot of frustating memories xD, so I was unable to decide to jump in or to forget about it until 3 hours after the event begun.
    As I wanted that CR, my OCD won and I've got lucky enough to get 3 bonuses from the wheel :p With some SG, I'm only 4 games from CR and items :D

    Good luck to all those participating! These books are much more player-friendly than those macarons ;)
  17. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Nordais/Northy for starting the thread and do the workings out for us. :)

    I will not be doing this event either. I have been away for a few weeks and in that time I have only done the breeding event, none of the others were attractive enough to spend too much time on! :p

    No newer animals, no newer trees, just the "chance" of them is not really very appealing so I am just enjoying my farm! Surprisingly, as I have been away from the computer for long periods while travelling/socialising, I have managed to get a few FSQs finished or well on their way! :inlove:
    Good luck all! :p
  18. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    How is everyone going with the game. I'm still not doing it, mainly because I thought the free one was rather small on screeen.

    For @illy1996...It's all showing fine.
  19. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Last edited: May 25, 2023
    RebaFC and dumbunny like this.
  20. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Okay, I sorta lied. I decided to start the event on Sewinglady's farm. Bad idea. Things were going swimmingly until this morning. Level 22. I goofed. So now I'm hoping I can figure it out. Will peruse wisdomtree's cheatsheets in a minute. Gotta grow moar crops first.

    Things I know: the developers must have really taken our criticism of the macaron event to heart because the mechanics for this event are MUCH MUCH smoother than they were for the macarons. And so far, I've had plenty of time on all but two levels. I completed those levels anyway and still got the 20 star coins and was able to move on. So the bug-boo comes if you get stymied and run out of undo moves - that's where you get stuck.

    Edited to add: I poked wisdomtree's links. I'm more confused than ever. Hoping I can figure out level 22 on my own without wasting any more lamps.
    Sue46 and morrisbaby1 like this.
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