The Great Feast v4

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by peony, Oct 30, 2024.

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  1. peony

    peony Advanced


    Great Feast Magic Stalk Row IV
    Rewards: 12000 EP x Farm level, 1 x Crate O' Spooky Goods III
    Cooldown Time: 30 hours
    Requires the three event items

    Requirements to complete the event:

    3,250 x Yellow Chili Sauces
    3,205 x Green Chili Sauces
    4,690 x Purple Chili Sauces
    740 x Glasses of Milk

    Good Luck !
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2024
  2. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Peony, THANKS! for starting the strategy thread!

    I think I'm going to try this one on all 3 of my "usual" farms. Baby farms will sit it out.

    I see that we have to grow the mainland crop on the magical glade. Dirty words may have been uttered. So now I'm off to move everything around on the main farmlands of three farms. Heavy sigh.
    Nala777, Mooboy, luciana1949 and 5 others like this.
  3. miekje9

    miekje9 Advanced

    I wil be starting at the mainfield because that crop is the longest
    I have alle my supergrow speeders ready
    To gain the most time reduce
    Nala777, dumbunny, Flower and 4 others like this.
  4. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    Unless I'm missing something in the FAQ, the rewards and CR do not measure up. The graphics are adorable and I have enjoyed doing this style of event in the past, but the CR is not worth it in my opinion and I don't see any eye-catching rewards. I depleted a lot of resources last week on the previous event as well as on some MM quests, so I need to compile again. Even though I do like the event itself, passing due to not much reward.

    For those participating, good luck, have fun, and Happy Halloween!!!
  5. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks peony for starting the thread. I will attempt to do this event as since they (BP) lowered the amounts required
    it seems more do-able with less rush-rush!:p I will also start with Mainland crops as they are a 6 hour crop before any water, manure or buffs! Good luck to all and Happy Halloween!
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
    Jarrow, Nala777, dumbunny and 2 others like this.
  6. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Thanks for info - I will skip this one, too. Going to continue to restock and work on some quests.

    Happy Halloween everyone - don't forget to get the last three rewards from the Halloween calendar - last one is a CR!
    BlackCaviar, Jarrow, Nala777 and 6 others like this.
  7. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you, Peony, for starting this thread and doing the sums. ;)

    I was going to do the first two parts and leave the Glade part but as the requirements have been reduced significantly, I will be aiming to finish. As I have finished all but the MM breeding FSQs (four of them!), events are now much more enjoyable and keep me out of mischief (well, sort of!). :music:
    Good luck all! :inlove:
  8. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I think I may also sit this one out, just too busy IRL to be able to harvest dependably. And, like gardengal, I greatly depleted my reserves the last 2 events, so will save what I have left for now. Good luck to all participating, have fun, and
  9. Flower

    Flower Forum Mogul

    Thanks for the numbers, peony!

    It seems easy and fast to do :)I'm in!
  10. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."
    Edit: All finished!
    Cloud Row Activated!:D

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
    Brookeham, NinaBoBina, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  11. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I'm trying to NOT have a mini-meltdown. I don't even need a costume for Halloween - I'm going as a frazzled and forgetful old lady who can't trust her phone. Missed an appointment with the eye doc yesterday because my phone didn't remind me. Grrrrr.

    I think I'm nuts, but I'm about to start this event on 3 farms. Lately, I've just been doing two. This farm hasn't been farmed in a while...only so much time in the day.

    I usually start on the main field and get that out of the I'm off and running...
  12. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    @dumbunny I think we all are going a little crazy he he he . I too have started with the Magical glade as I want to get that land done so I can put it back because that is where a lot of my new newer pens are! :) I honestly don't know how you do it with your busy RL and then all the farms you have...amazing! I only have one and that is more than enough for me...good luck and Happy farming!
    @davidb1yth007 I just :inlove: those pumpkins the 2nd one from the left is my fav!
  13. sapeli

    sapeli Active Author

    Some "halloween trick MAYBE, but normally with CAC and BIG plots + Suzy red probeller, it gives 10 per plot but now I get 13? Some GIFT from game or something spooky BUT... of course I'm not complaining...


    Is it some kind of refund that has not been mentioned, because there have NEVER been +100% or +200% prizes offered in Party spins, even though I have spun more than 60 times and my friend also more than 50 times, not at all that prize that usually is, however, AVAILABLE if it doesn't come as a prize...?
    zilverDolfijn and Mooboy like this.
  14. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    As "sapeli" says, here is also same efect, some mystic "+plants" is in the game...
    zilverDolfijn, Mooboy and Jarrow like this.
  15. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Pro

    Things I know: because of the new farmwheel jackpot giver, there are NO 200% bonuses on the wheel now - at least not after a couple hundred spins over 3 farms this morning - not one even showed up as a possibility to win. There are also very few other wheel bonuses popping up as a "maybe you might get lucky and win this."

    Sewinglady's farm has completed the event. No wheel bonuses were utilized. I did buy a basket and use a 200% farm bonus and 100% plant bonus and one Jack o' Gift. Great gobs of green goo and propellors were also consumed.

    This farm has just started the MM event plant and has the last field of the mainland plant sown. Same with dumbunny's. Again, no wheel bonuses, just farm bonuses, plant bonus and a jack o' gift in play (but no great big basket purchased - just the little one).

    And, even if you only do the MM segment, GO THAT FAR - the second prize on the MM part is TEN crates of buffs! TEN!
  16. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I have Green chili and Yellow chili done and have milled 10 purple and started the last and final land on Full Moon!
    A Reminder if you have got the "special tiles" don't forget to harvest them! Good luck everyone I hope
    you all reach your goals!;)

    Cloud row up and running! I am done with this event!:music::D
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
  17. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    Last "round" in MF, if calculated right, I get +15 plants to needed :) hope so... because +6 hours to this and trip to referee-day begins...
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Despite my own efforts to sabotage myself: firstly not prepping my fields in time so only had half-fields of long overnight crops, not realising I could start the event straight away so wasted a few hours trying to get the spoon (note to self, read the FAQs!) plus nearly choosing the wrong colour crop, I finished MM yesterday and will finish the Glade today (gives me a chance to shake that up a bit too!) and hope to get going with Baha this afternoon or overnight, maybe finish tomorrow. Also, again not reading the FAQs properly, hadn't realised there were any bonus tiles - let alone three! :p
    All I can say is I am soooo glad they reduced the requirements - although my fields are all overflowing with milk!:music:
    Good luck all! :inlove:
  19. zilverDolfijn

    zilverDolfijn Someday Author

    :inlove:Made it, and in record time for me. Thanks to the 10 items per plot and plenty of milk. So, enjoying the 3 extra gifts, if and when I remember to collect them on time. And filling the empty spots in the barn with crops and products, and the odd animal here and there.:music: I'm a happy farmer/bunny/milkmaid.:inlove:;)
  20. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Pro

    dumbunny's farm just finished the event, so all 3 participating farms are done! Yay!
    Sue46, Brookeham, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
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