Unity stock

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Lea2191, Jan 3, 2021.

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  1. Lea2191

    Lea2191 Forum Inhabitant

    Unity stock in the real world has gone way up. It's odd that Flash seems to be the superior platform, at least for farmerama. I was actually looking forward to a new platform because usually the technology just keeps improving, and flash was not without it's problems, especially for mac users. However, this time the technology went backwards. I am guessing there is a huge opportunity should a better product come along.
    FrootloopGrove and farmlily3 like this.
  2. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    That does sound odd, Lea2191! What is happening to Flash? Will it still exist?
    FrootloopGrove likes this.
  3. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Flash will cease to exist on January 12th. This is as per the FAQ on Adobe's website. Some flash programs have already completely stopped working. Depends on which version(s) you have loaded on your computer. According to my husband, who did some research into this for his work, Adobe built end-of-use stop dates into the upgrades we've been downloading for over a year now. They've been planning this for a long time. Flash was easily exploited by hackers and no amount of 'hole-patching' was ever going to stop it. That's why the decision was made to end the usage of the program altogether. What I find odd is that Adobe did not offer an alternative. Or, if it did, it wasn't well-received and I certainly never heard about anything Adobe was offering up as an alternative.
    FrootloopGrove and Clashstrummer like this.
  4. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    Wow! Hackers sure can r-u-i-n things, can't they!!>:(-.- Flash was such a good program. (The joke's on them, though - they have to use Unity too! Lol!xD) Sighhhhh! It's not really very funny, though.:(

    Thank you for such a nice and thorough answer, dumbunny - it is really appreciated! I've been wondering what had happened...Hackers! UGH!
    FrootloopGrove likes this.
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