New Baharama animal

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Jan 5, 2016.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    EDIT: I changed some of the feeds (though remember, these are only suggestions, the team will decide on their own, if they implement any of these!). I did pick some of the rarer items because I wanted to create more uses for them. Also, I am high enough that I see the need for further challenges, even though I know that sometimes frustrates lower level players. But, as I said, this will be the team's decision, I can only suggest. I think this is probably a long enough list for now, but if you have a great idea, post and I can add it.

    We need a new Baharama Animal. I know this keeps being suggested, but here are some specific suggestions ( I guess I am a tad bored.. lol):

    Crocodile -- eats monkeys and sloths or (if added) Nutria

    Nutria -- eats massive amounts of grain.

    Cockatiel -- eats passion fruit, grapes and zucchini -- could also eat starfruit or other lesser used baha tree fruits.

    Hippopotamus --- eats sugarcane, cassava and a new crop "swamp grass"

    Zebra -- eat acacia, millet (EDIT -- acacia is likely too expensive, just trying to think of uses for unused fruits., but a new grain like millet could make a good addition)

    silk worms -- eat mulberry.

    Giraffes -- eat Fig, Jacote, Pitomba, boabab, poincinia or Amerstia (or some combination)

    Lion-- eats zebras or donkeys (or maybe just cows)

    Tiger or Leopard -- eat parrots, mokeys (or parrots and goats)

    Termite mound and ant farms -- produce multiple animals each, provide food for other animals; Ant food would be sugarcane or wheat or combination of two. Termite food might be sugarcane, pineapple or pistachios.

    Anteater -- eat ants

    finches -- eat rye and or, new crop teff

    weaver (bird) eats termites

    Bee-eater (bird) eats ants and bees.

    Flamingo-- eat hibiscus and termites... or, eats shrimp (if added)

    Koala -- eats eucalyptus (new tree)

    hummingbird -- eats pomegranate and star fruit or hibiscus; OR start something new and let feed be milled from any of a variety of flowers/tree fruit flowers (that is, maybe either hibiscus OR pomegranate OR Star fruit, etc.)
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
    12ss12, Cassie101, bearbabe and 8 others like this.
  2. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    Like the idea of new animals but I don't particularly like that they eat other animals. With the Shipwreck Bay and other Baha quests needing animals to complete I don't have excess animals.
  3. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Don't forget your Anacondas. xD :p ;)
  4. bearbabe

    bearbabe Junior Expert

    Zebras would be awesome!:inlove:
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Another Baha animal would be nice but I wouldn't want there to be many more added. Though we have the rainforest now, Baha feed milling times remain very long and it is already impossible for me to keep up with 2 tropical fields full of pens.

    My preference is one that is vegetarian. Nothing else that needs monkeys!
    1Kay58, elimeno, farmlily3 and 13 others like this.
  6. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Oh Please, Please add Hippo's :D I love Hippo's as much if not more than squirrels xD
  7. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Hmm what about a nice "pink flamingo"?;) They would add some color to the island! :)
  8. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    excellent idea! added it to my list
  9. shellhappybj

    shellhappybj Forum Inhabitant

    [​IMG]How about a Koala bear ;)
  10. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    A Koala is interesting - and it would lead to introducing a eucalyptus tree for feed!
    Oh my - an increase in animals and trees!:p
  11. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    oooh, and if they EVER OPEN A REEF ;) hint, hint, maybe they could eat sea shells:inlove:!
    1Kay58 and BeingStella like this.
  12. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    sanddollar, more than likely it's what's in the seashell, not the seashell itself. :p ;)
  13. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Yes but they say it is some kind of pink shell that they eat that gives them their color! By the way I LOVE your new avatar!! :)
    BeingStella likes this.
  14. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    I like the idea of the Giraffes, but they have expensive tastes in tree fruit.
    JJ the hippo's are another good thought;)

    I'd like to see either a Black Panther or a Jaguar, but as PNP suggested, They could be vegetarian:)
  15. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I understand it's like salmon, they get their pink color from krill. That is why farmed salmon can be grey, natural color of the flesh. I do know they do make salmon feed with drill for farming. A friend of the family who lives in Idaho of all things, farms fish.

    sandollar, thank you on the avatar, I like butterflies, hummingbirds and fairies. It's why I loved FantasyRama. More choices for butterfly avatars out there. :p
  16. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    flamingos eat shrimp to give them their color.

    Salmon eat assorted plankton, shrimp and krill to get their color.

    I have added koalas to the list, another good idea, though it could be on mainland as well as Baha.
    Cassie101 and sanddollar15 like this.
  17. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Baw815 mentioned hummingbirds in her last post.

    Hummingbirds for Bahamarama please, they sip nectar from flowers.

  18. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Another good idea!
    Cassie101 likes this.
  19. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I have to second JJenks idea of hippos!!!;) Cartoon hippos are so cute!!!:music::p
  20. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    I love hummingbirds but they could also be an addition to the wonder stables so for Baha I would also love a hippo.

    As for the feed ingredients I don't have any problem with them using a rare fruit for it. I would rather that than another situation like the Kiwi where you have to reach such a high level before you can produce the feed. Wait how about something that eats tons of Brazil nuts? Leopards could eat Brazil nuts, I mean if wolves can eat broccoli, spinach and onions whose to say a leopard couldn't eat Brazil nuts? :pxD