Longer MM

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by mingling, Jan 25, 2016.

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  1. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I too expected a longer one, [​IMG] and planned accordingly.... [​IMG]

    Longer MM pleeeez bp!
    maybe we can bribe the team to make it happen:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. leannkat

    leannkat Advanced

    i agree also. I slept through the first part of it and didn't get much grown. when I came back the next morning it was already over. I was very disappointed.
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Ι don't know what I should try getting during the MM. I have the Cloud row and I haven't found a new goal yet. What all of you doing during the MM?
    sirpippen, mingling and CylentLea123 like this.
  4. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    Leannkat I did the same exact thing :cry:
  5. flwrsndnc

    flwrsndnc Exceptional Talent

    don't leave me out lol I think 48 hrs would be AWSOME!!!!!!!! ;):p
  6. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Hi Arielh, I am growing crops to do all the FSQ's that go with MM :) I have only been playing 7mo so lots for me to do!;)
    I hope all is well with school!:)
    FrootloopManor, mingling and Arielh like this.
  7. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Ariel - one of my farms is working on growing crops for a bat and crow roost, another one is working on spooky EP givers, and pnp has finished the quests so is just topping off crops that are low
    Good luck!
    mingling and Arielh like this.
  8. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    You gave me an idea pnp, maybe I should unlock the breeding of bats or crows. But I don't know which:oops:
    Thank you sanddollar for the advice but I don't like completing FSQ's. I only make a few exceptions now and then.
    Everything is well with school. Tomorrow we will go on an excursion so I will have a break from studying. Moreover on Monday I will get my grades!
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  9. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I don't think ANYONE would object, but more time in MM means we finish all the goals more quickly. That can be nice, but leaves the developers with a "what now" series of questions from older players. I know I am already there in Baha and almost there in the mainland. That said, my MM goals are WAY behind both Baha and Mainland.

    I think bats are easier. Also, seems like there was some kind of rumor about bats in chitchat (not sure about that).

    I am sure you will do well.
  10. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Enjoy your excursion and "Good Luck" with your grades! :) All though I think you will do just fine!;)
    CylentLea123, mingling and Arielh like this.
  11. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Τhanks woody and sanddolar:)
    I think you may have seen the rumor in the Grapevine where Keltic said she wants bat breeding. But the rumor we have a source is that there will be mice breeding. I think I will try to unlock bat breeding next time.
  12. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    I too am in the western USA. So my 24 hours is in reality closer to 16 hours of useful time around RL commitments if I stay up and shorten my sleeping time.:sleepy: Forty eight hours would provide enough time to get 1 or 2 growths of the long term crops plus the shorter time crops. The way it is now a lot of the goals would take years to achieve.xD Thus, I don't really get excited about MM.:p
    Please consider this!! The people before me have given you more than ample reasons to do so. :D:D
  13. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    I looked at it as they already started thinking of MM different and with seasoned players in mind, as they already introduced the tree.
    Now, that just opens a whole new way to go, How many new trees can they fit in? new quests with trees....:( room in the field will get precious as more trees crowd out the crops.... And the addiction of more quests, great for seasoned farmers more to do but what about us at the bottom? So little time:eek: so much wishing you could just plant a little more! As it is I save my super grow out side the 1st of events crops just to boost up my MM crops, At this rate I will never be able to "save" to build the barn.

    :music::music: I think that was just me, I :inlove: the :inlove:Bat:inlove: an think the game should make the bat the neon ambassador of MM!!:inlove: Yes, I'm also voicing for the game to bounce around in the neon's that way we never know what will be next,. The island needs a neon, but MM we cannot forget the realm of the moon!!!!!

    See?!? this is another great reason to let MM be longer, I bet many people gave up caring about MM, it's just too short for RL to make most care.
    The game offers a lot of areas for farmers to love.

    Making MM longer will get more farmers sayin' hey I think I have enough care to finish them quests, get the special goodies and so much more!
    Sides soap box off to the side8)


    keltic has both breeding 8) after Jack's back to get the cloud row was my high goal.
    I love breeding both.
    mingling on the other hand has not gotten them open yet.... I workin it as fast as I can:D
  14. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    One good thing about the new field is that we don't necessarily have to worry about getting up to plant. As soon as MM goes live, whatever we have put down before will start up again. EDIT: as soon as MM goes live, the crops we laid down are immediately ready to harvest. (thanks mir for the correction)

    I think it requires us to rethink our strategies a tad, making sure to set out the longest-growing stuff last in preparation, but should help those of us here in the Americas.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  15. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    The crops you plant at the end of MM continue growing after MM ends and are thus ready long before next MM :)
    mingling, Doc425, woody and 5 others like this.
  16. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I goofed, edited my post.
  17. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    Yes, I agree. The event usually starts at a silly time for me (I know BP can't accommodate everyone). but by the time I get home from work the event could have been running 5-6 hours already and then I only have 3-4 hours to actually participate before going going to sleep and then back to work. By the time I get home again the event will have finished. :oops:
  18. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Since you took the suggestion from FantasyRama for a separate playing field just for MM, could you just take it a step further and make the normal MM 48 hours instead of 24? If it's a normal day I get about 10 hours out of it. I don't always get that much, and if I'm busy with appointments on that day I can just about forget about getting any MM crops done.

    We are asking sincerely could you please let MM last 48 hours?
  19. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    I think MM's special because it's so brief. Also from a personal perspective I've finished all but the last bit of one of the quests, filled the 'reduced time for MM crops' cloud row and opened both bat and crow breeding, so I'm nearly done.

    I think a better option would be for MM to be triggered by each player on a particular day at the time of their choosing, and then to last for 24 hours from that point, so everyone would get the same amount of time. At the moment if it was extended people would still feel done down if it started at an odd time for them.
  20. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Shimmer, in all honesty I agree with you. I do think from a programming standpoint, I am soooo not an expert, it would be easier to start at the same time for everyone and make it 48 instead of 24 hours. I think programming it, from what I have been told by those that do program, would be more difficult to have individual start times.