Feedback Firefly Jamboree

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    I realllllllllllllllllllly want to be able to FULLY complete this "hard" event... as it would be my first one, and if completed this would give me the confidence that my farm, farming methods and I FINALLY have what is needed to compete at this level.-.-

    That being said tho, IMO there are way Way WAY too many event crops required, in ridiculous amounts compared to the rewards we have to struggle for!
    So we shall see how it goes.... more later... maybe:oops:
  2. Bagy3

    Bagy3 Forum Apprentice

    I really like this event. I'm having some problems with the crops and the drops, because I started late, but I will do my best on this event. Also love the red panda's reaction when you lit a lantern :inlove:
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  3. saltypixel

    saltypixel Regular

    I've already given up on this after only 5 levels. I never, ever do that normally. FOCD usually force me to finish, and finish ALL of an event. When I don't, it's because I've failed for whatever reason, not because I've quit. There's many aspects of this event that are truly awesome and I was excited to begin with, but as others have already said, the event crop requirements for the prizes given are just not worth it. I don't mind terribly tearing up my farm for events, but I want to have fun and feel like I gain something doing it. This time I don't. Can't be bothered with it any more.

    Things I really like: the prize shop (especially STARS!!! and PF), the overall event mechanics, the graphics
    Things I dislike: the huge event crop requirements, the individual lantern rewards (would be fine with more reasonable crop numbers though)

    I'd actually love to see this type of event again with just a few tweaks.
  4. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    The crop requirements for this event are way too high. Bp, please remember that most of your fellow farmers also have their RL work/school.:(
    However, as I love to stay optimistic, I will just mention a thing that I love about this event, that we can finally choose to skip the event sticker!:D
  5. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    On a positive note: manure is up to 898 in my market. Since I am skipping this event, the first time I have missed one in two years, I am making some nice coin selling manure. Plus! I have cleaned out all of my stalls, oiled that squeeky wheel on the prize wheel, and FINALLY gave the harvester a nice tuneup! Idle hands, make idle minds!
    Nellie_Noodles and sanddollar15 like this.
  6. djh99

    djh99 Regular

    I'm really enjoying this event, especially that we can go round and round the levels. I sometimes finish events several days before the end and get bored with just growing. With this event we can make it go on as long as we want. I also enjoy the challenge of working out how to get my 8 coins in the best way for my resources at each level and which of the event crops I need to plant next.
    sanddollar15 and CylentLea123 like this.
  7. tpabird

    tpabird Active Author

    While I appreciate BP's efforts to change up events, this one is just too intense for so little return. First you have to figure out what combination of boxes for each of 10 levels you will complete to get 8 star coins, which for some of us is daunting enough. but then you need to make sure you click on the right boxes and heaven forbid you click on the final box out of order, because then you have lost out on 8 star coins. The number of crops and drops required to get the rewards on the back end are disproportional to the rewards. And most importantly most everyone I know has a real life and cannot complete the event and walk away with the prizes they desirein the allowed time. This one to me is the biggest miss that BP has had in a while.
    Nellie_Noodles and BlackCaviar like this.
  8. josstreater

    josstreater Advanced

    Top marks for producing a completely different and absorbing event which is making us all stop, think and scratch our heads. It is worthy of being classified as "Hard". I am still on level 6 and might just get the cloud row if I am lucky..... I read the FAQ several times and still messed up round 1 and got only 2 points. I wonder how many players will get the extra goodies from the shop? I think I only would with a few more days to continue playing! Guess I should get out a bit more and play real bingo! A good idea but one I seem to be struggling to finish but will not give up until the end. Please continue with different types of events but I think this one needed a bit longer to run or less levels/points needed?
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  9. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master

    Yep, if you are going to make us run through 10 panels up to three times to get all the prizes, then the requirements per level needed to be reduced significantly or we needed more lanterns with requirements other than event crops/items/drops. I will be lucky to get the cloud row on this one and I have been at it from the beginning.
  10. FelicityFox

    FelicityFox Someday Author

    Been growing like crazy and I don't see that I am going to hit the 80 coins needed for all the new event items. Either more coins needed to be awarded for completing the rows or requirements needed to be slightly less. Or perhaps, we could have had less of the lanterns require event crops and drop items.
  11. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum General

    Touche' touche'...All I am going to say is I agree with the masses!
    Get's extremely disappointing NOT being able to finish events...or at least having fun while getting the worthwhile prizes....
    I will say nice graphics
  12. miex84

    miex84 Forum Greenhorn

    i think i will be able to get the cloudrow and maybe even the superfeee.. i should add that i harvest 4 times a day, otherwise i'd only be on lvl 4 or 5
  13. dappashan

    dappashan Someday Author

    Maybe you could make it either hard to meet the requirements or hard to figure out the mechanics of the event. Both was too much for me. Kudos for inventiveness, too bad it was spoiled for me by requirements that were too high.
    elena516 and Nellie_Noodles like this.
  14. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Don't like this event ...tooo much for tooo little reward.... ONE power feed for taking HOURS to produce what was needed>:(

    Like others I am just taking the things I want from this event and not wasting my time...I cannot sit at a computer 24 hours a day ...which to get these amounts is what is needed or piles of super grow ....and without the cinema working ... I for one cannot make BB's to buy this

    First cloud row I am not getting .... because I CANNOT be bothered to grow this amount of crops ...these amounts are making this game BORING & stressful... don't want easy ...but these amounts are ridiculous

    I got all I wanted from this event and I am Happy

    And we certainly need some time to restock our farms ...which with the back to back events ... we cannot do
    Only thing i want from the shop is the power feed and lights out <<<< ( that fascinates me) LOL the rest I am not bothered about

    The Farmerama person who did the maths to this game ...should play this event and see how hard this has been for players to acheive for pittance in prizesxD
    Last edited: May 4, 2016
    farmlily3 and FelicityFox like this.
  15. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    The crop requirements could have been less. It should have been halved. Too much of event crops planting and planting over again is very dull and makes me sick. It made me so sick that I do not even want to go to the classic section and try them out. I want this event to get over and be done with. Entire farm could not be put to any other use. I got a headache, especially when there was such a lot of stressful work in my day to day work.

    The mechanism of combination of lanterns is good. But the huge amount of crops overrode it. And this best aspect of the game could not be appreciated as it should have been due to this reason.

    Hint option is a good feature too.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  16. spudsy2

    spudsy2 Forum Apprentice

    i agree with most of the folks here! i was a bit skeptical when i saw the low rewards at first, but decided to give it the old college try anyway.... and what a waste of time! picking the combination of lanterns is a good idea, but the individual rewards for the lanterns requiring crops were way too low for the requirements. and getting enough coins for the cloud row etc was near impossible. congrats to anyone who did!

    anyway, the whole thing amounted to growing the same boring crops over and over for little reward. i wish i had just skipped it and filled the barn instead. o_O
    12ss12, Nellie_Noodles and farmlily3 like this.
  17. TommyBurns

    TommyBurns Active Author

    Well BP didn't lie when they classified the event as hard. Usually I finish events with a day or two to spare but this one went right down to the wire but I got the cloud row plus PF & the coupon so was pretty happy.

    I'm a bit conflicted about the rewards as I think for all the hard work the cloud row should have been better with maybe a buff added which, for me, would have made the whole event more appealing. I also thought the completed row combinations mostly yielded too much EP & CCs, but I eventually worked out that I could pick up a couple of other rewards by contributing to a few extra lanterns before completing the rows. I wish I had of worked that out earlier :eek:

    I didn't mind the challenge of trying to work out what were the best combinations to deliver but if the event were to return the rewards would have to be a lot higher for me to put in the long hours of growing again.

    But thanks BP for trying to come up with new challenges, as a long time player I'm always looking for something different.

    TB :)
  18. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Someone named balbala sent me a toolbox... Cannot thank them or send one to them ....because each time I have sent a message it says the name doesn't exist :(
    Has anyone got balbala as a neighbour? have looked on my pull up but doesn't seem to be on there :(
    12ss12 likes this.
  19. cookie02840

    cookie02840 Someday Author

    I usually don't give feedback on events, because I'm mostly satisified with them, or any issues I've had have been posted by others. But, this event was so dissapointing. I worked my tail off to try to finish this event and get the cloud row, but I was unable to do so. As most people have said it took too many event crops to make any headway. The prizes were not worth the effort. I wish there were more events that used more if what we already have in the barn, instead of having to grow exorbanate amount of event crops. The only way I was going to finish this event was to lay down enough real money to buy enough SG, which I was unwilling to do.

    With that being said I did like the mechanics of the game. I enjoyed the stragety of finding the right combination of bingos, and I like the idea of getting event currency to use in the event shop to buy different things.

    Nellie_Noodles likes this.
  20. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    After completing the event, I have to say that my opinion has not really changed. This event was difficult. That in itself is not bad, as long as there are not many of these very difficult events. An occasional heavy challenge is OK. The fact that the rewards were not super excellent (Nice, but not outstanding) is better for such an event. There was enough there that people who really like and can do a challenge could, but the rewards were not so extreme that those missing out were extremely upset. It may seem counter-intuitive, but events that offer extreme rewards really need to be available to everyone. Rewards like this are OK for an event you know that not everyone can complete. In this case, its particularly nice that folks can at least get some decent rewards even if they don't finish the event. That, too, is key to keeping people happy.

    so, overall... we have had too many events, period, of all types. That said, having an occasional extra-difficult one is OK, though it might be nice to follow it with a much easier one.
    Thank you for your efforts.
    sanddollar15 likes this.
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