Lettuce Revisited: Strategy Development

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, May 18, 2016.

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  1. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    Yes that is the post I mean - there is a lot to take in consideration.

    I know why :p Because it can be so hard to learn! I have been there myself.

    I know how frustrating it can be. I hated playing lettuce in the beginning. So many listings, so so tight mkt - prices so close to one another and the sizes of lots too. How to get in? o_O

    If you want to learn - and it IS worth it because what you learn here cheaply you can use when playing expensive items and do it well - if you use the knowledge you have acquired.

    And you do not learn in a day. If you want to learn you play lettuce for weeks and you watch too! And you think about why some lots did not sell and you think about why some lots did. And you do what you can to get them sold too or decide not to.Take notice of what is going on in the game, time of the week, size of the lot and pricing and on and on. It is the cheapest ccs you will ever spend learning to play the mkt.

    Lettuce is slow yes, and there may be a breeding event for frogs but I just sold my 1500 lot of lettuce at 13.13 and the lowest price here is at this moment 9.08.

    I wish you the best of luck and I hope you do not give up. :)

    Thanks! It is indeed Toothless :inlove:

    Great post Broke!
    farmer_broke likes this.
  2. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Thanks...u and F_B can be twins...you both talk so much alike...rather write alike.
    Lettuce today,, lowest price was 6.53...I think I am in the middle class markets
  3. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    Twins? o_O xDxDxD I choose to take that as a compliment! Thanks! Not sure Broke will do the same :wuerg: :p xDxD
    Arielh, 12ss12 and farmer_broke like this.
  4. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    ROFL...you write so similar. I am sure he will take it as a compliment...
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 20, 2016
    farmer_broke likes this.
  5. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    i am a fan of the lettuce lessons
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 20, 2016
    farmer_broke likes this.
  6. -SillyGirl-

    -SillyGirl- Forum Greenhorn

    Brilliant instructions, farmer_broke!

    I decided to follow them to the best of my abilities. I started a brand new farm and within 24 hours was up to 85,000. By end of play today, it will be close to (if not over) 100K.

    Now that might not seem a lot to you. To me it was because in my previous game, it took a long time to get close to 100K! My mentality was to create and sell. Create and sell. It was tediously time-consuming. With new skills in hand, I went for it. My steps:

    1. Develop working capital by creating and selling (at first). Chickens and chicken feed were good sellers.
    2. Once I got to 5,000 cc's, I scanned the markets for products that I could sell at the point nine zero strategy. It was slow going at first because of the low capital and hardly any product. But I charged on, determined to prove your instructions right (or wrong).
    3. When the farm recharged at end of day, I purchased seeds with my newly acquired wealth and resold them immediately. Big boost of income there!
    4. As my capital increased, I either purchased higher end items or greater amounts (again using the .90 computation), and promptly put them up for sale again.
    5. Withing 24 hours, I had 84,668 in my bank, with items still waiting to sell in my market. :)

    What did I learn?
    1. I can earn money quite fast in this game.
    2. I am loathe to sell any of my stuff. I would rather purchase someone else's hard-earned products and resell at a profit.
    3. The more money I make, the less I want to spend. (Hmm... something I can apply to real-life here. LOL)
    4. It makes the game much more fun!
    5. Buying other people's items and reselling makes me a lot of money fast.
    6. There are certain buyers who routinely sell at a very low price. I keep an eye out for these generous farmers. I imagine that they are looking out for me and helping me earn money fast. Such nice people here!

    Your instructions have proven true. I know I still have a lot to learn. But I am so pleased with my results, that I will study your instructions again! Thank you! Thank you!

    The Silly Girl

    P.S. I earned 5,000,000 cc's in my mature farm within 36 hours. No great leaps and jumps like you, but much better than I performed before! I've never had that much money in my bank. :)
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Hi Farmer broke I can't belive I haven't posted to your new thread yet!
    How I missed telling us your strategies of being -0- broke:p
    I have reached 30 million CC (some how) and I try to keep them but it is kind of difficult because I want to buy every day 100 seeds of lettuce to tomatoes. Do you buy every day seeds from the Supply store? Do you keep them or do you sell them high to get more CC?

    Hi -SillyGirl-, even for a new player in the forum you seem to know a lot of stuff. Do you happen to know SillyGuy?
    farmlily3 and meba091 like this.
  8. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Good work compiling this List broke;)
    In my last post I told you that it's hard for me to keep the 30 millions I have. But now I regret saying it:p Some how I eared 140.000CCo_O I didn't sell anything! I took part in the event and I have harvested the cloud rows a few times. :music:
    farmer_broke and 12ss12 like this.
  9. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I think lettuce-goose sale was much more than lettuce-cow ;) I just did lettuce-goose. Missed doing lettuce-dogs. Dogs sold for good CCs one day before the starting of the event, I think. There after there was a steep decline.
    farmer_broke likes this.
  10. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    I think it all boils down to who knows what the prices are (normally) in the market, and those who don't. I am mostly the latter for most items. (I only buy if I really really really need the stuff) The few items I do check is surprisingly all on the first page, and I only sell if I feel I can do a good sale. I did sell a few geese, my dogs came back unsold (posted probably too late in the event). Lettuce have remained high in my market (I count all above 7.50 as in the higher end), which I am a bit surprised by. I would have thought us DIY farmers would have restocked. Anyway, if rumours are to be true, carrots and lettuce may peek even higher. Speculation in itself could drive prices a bit higher, or at least prevent them from dropping.
    12ss12 likes this.
  11. 3mamarae

    3mamarae Someday Author

    I really enjoyed this! Thank you for the refresher course!
    I've been away from the game for about 2 1/2 years. The market sure has changed! I couldn't believe the price wheat and lettuce and carrots were going for! So for a few minutes I was so tempted to sell! But I restrained myself and just sold some lettuce and wheat:D kind of like a test. I wanted to know if they were really selling at the prices or not. They sold. And then I sat back and watched the market. I'm still learning my market at the moment but at least I know when I come across a deal. At first I would buy something I thought was good but was unsure. Made some mistakes but mostly it worked out for me. So far. I don't know if these prices are the new normal or not:eek:
    How long has the market been high like this?
    farmer_broke, elimeno and 12ss12 like this.
  12. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Welcome Back Old Timer, Gosh you made a comeback after 30 Months Absence from this Farm Game. You know me aka Ajjg1966 now known as Mooboy lol

    Yes Many Things has Changed since what our Markets was like 30 Months ago, Compared to it now. One of Reason for all these inflated Prices it is more Demand than Supply in the Markets

    You Missed an Event Recently Asking for Carrots and Lettuce they was selling for over 100 CC Each it was Crazy Made lots of CC selling Them. Now I need to restock these from the Markets Rather than Growing them lol

    I hope you are here to stay this time. Our Market Guru is Broke. But we do have some old timers still here they can give insight to Current Market Prices. You have to Completely Review the Whole Market so you can Adapt to estimate Market Prices.

    Prices have been on the Increase, To be Honest i do not think it will get deflated in price, on Basic Principle that Demand always exceed supply. There are more Buyers than Sellers. To explain it in a simple context :p Due to Shortfall of Quantity of Sold to the Markets does keep up with Demands Needed to Fulfill Farm House Orders. Make Animal Feed. Crafting Artisan Products or Even Needed to Complete Events or Quests too :sleepy:
    Again Welcome Back 3mamarae ;)
    farmer_broke, 12ss12 and elimeno like this.
  13. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Is it better to refrain from selling rare mammal animals ? And wait for breeding event to start. Or sell them now.
  14. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    How low can you go?!

    Look at it as a little vacation and a refreshing course. Help remembering how market is for us event and quest junkies
  15. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Waiting for the next post.
  16. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod


    it always pains me to buy anything on the market. I had this idea that I should sell easy to make jam, and buy more expensive jam that gives more xp for my confectionery (so I can level up and make cac). Selling went okay, but to part with those CC to buy overpriced items was too hard for me xD
  17. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Ahh but I get XP for making, so it's not all in vain. Remember the goal! the goal wasn't to make CC, it was to level up faster. (and you can only consume 5 items every day to do so). However a yellow pear jam cost at the time of my "genius plan" 10 000CC on the market, whilst the cost of the ingredients was at the time 5770. If we take the sugar out the the equation it nets a profit of 3230 after commission. I think that is a healthy profit.

    I might not be the sharpest knife, but I'm no spoon either ;)

    I do have to disagree on the word "overpriced" - there is defo a such word. And somewhere in time the market will correct itself. I figured (could be wrong here) that the artisan crafts are too high priced at the moment, and it will dip sometime. I don't know when as I struggle to see who would be the buyer for a lot of these items. 100 000 for a Roasted Olive and Garlic Pesto is nothing short of mind boogling to me. So until I have figured that out, I think I'll just surf on the wave and make what is cheap to make.

    Edit: Just had to mention goosberry jam, sold for 16 000 (yes that is 16K, whist goosberry itself sold for 90 each and apples are still at a 150CC high. Need 100 gberry and 10 apples for the base) Forgot about that until I started to squint at my terrible handwriting. So it is very possible to make profit from Artisan too, but ofc it always helps using ones brain. Bird brain is better than no brain any day.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
    meba091 and farmer_broke like this.
  18. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    For me it's become very risky if I can't see why anyone would want to buy the product. Gotta know my customers - otherwise for me personally the risk is too high. Especially on any artisan trade. As you said, the market is relative slow. It is not so easy to to cut the loss and run. You end up losing much, or rather my bad luck and I would lose much. So if I can see the motivation behind the purchase then I feel more comfy taking a risk (as it is ofc a much smaller risk then - so well, ehm ummm - it sounded braver inside my head honestly)

    On more generally playing the market - does people (asking everybody not just F_B here) check a lot of goods or just stick to a few ? I know a lot of people prepare for an event checking the market for whatever the blurry images in the crystal balls tells us. And that the proffs have their baseprice to compare the offer to. I made me a sheet of those, but found that a lot of stuff was really expensive if compared against the EV. When do you decide it's time to adjust the buy limit?

    In short : How to monitor the market ? Everyday? What goods? small batch? test sale, to check speed ? Does speed matter? If lettuce etc - I would imagine speed to be a factor, if market goes slooooow prices will go down most likely. And I have noticed lower prices in the morning, higher prices in the evening (Euro time), do you take that into account as well ?
    farmer_broke and meba091 like this.
  19. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    Nice questions Moraine :) I'll try and give my comments on a few.

    I go through the whole mkt at least once a day - sometimes more if I have the time. Some items I check on every time I am near the computer. That would be the items I really want to buy or if an item is moving. Items I have listed for sale I also check more often. Maybe someone is undercutting me and I need to make a decision about what to do if anything.

    If one wishes to play the mkt I find it very fruitful to watch for a while before entering (I do recommend to play the low crops too to learn cheap - I have never regret doing that myself and still I play low crops from time to time to keep in shape). I recommend to choose a specific area or chosen items and learn well. Entering all over the mkt is difficult.
    You have already noticed a difference in price on your mkt influenced by the time of the day. Most likely you will find something is different during the weekend too. I do keep things like that in mind when listing and buying.
    Some items are influenced by what is going on in the game even though there is no direct call on those items. An example is products. During breeding events they often go up because people need pf and can get it by doing quests. All quests asking for products the whole way through give pf as reward. You will find other quests giving pf too and those items might go up as well. In the product area it is very perceptible. I play products on a regular basis but some I only list during breeding events when price is up.
    Once one learn how these items behave on one's mkt it it much easier to know when to buy, when to hold and when to list.

    When playing the mkt for a long time one develop a style and list in a certain way depending on who your buyers are. Who are you selling to?
    I mostly sell to event junkies and quest junkies. Meaning I often sell in bigger lots at higher prices - also taking a higher risk.

    Another important thing when playing the mkt especially when playing an item on a regular basis is to get out sometimes and watch what happens. I sometimes forget that myself but playing an item regularly sometimes influences the price. Getting out you may see your own influence on that item.

    Buying up items also may influence the price and make it go up if you do not buy slowly. Many items I just buy the low listings of but am willing to pay just a little more to get a big lot if I believe I can make a profit - either by listing immediately but more often by holding for a while (sometimes for a longer while). I have one secret item I buy everyday but am very careful with and I really really try not to drive up price. That item I buy a little different. I do NOT buy the cheapest listings but the ones coming after. So I pay a little more to try and keep the price low.

    I agree with you that many items are highly priced compared to EV. I have been buying specific items based on an EV rate. You ask about when to change that rate. Simply when you do not get anything at your rate anymore. Buying tree fruit for HH I have changed my rate quite a few times.
    Sometimes something happens in the game that make you buy above that rate or raise it right away before the price has even gone up. The introducing of the boxes and seeing the quests for upgrading them made me buy animals and tree fruit higher right away is an example of that.

    You mention speed. Yes, I believe speed matters. The more tight the mkt the more speed matters and the more important the size of your lot so it does not end up on page 7 with no one to see using the arrows. Of course price matters too.
    The more you know about playing the low crops (lettuce, carrots and such) the more likely you will know how to list the expensive items. I do test my listing sometimes though. Frogs are now high priced. Yesterday I did a test listing one lot of 80 frogs (remember I sell in big lots mostly) at 24k. That offer is close to what I really want to list namely lots of 110-150 but I wanted to see if any wanted to buy at that insane price. I sold 2 lots so now I am a little more confident listing my big lot around that price.


    Moraine, I know my mkt goes freakin insane when a FAQ is released. Many a times items are actually selling at the highest at that exact time if the item has been worked a little up to the release. This goes indeed for frogs at this time. I just sold every frog I had in listings of 110 at 35.000-38.000 each! I made 70M in like 2 hours. I have no scruples whatsoever doing that. People are free to buy or just leave them. The event has not even started yet and plenty of time to produce the frogs if one cared just a little. This is a game and I am so far from being a capitalist rl (having humanistic educations I don't deal anything rl) - but in this game......I am a monster! 8) Muahahaha :p My frogs actually sold higher than what I could buy a Dart frog at! o_O xD Now waiting for fishes to jump out the water before I list.

    -----------edit edit------------

    o_O lol didn't even see this. I don't think you need any rescuexDxD but happy to give my opinion.:)
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
    Moraine and CylentLea123 like this.
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