Feedback Menagerie

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jun 14, 2016.

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  1. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Yes, I looked there first too xD
    dutchboy likes this.
  2. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) As I understood the FAQ, the upgrades (only, not initial purchase) require 6,000 wood boards each for a total of 12,000 wood boards to get both upgrades. The basic purchase by either stars or BB's does not require them.
    This does NOT negate the fact that their cost is way too much for something - at least the basic menagerie - that should be close in price to the other things we have gotten, such as the rainforest.
    More space is not an option - it is a necessity. As such, it should be reasonable and obtainable for all, and not mis-used as a 'challenge'!!
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  3. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    the menagerie quest , should be called empty your barn use up your stars spend your money if your foolish enough quest
  4. dutchboy

    dutchboy Forum Great Master

    i find it also unreasonable to pay 500 to get the rune free in the tree and now for the second one i have to pay 299BB
    what for use is it to pay 500 stars to free the rune :mad:
  5. racheliz

    racheliz Forum Inhabitant

    I think these are an interesting addition to the game but I would definitely prefer another field if there was a choice! The store house design is beautiful, well done artists!!
    I'd like to mention there's confusion over donations to the quest. The FAQ says donate only breeding animals for the first part but in the quest itself normal animals can also be donated. Even so, far too many animals either normal or bred.
    Collecting enough power drills to open more slots is gonna take a LONG time if they only come as drops from 1/2 store houses!
  6. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) When you free the rune for 500 stars, you get one basic menagerie.
    You can also buy one without any stars for 299BB's.
    These two are all we are allowed to have for now, and either one is optional without the other.
    Nellie_Noodles and dutchboy like this.
  7. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Hey, my Neons only give me 4 animals:music::music:;) I am still digesting all of this. I was so gung ho to get them (or one) but after I picked my jaw up off the floor xD I chuckled, shook my head and walked away from my computer for a while. Yes there are stars and wood to get this but my gut feeling is saying "Not right now":(
  8. bradleymcc

    bradleymcc Forum Apprentice

    The first clue is that they stated it's for high-end users. These are the players who spend tons of money and have been playing for years. Myself, ive been playing for 5-6 years lvl 98/298 baha, ive saved up 440 stars, so im close, but im not even close to being sold on it. The requirements are so far from being acceptable. Im thinking ive spent tons of money over the years, guess im not high-end enough. Yes, so disappointed in the requirements, enough to instantly lose all the excitement of the new feature. I see the value around 200 stars w/maybe a 1-200 BB upgrade cost.
  9. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Now that sounds much more reasonable, bradleymcc!!:)
    dutchboy and farmerumf like this.
  10. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    If it is something new,
    wanted by me and you
    This is how it goes...
    We pay through the Nose !!
    The plan of BP
    it fills them with glee
    For you and me
    to have game Poverty !
  11. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    Its a nice concept, I appreciate the creativity with it all. I hope we see a giver storage too! I would like to say I find the cost upgrade out of whack but honestly I think they did a fair job setting the cost of each upgrade, it falls in line fairly closely to some of the pets.
    If only BP had perhaps made this under 400 stars, as we all completed the Living Legends and experienced that chore, 400 wouldn't be so far off. 500 is a bit much!
    Perhaps they are planning a half price sale sometime in the future on the Menagerie? Or perhaps it will become a Grand Prize on the Prize wheel!!! OR it will become a prize at the end of another Event, winning a Menagerie~~~~!!!!!!!!
    I think its a tactic to make the menagerie "Special", when it is special!
    dutchboy and farmlily3 like this.
  12. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    Okay, put me in the slot. I spent the 500 stars, opened a lot of unstarted breeding quests. I'm even ready to upgrade and have 6 slots, once I get the drills needed.

    But what I found out is, I put 4 wolves in the menagerie, the time came up to 15 + hrs. I thought the time was based on the time of the longest stable not the total time of the stables added. What is the truth? Is this an error? I'll voluntarily pay the price, but don't say one thing and change the process.
    julie1013, dutchboy and farmlily3 like this.
  13. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    The stable time for a wolf is 21 hours. So I'm assuming you've got a buff which decreases your time making it 15 hours.
  14. .FarmerArchie.

    .FarmerArchie. Active Author

    i bought the menagerie for 500 stars as I had a lot of stars and thought I would give it a try. I too have put wolves in it. I took a look at the upgrading challenge and to get just one blueprint to go towards earning two extra spaces it is asking for 1,000,000 worth of animals, well I think someone in development was either on the sherry or put in an extra zero, if not two, by mistake? I will potter on with my menagerie because at least I have unlocked the rune to await getting the arboretum, which I am sure will prove more useful if we can put a lot of trees into it and not just four or eight, however I will not be donating any animals at all to gain blueprints to upgrade. I would also comment that when you add animals from your barn the list is not in alphabetical order, so you need to do a search for what you want to add. I think this needs some attention please.. I spent 500 Stars so I would like it more slick!
    farmlily3, dutchboy and farmerumf like this.
  15. dutchboy

    dutchboy Forum Great Master

    same here bought one with stars harvested twice but no drill :cry:
    it is a very nice future well done developers;)

    still I find it much too expensive and the gap between players become ever bigger and that is such a shame
    thats why i dont buy the other one for 299BB :p
    Peanut1492 and farmlily3 like this.
  16. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I like that you are introducing some new features. As always, the design is fun and creative. (I am afraid we sometimes take that part for granted, you "spoil" us and do such an excellent job, but the designs of everything are truly one of the nicest features of the game. Even on the very rare occasion when I don't particularly care for the design, I just chalk it up to "different tastes". You cannot possibly match everyone's preferences every time!)

    At 299 BB, I will pass on that, but I am currently back to not buying anything, so that is not a criticism. That may change again. For that reason I am not going to issue an opinion on the BB amount.

    The star amount is more than I have right now, but the high level doesn't really bother me. I still have a few runes left, the ones with the breeding starter packs and the breeding animals that I may finish first. However, having more things available is nice, whether I choose to partake immediately or not. I did start on the upgrade quest, mostly because I was half asleep at the time. I will no doubt finish it eventually. Per the amount, since stars and basic animals involve time and not real money, the amount does not matter to me. It only matters in the sense of are these items "well placed" in the game. On that, I am not sure.

    The amounts do seem high, but at level 94, I am already close to "maxing out" many of the new features/rewards possible outside of events. The challenge is, for me, actually far less daunting than some of the early quests seemed to me at first.

    My biggest trepidation is not that the amounts are high, its that this does seem to have the potential for further "unbalancing" the game rather than balancing it. This gives the higher level players a way to grow more animals in the same space and to get more EPs. I could be said that lower level players wanting to have BBs can do the same, which is true, but I am not as concerned about that. You do need to make money and if people are willing to pay for advantage.. there is nothing wrong with that. I have done it, just not this time. The extra animals are not a huge number, perhaps less than just having more neon pens. However, the animals involved are those everyone buys and sells, so this will impact the markets to come extent.

    Ironically, the EP boost is probably not much of an advantage to many higher level players because once you reach level 96, there is nothing more to achieve from EP except "bragging rights". The menagerie might give a slight boost to those trying for the harvst hoedown yearly challenge, but its likely not as significant as other strategy techniques.

    So, really, I guess my primary complaint.. and its not really a complaint so much as a comment, is that although this is touted as something for higher level players, (and yes, to a point it is) overall, its not truly something higher level players actually need. It will attract "collectors" and those, such as myself, who are just going through everything the game is offering (I am currently working on upgrading my crafts to 5, even though I likely won't be making much of the level 5 products, just to give an example). Any further points I might make on that belong in the suggestion section, not here, so I will leave it at that, except to say that I know its a struggle to try and please everyone. This is a very nice game and any criticism should be taken with the understanding that I very much enjoy this game and absolutely appreciate all your efforts!
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  17. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    Yes, you are right about the 15 hrs, but I harvested and got 0 drills. How many harvests does it take to get 1 drill?
    dutchboy likes this.
  18. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    The drills are a random drop percentage, just like any other tool. The only significant difference between the drill and other tools is that it can only drop from the menagerie.
    dutchboy likes this.
  19. FarmerDelight

    FarmerDelight Forum Master

    I am so over this menagerie -.-

    Why can't BP just include it as a feature for premium club since clearly they're the only players who can afford them instead of giving us casual players false hope and excitement a week before launching it.
    dutchboy, sudhir and Peanut1492 like this.
  20. bradleymcc

    bradleymcc Forum Apprentice

    I'm sure a lot have read my post on this issue, some have liked. We all must keep in mind that BP has made several GREAT improvements over past 5-6 years (since I've been playing). I suspect that players of a higher commitment to the game, both in time and resources often think that BP has made the game easier (and they have) so those who start or started long after them have a much easier path to success (and we/they do). For BP to create a new feature is GREAT. There are times when the features are going to be geared more for high-end players (which is obtainable by all, maybe longer for others) but most game improvements and features benefit most everyone. I know high-end players would prefer hard quest or events, as i prefer medium to easy. BP does a pretty good job of keeping the game balanced between the two as well as game improvements and new features. They listen to the wants and needs of all. The argument of new land is never a good one. Yeah, it would be nice, but the quest and events would have to balance the production capacities. I still believe that the upgrade requirement are too steep, but it is a new feature to the game, which we should appreciate all the hard work and effort they go thru to keep making the game new.
    AuntMoe, habalala and dutchboy like this.