Question to my New England Friends

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by elimeno, Jun 4, 2016.

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  1. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) LOL, lottidah!...Oh, yes, the Air - sooo fresh! It was the same at Camp! Camp was surrounded by acres of woods and a little fresh, burbling spring that ran into a pond. I remember going to that spring with my Mom to collect some fresh spring water..don't remember what for. Gram did used to cook with it, though...and she'd send us kids out to collect fresh blueberries for one of her pies. Of course, the bucket came back only half full...we wore most of the rest on our guilty little faces!

    Hahaha - My Grandparents had lots of adult camp weeks!!
    One of the tales that we 'children' got to hear was...the Tale of "The Dribble Glass"...and I am still laughing many years later!
    They had a group of close friends that they mostly grew up with, or worked with, or were in the same organizations with - and a dozen or so+/- would be invited for the weekend. Well, they all liked to play jokes on each other...(um know where this is going!)...especially my Grandfather!

    One night, in the middle of the night when everyone was finally sleeping, they were suddenly awakened by this horrible, loud, shrieking, female yelling!:eek::eek: Some of the men went running to the find this dripping wet, nightgown clothed woman sputtering unutterables,:mad: and wiping everything on her front in between mutterings!!>:( The Dribble Glass had struck again!!xDxD

    And in case you don't know how diabolical a dribble glass is a pretty thing, etched with leaves or flowers around the rim to disguise the fact that the etching is, in fact, holes all the way through, so that when the unsuspecting victim takes a drink - it comes pouring out all over the victim!....And the mountain well water at Camp was always f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g cold!!
    Icy water down a nighty-only clad female still half asleepo_O....well, most of the rest of the night was punctuated with sudden bursts of giggles!!xD Or so we were told.....

    Sadly, they sold Camp when they retired to their house in Florida. On their way to FL they stopped by my house(married at the time) in Tennessee and offered to sell it to us at a huge discount...but all my EX could think about was that Connecticut was too far away (from his southern roots) and we'd rarely ever get he said No. My Grandparents left for Florida, feeling quite hurt, never saying anything to the rest of the family.
    But my family was devastated to lose Camp. We've never really gotten over it.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
  2. lottidah

    lottidah Forum Great Master

    Oh, How sad your EX wouldn't buy it. Had kind of the same thing happen. My mother sold ours to my brother cause he lived nearer and wanted it to stay in family. well, you know what happened as soon as she was out of the picture. Never even offered it to us. :( He just didn't get it . I knew he didn't and told her but.....! He didn't spend his summers there like I did. thank goodness my girl friend has me up there. :) Some places you just can't replace.
    farmlily3 likes this.
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    A lot of people who don't remember the Saturday Evening Post know of it because of Rockwell.

    Why do I get the feeling you are well rid of that "EX"
    tlcmom and farmlily3 like this.
  4. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) LOL! woody!...Because I am well rid of him!!:music:xD

    It is a sad thing, really is almost like losing a family member, as you know, especially when you've grown up with it. It's part of your childhood, and therefore part of you.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
    tlcmom and woody like this.
  5. lottidah

    lottidah Forum Great Master

    We used to have a firework display all around the lake on the fourth.
    tlcmom and farmlily3 like this.
  6. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) How beautiful that must have been, lottidah! How you must miss it there...I am sad with you over your loss.
    But at least we have those precious memories - no one can take those from us...and we can take them out to remember whenever we want!:) Hope you have a great vacation, making new memories!
    Arielh and tlcmom like this.
  7. lottidah

    lottidah Forum Great Master

    Thanks can't wait.
    Arielh and farmlily3 like this.
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