Power Feed (Selling and producing)

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by FarmerDelight, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. FarmerDelight

    FarmerDelight Forum Master

    I have 2 suggestions.

    1. Power feed is produced in the windmill and is used for animal breeding or normal animal production. Hence, it should be able to be sold or bought in market because it is produced by players for everyday purpose. To further reinforce my point, pheromones which can be gifted to neighbors is considered as a market product, so why shouldn't power feed be sold too?

    2. Power feed should be able to be produced in baha windmill too. There are significantly less animals in baha but they too can use power feed. So why shouldn't baha mill be able to produce power feed? This will greatly reduce the burden on our mainland windmill.
  2. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Because then players wouldn't have to buy it from BP;):p:)
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Baharama production has been requested by many, many players. Most of us feel it is within the realm of possibility it could happen: not likely, but possible, though not any time soon.

    Having powerfeed for CC is just not going to happen, though it never hurts to ask! BP/Farmerama do need to make money somehow to keep the game going. In a lot of ways, I think we are lucky to be able to mill it, even if not at the speed many would wish. Supergrow and Suzy Supergrow have to be won or bought.
  4. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I would suggest that along the same line of objection for players asking for additional space to grow crops especially for events that BP would increase the amount of crops required, that by being able to mill PF in the Baha mill, BP could raise how many breeding animals are needed for events or tweak the breeding results giving us poorer results than we have now since we will have more PF available. I have already noticed a decline in event rewards of PF. While I don't object to PF being milled in the Baha mill, that mill was already taxed pretty hard with long milling times for the animals and now we have added the 4 Baha wonder animals with rumors of a hippo coming soon. It might be nice to have the flexibility to mill in Baha, but I question its impact on the game overall.
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Eeeeeeek!!! Pups!! Did I read that right - 'increase the amount of crops'??? :eek:
    At Main level 98, I can't meet the Event Crop requirements now!! I have missed many cloud rows because of high level crop requirements during events!! And being primarily an animal lover/farmer, my mill is already overtaxed with the addition of new animals all the time, making it difficult to keep up with feed requirements. Without more growing fields/space, there is very little room for crops now without wrecking the farm, and that doesn't work with my farm's purposes.
    The very thought of more crops makes me want to go on Vacation - permanently!!:wuerg:
    I'm afraid that poorer breeding results gives me the same reaction....with the possible addition of Hives!!

    I love ya, Pups,:inlove: and I understand and respect the point you are making, which may work for your farm, but - with lots of hugs - I have to strongly disagree, 'cause it won't work for mine.!!o_O As you know..."different strokes for different folks".:music: Our farms are just organized differently.:)
    Maybe it's the age-old 'crops vs animals' dilemma!?!:p

    The milling of PF in Baha has been requested for a long time because it is a good idea....but it takes so long to mill feed there now, not a lot of time would be left to mill much, imho, especially since all these new animals have been added.

    As these animals increase, we NEED more growing space, BP!! Pretty please.......and Repeat....
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Lily = I am sorry.... I must not have been clear in my post.

    Let me try again....

    Players have asked for more land and other players have responded that more land means BP will only increase the amount of event crops we are required to grow.

    In the same line of thinking, my response to being able to mill PF in Baha would perhaps mean that BP would increase the amount of breeding animals required for events and/or decrease our breeding results which can be poor already. With the decline in PF as event rewards and regular monthly breeding, it is indeed hard to keep up enough PF to do breeding events with none left to work on other breeding goals like quests or stable upgrades.

    The point I tried to make (but obviously failed to) is the same as you said. The milling PF in Baha is a good idea if players want to mill, but I doubt it would be very much helpful, if at all, due to the long milling times already especially since we have added rare wonder stables and the hippo coming too. I think that adding PF to the Baha mill would have a negative impact on the game. I'm not necessarily opposed as I would like the flexibility (just like when we have to mill for events) but I'm not sure it would be as great an asset as we all would want.

    Lily - No! I don't want an increase in crops and No! I don't want poorer breeding results. Please don't go on permanent vacation. I apologize to all who have read my post and were left with the impression I wanted things to be harder on our farms. I will try better next time.
  7. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Hi Pups! :inlove: I, too, am sorry I misread your post. (Whew!!;))

    There is something that puzzles me, though....WHY would BP give us more land to alleviate a problem - and then make the problem worse again by requiring more crops??? Or more animals/poorer BBD results???
    If they keep making BBD results poorer, as they seem to be lately, people will just stop breeding as much, thereby spending less $$ on PF - as I already have for that very reason.
    And, in case they haven't noticed, more and more players are posting that they aren't doing some of the Events now. Demanding too many crops takes the fun out of Events, even making them impossible for some farmers, myself included.
    If they keep taking an approach like that, it is very likely to make a 'permanent vacation' even more probable!! Like most of the farmers here, I , too, play this game to r-e-l-a-x and have Fun...Not to keep stressing more and more, as they seem determined to make us do. They are taking this game in the wrong direction!
    Do they just NOT Get It??!!o_O
    I really really really dislike even thinking this - but they are driving me more and more to look for other -R-e-l-a-x-i-n-g games to play!! And being an FOCD player - that is saying a Lot!!

    Games should be about Fun, too, not just profit...although that is necessary of course.

    So...a little more PF from the Baha mill (with no other changes!) seems a good idea to me....and good for the game, too.:)
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
    mingling, julie1013, JJenks and 2 others like this.
  8. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    To my perception, in the last 4 1/2 months, the game has changed substantially. We went from challenging but doable events, to events that are virtually impossible to complete without investing real money in the perks that give advantages, like baskets. I have no problem with being able to purchase the perks if you choose, and I totally get that the owners need to make a profit to be able to offer the game at all. But the game had to have been profitable the way it was before, or they wouldn't have wanted to buy it in the first place. People like the option of spending or not, not being forced to if you want to succeed. This game first attracted me because it was billed as free to play, and unlike other games with the same claim, if you were patient and willing to invest the time, it was possible to achieve successes without having to spend money. Developers recognized that the satisfied players who wouldn't or couldn't spend real cash would bring new players who would/could pay, by virtue of recommendation of the game. Now it seems like the game still claims to be free to play, but the only way to make substantial progress or participate fully in the events is to spend, spend, spend. This is already driving farmers away, and it will only get worse if the trend continues. As for PF, I too have noticed a marked decrease in the amount we get as prizes, as well as a substantial increase in what's being required for breeding events. I've also noted a correlating marked decrease in the amount being purchased by neighbors who always purchased PF packages before, in protest, I'm assuming, to the higher requirements and poorer breeding results. And it's getting more and more difficult to find milling time to make it, with all the recent high numbers of animals being required. I see pnp's point about milling on Baha not necessarily making the issue better; I would hate to have them allow us to mill on Baha, then raise the amount needed to complete breeding events even higher to force purchases. It's given me something to think about, and so while I'd love to see milling of PF on Baha, I would urge it only be implemented if we can be assured it won't cause us to be "punished" by higher levels needed.:( Perhaps a better solution would be allowing us to mill twice as much in the same amount of time as it takes to mill 8 now (without having to have the mill subscription;)). It would still be extremely small amounts gotten for the time required, but might take some of the sting out of the current PF crunch.
    mingling, TCRooster, JJenks and 2 others like this.
  9. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    There were other requests to make PF in the Baha mill and at the time I thought it was a great idea. But as Pnp said with all the new animals on the island and the already longer milling time I too am worried about the balance of the game.

    Take as an example the Rainforest....we got all that beautiful land but look what is has done to the amount of event crops and drops that they now ask for. Now if they allow us to mill extra PF in order to balance the game they will have to ask for more breeding animals.

    I am one that likes to fill in the FSQ for breeding animals. It is getting harder and harder to do this, between keeping stock up and an increase in the call for colored animals in events. There seems to have been less and less PF as rewards in events and quests...they want you to buy it...it is a business that has to pay the bills but does not need to be greedy.

    The game should be fun...always!! BP needs to listen to it's players that are not happy, and I do believe they need to address the poor breeding results...Will they? Who knows!! But there are so many other aspects of this game that I love...I just go plant some pretty flowers if I get upset.
  10. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I'm finding it not necessary to complete every event. I don't buy as much PF as I used to. While I bought one package this last breeding event, I am pretty sure I skipped buying in the one before. At one time I used to buy 2 of the 800 PF packs per BBD. Now my neighbors don't get as much PF as gifts and I don't do as much breeding.
    mingling and spotsbox like this.
  11. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) What would seem to unbalance the game is not so much the Baha PF issue, since most of us spent More RL$ on PF before BP increased the amount of crops/breeding animals or decreased the breeding results...but it is the constantly increasing amounts of crops and animals demanded for things now which tends to be unbalancing - an increase designed primarily to make us buy things with RL$ and not to balance the game. Imho, it is this that is the driving force in the negative changes being made to this game - just plain bottom line Profit grabbing. This game already makes so much money that I wish I'd had stock from the beginning!!
    I think spots hit it right on.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
    mingling and spotsbox like this.
  12. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    You are not the only one who feels this way.
    Unfortunately, those advising BP/Farmerama, seem to be of the opinion that repeated events is the way to make the game "exciting" and will be more likely to attract/keep players. I feel they are mistaken, and hope they will see this before we all leave, but...
    As puppiesponies indicated, this won't help -- its a "rat race" -- they give us more land, but then also require more items. In the end we are no further ahead or may even be behind, if they keep introducing things at such a fast pace.

    Really, the only way to get around this is to bifarcate the game-- leave what is, but add in a new territory that can ONLY be accessed at a certain level, with crops and animals ONLY available to higher level players, AND with rewards that are commensurate with higher levels (consumables like supergrow, harvester coupons, premium membership samples, and things that will help in that land only) Except, it might be a nice twist to have craft products that lower players can make and sell to higher level players, even if they cannot use them until they open the new land. Only by seperating will the inflation/rat race factor be mitigated.

    This is the real reason I am ambivalent to the idea of milling PF in Baharama -- it won't really help in the long run and because it will just mean more requirements for various things, will basically go much further to daunt newer players.
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 5, 2016
    spotsbox and BlackCaviar like this.
  13. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Why does BP have to increase requirements for any other things, just because we are allowed to make a few PF's in Baha??!
    Or get relief from a problem by gaining space to fix it?? (It could be dedicated space, for instance - trees only, etc.) Increasing anything after a problem-fix would just make the problem worse again, because that would mean we'd have to have more...and having 'More' has become a problem!!

    And PF's are such a variable already...people buy them, make them in the movie, make them in the Main farm Mill...and this all varies all the time.....so I cannot see it as an excuse for BP to increase anything.
    It might also be a relief to those who depend on the movie - which is always having problems/glitches.
    These are just a few thoughts...:)
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
    mingling likes this.
  14. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    spotsbox said it right.
    I loved to breed, always bought my PF waiting to see the new treasures to come to my farm.
    But, now I am having poor results for my money and guess what? no more happy no more money.
    If the drive is to make more money flow in guys your doing it wrong.

    I have stopped a lot of things I once did, one spend money why I have my slush fund, money I spend on totally non life needed things that bring me a happy.
    No happy no spendie.
    This game took my starbucks place in my kitty, now, i'm looking forward to my triple red eye shot dark lg I can tell ya.
    As said by another farmer I stayed to play because this was a laid back game, I want a laid back game, and if to get it I see the only way is to stop spending on the items you see fit to make it a need to get to play.
    I do not buy things now, I am playing my own game here as to doing nothing really, I accept and will play without being forced to buy, I buy pleasure and I am not seeing an item worth having at this point.
    So, hello to long time stalls workshops and market selling to get my little things. As to supporting something I believe in when it comes back to the game I will reevaluate starbucks needs.

    At this point by time I work threw aall the new stuff with so little space to get the numbers up the new must haves will be old and tried. See, a laid back game.
  15. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I like both suggestions but I only believe the second is realistic and there are more chances to happen. BigPoint wouldn't make such a profit if Power Feed could be bought with CC. But if they let us produce them in the Bahamara Mill too, players would still buy them with real money because Power Feed needs a lot of hours to be milled.

    (What is right: Power Feed is expensive or Power Feed are expensive? Because in my post I didn't know when it was right to use plural.)
    spotsbox likes this.
  16. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Power Feed is expensive. Large amounts (of Power Feed) are expensive. (English grammar can be confusing.) :)
    sanddollar15 and spotsbox like this.
  17. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    English is definitely confusing. The rough rule is that if its something you can count, then you use the singular (is, it, etc.). If its something that you cannot really count individually, then its automatically plural -- milk, grain, etc. "powerfeed" is a farmerama term, but since feed is something you don't count individually (you count bags of feed or buckets of feed, but feed is "feed"), its considered plural. (and I probably just confused you more.... :music:)
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Yes I think Woody you confused me a little bit because what you said it's not the same with Sweet-Cassiopeia, right?

    Thank you both of you for taking the time to help me:)
  19. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Arielh, In SC's first sentence the Subject was 'Power Feed'...thus it was used as a singular noun (is). In the second sentence the Subject was actually 'amounts' which is plural...and so (are) was used.
    Hope that clarifies it a little.:)
  20. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Yes I understood what SC said but what Woody said seems the opposite to me:oops: