New Baharama Titles ... PLEASE

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by dafodily, Jun 25, 2016.

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  1. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Contest or just plain here pick a list anything would be better than swinging in the wind. I just get the feeling of waking up after level 96/ bahas voodoo priest and welcome to void land. -.-

    I hear/see nothing, like yep you have sat on your can and got this far on the computer and we don't even care enough to label the levels after this point as we have a life after 5pm.
    One would think you would get something after getting to the end but nope nothing, The level naming is a simple thing that would make it feel better at least to me.

    I can't shake the voice that to me sounds like the game is saying, my gwads they keep playing?!? Do they have a life? we gave up caring back on levels.... and your still here.........:p or it could be a me thing.:music:as my computer still snickers anytime I read the manual, 1st line, you are the master of your computer, I swear it flickers anytime I say that.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Ming I feel the same, I really hoped there would be something "big" when you reach the end(100 level!) but nothing. I still haven't reached there yet but then they added more levels and now we can reach 200...
    We are still playing, maybe it's better this way, there will never be an end only when we get bored...
    I have imagined a lot of things of how it would be for when a player will reach 100 but when a lot of players got there and told us there is nothing to expect, I got so dissapointed:oops:
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 6, 2016
    sirpippen and dafodily like this.
  3. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Yeah, but the game does not have to rub it in with the whole who cares non titles.
    Yes, we elected to play, in turn we give time, some money that makes jobs for computer geeks too sit around and make cute things for us to click.
    Level titles are not much to ask for, at least fake you care for the farmers, I like to be able to say I'm level 97, heap lots a bubble ram, why? because were else in life can I talk utter nonsense as being happy to say I'm a heap and you will be one to someday! and be happy about it.
    I like this pixel world, where trees have eyes and cats stay in pens <ever try to get that little sucker in the carrier on vet day?>
    I want silly titles, I want to be able to say yep did the mud slug of mars wait till you get to Venus slap of poises........

    It's getting to the point of rubbing off on me, I use to do text doc of this stay up on all, now really don't care to level up what's the point? the game don't care after a point I got my kiwi food so now I can take it easy, and be like them who cares? I farm, I make my farm stronger by loading the barn and it takes time, in the land of void I got no goal to rush to so set the field number 308 and walk away in a few months I will be setting up field level 309....... so I guess caring in this area of the game is for not. Just like the comic area..... the filling orders area...... soon we will hear wind gusts and see dirt devils.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I also don't care anymore about leveling up, it just happens:p
    Farmerama is beautiful pixel world, I don't think it would be hard to give us some more titles. It won't hurt anyone it will just make us more happy.
    We all want this game to play and play means to enjoy it without any worries. Nice post Ming;)
    sirpippen, woody, mingling and 2 others like this.
  5. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Gender doesn't have to come into it...Example Tree pruner ... seed sower .... Apple picker... these could be male or female
    Or basically just put what level you are

    To be honest i cannot see the point of these names or even putting what level we are ..i think our names are enough
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2016
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    That's an interesting thought! But I think it's kind of fun getting forum titles:p;)
    In the old forum it even showed how many posts we had below are names but now we need to click someone's avatar to find it out.
    sanddollar15 and sirpippen like this.
  7. hans_lotte

    hans_lotte Someday Author

    what about ... shrinking head preparer, for sitting in the corner diminishing thoughts ... curare hunter, for hunting curare ... royal leaf-weaver ... pyranherd like shepherd ... or pyranha tender ... quicksand stirrer ... bonzai-tarzan (well, that is not a good one) ... fatamorgana designer
    sirpippen and Nellie_Noodles like this.
  8. .FarmerArchie.

    .FarmerArchie. Active Author

    I totally agree. New farmer names and crops each time we level up please! Make it worthwhile to level up!
    sirpippen and oldman49 like this.
  9. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    This is another great idea. BUT bp an the power's at the top, will keep the same old game in place. this is getting very old, need new thinking for board to death player's o ya that's all of us over level 90 and no hope fore more
    sirpippen likes this.
  10. Sassy22

    Sassy22 Someday Author

    I also wish for a new title.... I liked some of the lower level titles more than voodoo priest.... I also would participate in a contest for new names!
    sirpippen likes this.