Alchemist - worth it?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by AniE, Aug 22, 2016.

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  1. AniE

    AniE Forum Commissioner

    Is it worth saving up stars to open the alchemist?
    I've been using my stars to get the animals + PF - but wondering if I should open up alchemist now.
    12ss12 likes this.
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I have my alchemist open. But I do not use it. If I need a alchemist product, I buy them from market. My suggestion would be open up all other essential runes and go for alchemist last. I think for September breeding event we would need lots of PFs.
    mingling and AniE like this.
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I have only the Confectionery opened. I was never really a fan of the rest of the trades. I don't want to use my goods there, I don't think my farm will be benefited.
    Check which goods the Alchemist require and then see if you have a lot of them or if you are willing to grow them. But I believe there are more important runes.
  4. AniE

    AniE Forum Commissioner

    Thank you!
  5. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I opened up the Alchemist just before they changed the recipes a while back. I did it because it would give me "free" paint palettes when the conversion was done. Haven't really used it since.
    mingling and AniE like this.
  6. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Ok, missed that one free pain pallets?
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