The future of Farmerama -- high players, more land, etc.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Aug 25, 2016.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    But freeing up spaces in the rest of the lands means more space to grow our existing goods, so BP would increase the requirements for events/quests.
    BP will always finds excuses for increasing the requierements:oops: That doesn't mean though I am against the idea of this Orchard. I would really :inlove: the permanent harvester feature in that land:)
    sirpippen and julie1013 like this.
  2. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Arielh, Perhaps it is past time for BP to stop "making excuses for increasing requirements".
    Sooner or later BP is going to have to realize that an increasingly large number of farmers - BP's 'bread and butter' - are getting totally fed up with all these increases in 'requirements'. It is taking the fun out of this has been said, and not by me, "it is becoming too much like a chore".
    And if the "FUN" goes - so do the Farmers!...BP's bread and butter!!

    We need to be able to grow some of those 'existing goods', too...otherwise, what is the point of having them??
    Allowing us to re-claim some of what we-used-to-have will improve the satisfaction of an awful lot of Farmers.

    The requirements are high enough already to compensate for freeing some spaces on existing fields. After all, we had all these spaces before BP began making so many increases, and they make most of those increases when they introduce more new things, or for Events.

    Perhaps the solution to higher and higher requirements is: SLOW down, or Stop introducing so MANY new things...
    and reduce the frequency of so many Events!!

    If anything, imho, it is this rapid, constant increasing that will, and does, cause stress and imbalances in the game.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I completely agree, BP should hear us out and stop asking for higher and higher requirements or doing it less frequently!
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    That is really the main reason I suggest a distinct, new area. It would allow those of us who would like an additional challenge, even occasionally, to have that, without either taking away from the parts that exist OR further inundating us with huge demands. Anyone who does not want to participate in that would not have to, and because it is distinct, it would not impact regular farming at all.

    That said, I do like the idea of an "included" auto-harvest, because that IS one aspect that just gets to be a pain -- clicking over and over. I can definitely understand Farmera's need to keep it as a paid option for the existing fields (I would LIKE to have it free, but its too much of a money maker and without money makers, we would not have a game at all). However, in this case, it would just be an annoyance -- and like I said, having it included would make it a truly attractive feature for higher level players, a real reward!
    sirpippen and DAoC.hib.VW like this.
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Having a separate land with separate items would give a distinct advantage to whoever has, of course, anyone who had access to it would feel that they needed to have it. And having new goods would be a huge advantage over lower level players...

    Unless you mean that these new crops, animals, items, would just be for fun and challenge...and NOT be able to be sold or traded??

    What would be the purpose of those new crops, animals, etc., if they cannot be sold?? And if they can be sold, then the new land would not be optional, as you pointed out in a previous post.

    Except to make things more challenging for higher level players, (which necessarily would have game consequences due to the influx of new items, although separate ones) I don't think I understand how this works - and I would like to understand.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
    sirpippen, MARLYMAR and Moraine like this.
  6. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    I have said most of this before, but a Master Farm for upper level player's 90's plus earn your way there, woody's is right this is gettin old
    i said that before, i'll say it again, this is gettin old
    sirpippen likes this.
  7. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Would Having another field ...actually solve this problem ?...because I don't think it would ....because I and many others have enough in our barns and inventory to fill a new field tomorrow if we were given one
    And with each new added animal stable...workshop crops or whatever being brought into the game.... we would need yet more fields to accommodate these...which means it will be never ending and a LOT of time and clicking:wuerg:
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
    sirpippen, farmlily3 and MARLYMAR like this.
  8. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    Some good thoughts in this thread. As a five year player, I would like to add my voice to those who say "Please NO MORE land to have to check every time. Even with the harvester, it takes more time that I often have to give, just to harvest and replant. Also, at this point in the game I enjoy the "decorative" aspect of having trees, animals and even the occasional favorite giver items, arranged prettily on my fields. I change often, as I do dismantle my farm - and might I add - there hasn't been an event in the past two years that was completeable unless one did just that, unless one was able to stay at the computer constantly and harvest continually.

    What I would suggest for the events, is something that is done on another game that I have played from time to time, and that is, at the start of the event, each player chooses what level they wish to strive for, based upon the rewards offered. Once having chosen your level, you cannot then change it. It offers multiple difficulty levels, but one that is chosen by the player, not by the player's level. When I played that, even though I was a higher level player, often I chose the lower level goals becuase I had a long work week or some such. Occasionally I'd try for the level that was "suggested" for me, and sometimes I completed the goals and sometimes I did not. But it was my choice to make. I liked that.

    Obviously, if I've been playing for five plus years, there are more things I like about this game than things I don't. But it's a GAME and sometimes, it feels like a second job, if I want to reap all the benefits. I don't enjoy that aspect. More land would NOT help that.
  9. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    Thank you -matselleste- for sharing your opinion on the matter. You worded a good point on the level based event matter. Count me in!
  10. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    sirpippen and woody like this.
  11. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I'd stop hoarding stuff if it didn't take so long to go through the stuff to sell. :p Just call me lazy. xD (Or, there is just too much stuff in the game. Getting worse all the time. -.- )
    sirpippen, farmlily3 and woody like this.
  12. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Well, we happen to agree that this feels like it is getting old, oldman49, but imho, woody has an interesting idea and it would be beneficial for us to understand just how it would work. Of course, you don't have to read the posts, but we are all allowed to post them.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
  13. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Like Woody's idea of a new land and Farm lilys Orchard VERY much ...wish farmerama would let us have both of these...think it would make things a lot more interesting for everyone in what ever level
    We have out grown what we have and needs up dating badly we need something exciting... more then what events are giving us

    Hmmm Does anyone ever buy from pirates cove ?:music:
    Because i think that would make a very good Lily's OrchardxD

    And up near the light house there seems to be room for a Woody Land :p

    We could have a harvester that could be run with batteries that we could have as drops ( like we are getting now from the nublons )

    New things could be endless for our farms ...if you think about it ...with all that we grow
    Example ...we grow coffee beans and tea which we could put in the blender in the spa artisan and make little bags of coffee & tea to sell in the market and make coffee & walnut cakes ...tea cakes... makes more recipes

    We could have a paper make the little bags a bag making factory
    And make the coffee & tea labels in a printing press at the print factory...which could be the disguise shop ...renamed

    Well OK we can all dream xD
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
    sirpippen, farmlily3 and woody like this.
  14. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This would be a good idea, at least for some events. The problem comes when rewards are offered that are so fantastic we feel like we are really missing out on game aspects if we do not earn them. I can think of a few cloud rows offered since I came in that meet that definition. Chestnut row is one I just missed out on, but that would be in the "definite advantage to those who have it" category.

    IF your idea is implemented, then I would like to see some of those rewards offered periodically -- maybe every couple of years, as an example. Because a lot of people have already done the event, either another reward could be offered for them (harvester coupons, for example or a month of premium, etc.) OR that might be the perfect situation for having the new land event, if that new land is implemented.

    I want to point out per the "no more land" idea, though, that this is precisely why I am suggesting a separate land with new crops, separate requirements. That would make it effectively optional. Anyone not wanting to do it could just "opt out" and stick with the farm we have. The down side of that is that because not everyone would have to participate, it might not generate the high prices and such, BUT if the rewards were enough, I think it would attract most people, particularly if there were more of an auto-harvest component. Anyway .. just an idea. Of course I like my own idea, but my point is not to dictate, it is to discuss varied ideas. I like your ideas, but even if I did not, I still like hearing other people's views! It seems like I am not the only one who feels that way. :)
  15. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Yes, I do. See my comments here when this question was asked before.
    sirpippen, Moraine and farmlily3 like this.
  16. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Thank you Sweet_Cassiopeia .... i hadn't seen that page

    Seems Nana Lyn and I have the same ideaxD and adding pirates cove to the store it will still be there for the people that use it
    Good idea Nana Lyn;)
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
    sirpippen and farmlily3 like this.
  17. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I suspect adding the Pirate's Cove to the store would be problematic for the programmers. It resets every 24 hours (depending on when you check it). Adding it to the store, how would you know that it had reset? Right now, it glows when it has reset.
    sirpippen likes this.
  18. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Ahh ok thank you Sweet_Cassiopeia
    sirpippen likes this.
  19. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Makes sense to me :)
    I like that suggestion.

    On the pirate cave note - I remember to check and see if crops or other useful stuff is for sale. The shop I never remember.
    sirpippen, woody and Sweet_Cassiopeia like this.
  20. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    It would if the products and goods were things that gave an advantage in the main farm areas. This is why I say rewards should be careful. The main place where higher level players have an advantage is in the market. We have enough CC often to buy cheap, stockpile for events and then sell when prices go high. This is why I am suggesting that the goods, etc. be distinct. That is, they will have their own quests, their own events. Anyone not in the new land won't have to bother with these goods at all. You could say that there is some CC to be gained, which is true (unless a different unit of currency were introduced, which is also a possibility -- sort of like another country with a different currency). However, players like myself already have tons of CC. If anything, the impetus to buy new items would take some pressure off from the other market (or have no impact at all -- just my opinion).

    This is why I am suggesting care with the rewards. Harvester coupons are nice, but don't impact markets per se.

    Also, all of these rewards will be available to whomever reaches the right level.
    sirpippen likes this.