Events - 2nd Chance

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm561, Oct 12, 2016.

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  1. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    There was a suggestion for having a 2nd chance to complete events made before and I was initially against it. I have bee reviewing some of the past events in the index though and noticed how many I missed because I was limited with computer time when I first started playing.

    It would be nice to try again now that I have more time. I have missed a lot from the first 3-4 years that I was playing

    I realize that BP would like to make money selling baskets, etc. so my suggestion would be that there is a 1-2 year waiting list before the event is added to the Farmer's Society as a timed quest for the player's 2nd chance at completing it.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
    kesh2020, sirpippen, Hsof21 and 3 others like this.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Actually, this has been sugggested before in 2 forms -- to bring back older events and also to have a few that might periodically repeat. A lot of people have posted agreement.

    I think there might be technical issues with fully repeating the events. I suspect (guessing, not sure) that the team has eliminated the coding for the older events already, so they would have to recreate them. They could do that, but seem to be offering a return of some older rewards in various ways instead of completely redoing the events. This more or less meets the demand, to some extent.

    A related suggestion is to intentionally design a few events to repeat. We did have the comics, but I think they were a disappointment on many fronts.

    One issue is what to do about rewards that folks have already earned. In that case, an alternate item could be offered. That might require a slight technical change. In addition to these ideas, I also suggested having a periodic event that is specifically for lower level players/those who have not yet done that event. They could come every 6 months or so (whenever enough new people are in the system, perhaps), paired with an event specific to higher level players. Again, I believe there were technical issues with that. Also, a lot of players just inherently dislike the idea of events only for lower level players (there is less objection to those for higher level players since that is a reward for achievements and something lower level players can aim for).
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
    kesh2020, sirpippen and joanc123 like this.
  3. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Thank you nm561! :) Yes please, BP.
    Speaking as a new farmer, (3 months) I would love the opportunity to win prizes that many long-timers talk about.

    An FSQ would be nice, I like working those. From what I read in the Forum, most players pick and choose the event they will play.
    If you have a prize you can skip the event...

    This would appeal to farmers across the board. Mentors could point their chicks to repeat old events, and all farmers who missed out could join in. If you have the prizes, you could cheer us on. ;) I bet BP would make some money, too.
  4. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul


    What I suggest is not limited to lower level players, although they will probably be the ones to benefit the most. It is for anyone who has ever missed an event or not been able to finish due to time restraints (real life, computer access, vacation, etc). I consider myself a mid-level player (Level 93) and have noticed that I only have 47 Cloud Rows while others have over from 200 a (from picture posts made on the forum). I hadn't realized how many events I missed the first 3-4 years of playing due to limited computer time (wish I could say that it was real life intruding but it wasn't).

    This might also help with some of the higher level players who have been complaining that they have nothing to do now. If they missed or failed to complete an event they could have a second chance to do them now too.

    I realize that BP would like to make money on the events so that is why I suggested the 1-2 year waiting time before it goes to the FS to be done as a timed quest.

    I also think that BP has the coding, etc. stored in their Archives somewhere.

    Anyway it is just something that I would like not sure what others want.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 22, 2016
  5. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    I have mention this not just in regards to new players, but as an option. You defo have my vote on this one. I still want to do the asparegus event that I just missed when first signed up. I'm sure the prizes were lame, but it sounded so fun back in those days. No need to adjust the amount needed because of more fields & buffs either :D Let's have it like it used to be.
  6. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    I agree when I first started I had limited computer time so I would just do the first couple levels in events. I could only finish the few events that only required items that I already had in my inventory.

    I would like to play the event as first offered (same prizes and time) -- the only change would be that it would be in the Farmer's Society where you could do it whenever you had time.

    Within the waiting time suggested there would be no reason to not finish an event on purpose to get more items from the beginning levels because by then players would probably have obtained them through purchases, GT, etc. Older Events did not have GB's -- don't think PF was offered in quantities tht would make it worth waiting 1-2 years to get the CR & EPs.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 5, 2016
    sirpippen, Hsof21 and joanc123 like this.
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum


    You are definitely not the only one. This idea keeps coming up.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 22, 2016
    sirpippen, Moraine and joanc123 like this.
  8. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    I like nm561s idea of bringing back old events as timed FSQs. That way new players can reap the benefits of the Quest, while the Veteran players need not be bothered with them.

    The bright side to this (at least for new players) will be to help level the playing field. It will take time, of course. But then it took time from the start anyway.
  9. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    That was a very good idea (again from Woody), interesting - I'd vote for it.

    (but then I'd vote for most ways of a re-run event. I do want my asparagus event!!)
    sirpippen likes this.