
Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by MARLYMAR, Nov 15, 2016.

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    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    Teddy Bear I'm just wondering if you or anyone is going to address the unrest that has befallen our forum if you haven't noticed how ominously quiet and barren it is in here? I see you did address it in suggestions but I am not sure if that's going to be enough I think they want to see changes since most of them really feel like there is some serious animosity towards them by certain mods. PLEASE don't hate the messenger ( ME ) :oops::oops: I'm just voicing the obvious :eek: please try to fix this before there is no forum left :(:(:cry::cry:is there anyway that this can be resolved???
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  2. Hello MARLYMAR.

    All parties involved need to come to a resolution. Unfortunately at the moment one party is intent on their own outcome without regard to their own actions.

    Can we assist you further?
  3. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Thank you for your explanation and insight, Intrepideur.:) It helps us to be a little more patient, hoping for the recalcitrant holdout to see the light.
    Nellie_Noodles and joanc123 like this.
  4. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Thank you for your message, farmlily3 - on Intrepideur's behalf, you are most welcome.

    Hello MARLYMAR,

    Indeed, I have tried to address this matter here , apparently failed - I am truly sorry :( I wish I could find the right words to comment this further, but I am afraid I cannot...

    Is there anything else we can assist you with? ​

    Best regards,
    joanc123 and julie1013 like this.

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    I do want to know y my post was deleted in game related chit chat I had put one before for a chat room we had started and I had put close to the same thing and it never got deleted its still in archives I didn't put anything that wasn't allowed like links or addresses or anything just for ppl interested to igm us that's all and why did you hide the one I wrote in here? we all know the moderators that everyone is having problems with is Neon Lights and Intrepideur that's what everyone is telling me so why not fix the problem by starting with them? that's how things at the workplace used to be fixed
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  6. Neon-Lights

    Neon-Lights Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    Your post that was deleted in Game chat was deleted because it violated the forum rules
    I'm sure you are very aware of why the second post was hidden, otherwise you would not have deleted it yourself. It was put on hold pending a decision by the community managers into how many rules had been broken and what the outcome would be. As it was deleted by you this will no longer be necessary

    farmlily3 - please be so kind as to start your own thread rather than hijacking another player's question.

    Can I help further?
    joanc123 likes this.
  7. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) No thank you. My apologies - you are correct. I will remove it and move it.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    joanc123 likes this.
  8. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    Just let this go,
    julie1013, joanc123 and memere13 like this.
  9. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    If you have any further issues, please start a new thread.

    ~closing to prevent further spamming~
    flwrsndnc likes this.
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