Forum 'unrest' - part II

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmlily3, Nov 15, 2016.

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  1. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) This thread has been started at the request of Neon-Lights, as I had posted in someone else's thread, i.e. - hijacking it....and he was quite correct to make that request.

    So, here it is...but in order for it to make any sense I am also posting the question to which I had answered, and then had to clarify with a second post.
    I hope that Intrepideur will see fit to clarify her answer, as also requested.

    These are being posted in an effort to help bring two divergent outlooks to a closer meeting of minds.

    If anyone else wishes to comment, you are most welcome - only please do so calmly, clearly, and respectfully to all parties - in a sincere effort to resolve this situation.

    Thank you fellow farmers and mods!!:)

    (Note to mods: These three are in one post and are not double posted.)


    DBAYES Count Count

    Please post the 'quote' Teddy bears 'Thank You' in response to your posting in Marli's thread, then please post Neon's response to you about posting in Marli's thread...quite different!
  3. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Thank you for your interest, my friend.:inlove:
    If anyone is interested in those, all they need do is go to General Issues. I had enough trouble getting these transferred through photobucket - and it took me ages!! LOL!!
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    I think you have misunderstood Neon's request :p You were asked to start your own thread if you had your own question, as you were posting in another player's thread in the Help section. As there is already a thread that covers this situation, do we really need a duplicate? I can merge this thread with the other if you like.

    The issue was addressed by teddy.bear here and here.

    Aetheria14 and RebaFC like this.
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Well, I do have a question - how are a hopefully united group of players and mods - ever going to resolve this and heal the rift, if our posts keep getting all moved around, deleted, modified, or told they should be something else, somewhere else??!

    I've been giving all I can to help in a positive way...and I am admittedly one of the, yes, I do object to this being moved again.

    This is what Neon said: "Please be so kind as to start your own thread rather than hijacking another players's question."

    So that is what I have done.

    And I believe, as a human being, it's only natural to have many of the same questions as others I DO have my own question. And my answers are my own, not a duplicate. If I cannot voice an opinion on the same question in the other thread, then I must do it here, by opening my own thread, as Neon suggested.
    That is called Fair.

    Thank you for offering to merge this with the other one. That is kind of you. But wouldn't that put it right back where Neon objected to it being in the first place?

    Edit: And now that thread has been I assume there are no more objections to this thread being here?.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
  6. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    Guys, does there really have to be this much upset over some deleted posts? I can see both sides of the argument. On one hand it's great to have a place to chat about an event without worrying too much going off topic, but it's also a bit irritating if I lose an important strategy post and need to trawl through a dozen pages (and it usually is a dozen pages) of off topic posts looking for it.

    Would it be possible to have an extra thread each time in 'game related chit chat' or something?
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, NanaLyn and 4 others like this.
  7. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    It is so obviously that All Mods have Different View on Things. The only Mod i know that has more empathy than any other Mod is Teddy Bear !!

    It is also True that Some Mods have upset lots of Farmers who can Judge Farmers Harshly. To Ensure Farmers are Complying to Forum Rules which seems to be a Priority that had upset lots of Farmers. Are going a Good Job to take out the Fun and Pleasure of Farmers who are playing this Game. Many of Them Spend RL Money on this Game. I too do spend RL Money on this Game

    I do not think that Bigpoint Objective is to discourage Farmers to Spend RL Money on this Game. Currently Moral of Farmers using this Forum has hit rock bottom. Some Farmers have quit playing this Game, Some of them are thinking of Quiting this Game or Not going to bother to spend real money on this Game any more.

    They is a Saying Customers are always Right. If a company relies on Consumer Spending to thrive it Business such as Bigpoint. When Consumer have cut but on Spending or Stop spending altogether then that Business will not longer Thrive to do well. I do not think that Bigpoint would like to see this happen. If Bigpoint really Cares they need to Act Fast !!

    I do have a Bone to Pick with Bigpoint, Many Many Times i have put Loads of Feedback on lots of Event. It Seems hardly any lessons have been learned to Better this Game to make Farmers Happy or prove to us Bigpoint has been listening !!
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, Banjoman and 8 others like this.
  8. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Most of us can see both sides of the argument, is because it is so lopsided, indiscriminate, and seemingly punitive that we are objecting.
    As just one example, a whole entire informative thread was deleted - not because there was no pertinent, necessary, on-topic information in it - but because there were a few posts in it that contained off topic the whole thread was deleted! Definitely punitive.

    In other cases deletion occurred because there were off topic comments within a topic-related the whole post was deleted.
    And many other deletions seemed to have little reason at all, or the posts were related to, but not in line exactly, with the thread topic, or were just a side route before returning to the if no deviation, i.e. no fun or other interaction is allowed, at all. Other posts have just disappeared with no explanation. ETC.

    Of course there are always some that require deletion - no one is objecting to those.

    But somewhere along the way the fact that this is a game that we $pay $real $money$ to play and have f-u-n with has been forgotten.

    It is no longer fun when you cannot relax and enjoy friendly banter between one another, or with the doing of Events...which are also supposed to be fun...or are penalized for trying to spontaneously lighten a mood, or give laughter and good things to others.

    And then comes 'The Spoiler'. This can be necessary for posts with more than 5-6 photos, but for less than that it takes away so much from the enjoyment of this forum! Humans are visual beings - we enjoy seeing things that give us so much more information and pleasure than just more mere words. And seeing them (without being "spoiled") attracts the eye to the post to be read and enjoyed.
    But why is it necessary to reduce a complete post, words and all, to one small green s-p-o-i-l-e-r??!! Who would even bother to stop to see that post - there seems to be nothing there!

    When and why have these things become such negatives in a GAME that is s-u-p-p-o-s-e-d to be FUN???

    These Not-Fun things, deletions, overuse of spoilers, are what has upset so many, and are causing many to leave or are considering leaving.
    Deleting posts is a serious action - not just a mostly arbitrary matter of opinion. Every single deletion is a removal of a part of a person that has been shared -sometimes with great effort- and should be taken very seriously. I am not here referring to the ones that are glaringly, obviously in need of deletion - but the ones that are done with good spirit and fellow other words - having fun! - which is the purpose of playing this, or any other, Game, and the reason we spend real $money$ to play!

    Take this away, and you take away our reason to 'stay and pay'.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
  9. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    They are not going to listen- they do not care
    why are you still here- dealing with this grief?
    Let it go and go to your happy place :)
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, flwrsndnc and 8 others like this.
  10. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Hi Lea! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have registered on the new forum, but I'm still here because I used to love this game and Forum...and I hope to do whatever I can to try and salvage whatever can be saved. Yes, it is grief, but sometimes it rains before the sun comes out again.
  11. Lea, this used to be 'the happy place' for players, that's the whole point and if you mean grief as in angst, then yes it is quite legitimate to let it out in the forums. If you mean grief as in misery, then again people come here to offload that.

    If one never ever says anything, then nothing ever gets remedied. Communication (and I don't mean just talking) is one of the most important and effective tools that humans and even animals have, it is not used enough.

    Maybe 'they' may not listen, but at some point 'they' do take note. The Chinese have a saying 'a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step'. You may not realise at first that you made a difference, but after a while, you see that things have changed.
    Moraine, Aetheria14, 12ss12 and 2 others like this.
  12. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    What i can see from all of this... is people leaving farmerama
    Because of something rather silly going off topic ...I could understand all of this.... If we had put links...rudeness or any of the things that are said in Wiley wiggins game rules
    But none of it was

    It has made people feel very uncomfortable in something that SHOULD be enjoyable
    And should never have happened ...for something as trivial as this

    None taken Farmlilly ...i didnt mean it in that way ;)...i see it as sense less for a moderator to delete posts that didn't have anything wrong in them...what harm does it do if we stray from the topic a little...not one of these caused harm to anyone
    It was general chit chat
    We all loved reading your posts and seeing the pictures of the cats...i don't see these as trival i see them as something very beautiful
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016
  13. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Nellie, it may seem trivial to some people - but my experience has been quite the opposite - and I know I'm not alone.

    But I will use my own experience as an example, since I know it best.

    Some of my posts that have been deleted have taken much creative thought and in some cases have taken literally days to research, compose, and self edit. In the instance of "Mir'$ Million$ Pink Picnic Party", (which was done specifically for the enjoyment of the entire Forum), having an entire post deleted - and all the work that went into it - Delayed the entire picnic party by 2 days!! And by that time Meba, who was to be our DJ, had to leave for Italy and could no longer do it.
    ("Time is money" they do you think in a million years that all my time (2 days for the original post, + 2 days to re-do it=4 days work) and creative intellectual property was compensated by BP?? Which was for the enjoyment of the entire Forum??! Hahahahahaha.
    Of course I didn't ask or expect it - I'm just making the point. But just like painting a portrait or writing a book, one does not expect them to be arbitrarily deleted/destroyed.)

    Another one was the Honeymoon to Rome in the "David and Lily" stories - which had taken an equal amount of work and creative endeavor, and was important to the storyline. (Since it was in a 'formal' story, it is legally called "Intellectual Property".) And that was only one of several posts that were deleted.

    So, while some may see it as trivial to delete posts - others have a different take on it.

    The bottom line, however, is that the deleting of posts should be reserved only for serious, offensive, infractions, the content and purpose should be considered, and if it can be fixed by only deleting the offensive p-a-r-t of the post, then that's what should be done - not delete the entire post or even an entire Thread, as has been done.

    So, while I agree with your post - I must take exception to the classifying of this as trivial. No offense meant and I hope none taken.;)

    Edit: Thank you Nellie, for your sweet sentiments above.:)
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
  14. Hopalongcassidy

    Hopalongcassidy Forum Apprentice

    You misunderstood my point - that is my error - we both agree it seems. Communication isn't a one-way street, it's not one person talking and no-one listening - that is just noise. The mods may not be listening, but my point was aimed at another poster who said why bother to even post, but if no one speaks then it is not just noise it is silence.

    I maintain that communication is important and effective - unfortunately and for some time, communication isn't happening on these forums and you are right, the mods aren't interacting - but, they are reacting, and sadly it seems only to maintain their stance, that they are right no matter what.

    Where I disagree is your contention that the mods and players have always been at odds - there isn't a 'long history' of mods -v- players. There has been though a long history of BP -v- players, which isn't the same. The mods used to be the communicators between the players who used these forums and the backroom bods at BP - they were our conduit, they aren't now. I remember the mods often managed to get things remedied that the players complained about.

    I also remember a time when the mods were very much part of the forum, interacting and yes communicating in a friendly manner. You may not remember the mod cave, but many long-term players do, it was part of the spirit of the forum. They even organised forum competitions for player entertainment, including ones with pictures in them. The forums were a lively, happy place where people came just because they enjoyed interacting with other players. Now mostly they just come to find out about what's happening next for the farm. The difference between now and then is like the difference between a ghost town and a thriving community.

    I do not know why the mods have made the decisions they did - they don't seem to think we are worthy of explanation and therein lies much of the issues. They appear not see us as equals, and that is at the root of what is happening. A decision is made arbitrarily in many cases, for no good reason (or none is given) and more aptly is not because of something that is against the rules per se, the originator is left puzzled and unhappy.

    I have been playing this game for a long time and I have rarely seen such disillusion with what's happening in the forums.
    Decree, Aetheria14, 12ss12 and 6 others like this.
  15. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)A most excellent and well said post, Hopalongcassidy! Yes, you have stated it as well as it can be said...sadly. It does seem as if our Mods have (mostly) left us to swing in the breeze on these issues.

    Communication, by definition, is between two or more parties, not just a handing down of strictly enforced 'rules'....which is another animal altogether. Some call that a dictatorship.

    We loved this Forum because it was a place to come and have pleasant and happy communication. We are leaving it because it is becoming like a dictatorship.:eek:

    Edit: We need forthright, open Communication.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
    Aetheria14, 12ss12 and Nellie_Noodles like this.
  16. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum General

    Oh for the "new" solution:DVery "relaxing' and am starting to like my farm again;):pxD
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, MARLYMAR and 3 others like this.
  17. skibec

    skibec Forum Apprentice

    Someone just had a very lucky day on the market. Or hopefully multiple someones. Sold every single sellable thing on my farm at 0.10 each. Took me a full hour to go through it all one by one, but oh well. I wish there were a Barter & Give event right now so I could give away my good finds, but no such luck. Sorry. :(

    Bye everyone! It was enjoyable chatting with you all and lurking around the forum. Enjoy your new forum, it's much better and I love the idea. I'd join you all over there, but I decided I'm done with the game for good this time. Bye bye, take care all of you!
    Aetheria14, Brookeham, 12ss12 and 5 others like this.
  18. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

  19. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master


    I hope someone who can make a difference in the decision making at BP is taking notice of the exodus of veteran players!
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, Banjoman and 3 others like this.
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I'm sorry to see you go skibec:( and wish you well.:)
    Aetheria14 and 12ss12 like this.
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