Mentor Strategy Guide and Advice

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by baw815, Jan 2, 2016.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I dismissed all my chicks a few weeks ago, when I knew I would not necessarily be checking in every day.

    One thing, though, I know a lot of early advice has changed, particularly when it comes to moving up, what to grow and sell, etc. Chickens are still OK, but not the best choices. The best choice, though, keeps changing.
    baw815 and 007Farming like this.
  2. clonahmon

    clonahmon Forum Veteran

    I have applied for the mentoring system in August or so. I still haven't got a chickadee.
    Would love to get one. Even when there are still a lot of thing to be learned for me.
  3. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    It took years before I finally became a mentor.
  4. clonahmon

    clonahmon Forum Veteran

    Thank you elimeno.

    I will be patient then
  5. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Yes...but its a good time to start gathering tips and saving them in a document...thats what I that each day I had something prepared...I hope u get some great chickadee's...its hit or miss most times
    kibsnfebs and FarmerMolly22 like this.
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