A new way to repeat events, offer high level and low level items

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Dec 14, 2016.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    OK, I am no longer spending as much time here as I did, but this is an idea I have been thinking about for some time, so figured I would go ahead and post it.

    There are already several threads asking to repeat events, including one or two of my own threads. However, it seems some major stumbling blocks still appear.

    Why repeat?

    The biggest reason is to equalize the game better for new players. Things like the row that provides CAC, harvest coupons, those that offer various animals (just for a few examples) all make a big difference in the game. I know I was frustrated and disappointed when I found out about rows that had been offered in the past. Farmerama then decided to offer these past rows for payment, but that, too, presented problems because players who already had a row could not buy just the items, etc. Also, it turned the "free" game into yet another "free...if you are lucky" game.

    The first problem is what to do for older players who already have the rows full. The first part of this is easy. Offer things like powerfeed, supergrow, harvest coupons... etc, etc, instead. The downside is that this will mean these items are more available for higher level players (I do offer an alternative below), but people basically expect to get bigger rewards as they progress. These will be available to anyone who advances.

    The second part is harder. What to do about those players who have some, but not all of the items. If they just have some of the givers, then it is easy enough to just offer new cloud row with the additional giver items. Having more than one of each event giver is already a game feature and bringing these rows "back" with some of the older items should not be a big deal. The bigger issue is people who have the cloud row, but not all of the items. What they need is to get the givers, but then get something else instead of the cloud row. This is a slight technical issue, but I believe one that can be fixed by slightly changing how these items are awarded. The techheads can think of different ideas, but one way would be to essentially offer the items as coupons. That is, they might not look any different than any other reward, but technically, you would add another step that says "if person does not have the item, they ... get the item/ if person has the item already, they .. get an alternative prize". Anyway, like I said.. a fixable problem.

    Code lost? This really is not an issue. Some events probably not worth repeating for one thing. At least, not having them repeat won't be a big loss to anyone here. They were nice, at the time, but nothing spectacular. However, for those that ARE worth repeating, there are enough copies around that it should not be difficult to capture and re-create the various items. Technically, you might need to label the various givers them "item 2", which could be an issue for Gift and Trade (unless you built in a code saying that item 1 and item 2 are equal from the outset), but I think people would be willing to accept that in exchange for getting a chance to have these items. (you could also designate these special items as non-tradable. Since the events repeat, people would have a chance to get them in the future outside of G & T events).

    The first advantages are obvious... new players get a chance for these spectacular rows that older players often have, thus better balancing the game.

    Second, it will take some pressure off of the programmers. We all love their talents, and I am sure they love what they do. Still... if time were freed up from doing the constant events, perhaps other projects could result. Also, let's face it. In time, they will need to move on, etc. It does cost money to keep programmers. This will make it easier to keep the game going at a lower cost. At some point, every game reaches a kind of "threshhold", or "stasis". The more self-sustaining its various parts are, the more likely it is to endure long term. This will benefit us all in the long term. The basic parts of the game won't require as much attention, so programmers can focus on new features better. Even if they move on to a wholly new game, this one can keep on for quite some time, provided all the pieces are in place.

    In addition, I think a lot of older players do not like all the constant events. Some--sure, but having them so frequently, particularly when they are events that offer huge rewards (such that not participating makes people feel they are behind, even though we are not really in competition with each other). This would add to that balance, allowing the newer players/anyone who previously missed the event for any reason, to participate, but not making it utterly critical for those who have been here a while. (nice, but not critical.. a big difference!)

    Of course, as long as there is an active team (hopefully for a LONG time!), there will be new events/awards. I am only suggesting repetition of the "biggest and best".. though it would not hurt to have the ability repeat some of the "lesser" events for whenever the team does need a break (for whatever reason).

    How it would work

    Some events have made a big difference in the short term -- offering rewards that are out of balance from prior rewards (mardis gras is an example of this, I believe --the one where we all of a sudden got to catch tons of golden bananas). these impact the game for a while, and do tend to irritate the longer time players (by cheapening the rewards they have previously worked very hard to gain). Most of these would be problematic to repeat. One idea might be to offer a modified version of these as a reward for reaching a certain level. For example, when you reach a certain rank (either mainland or Baha), having a chance for a mardis gras type event, speeding up the chance for getting some of the statues that were introduced, might be nice for people. It would offer a reward similar to what we obtained. Missing would be the community effect, but I believe that can be compensated for with a redesign. The rewards might not be quite as high as some of us received when this was first introduced, but will offer a nice and different kind of reward for major rank steps. (think -- you reach leve XXX and get to participate in a mardis gras parade ).

    Other events, like those offering items -- be it box of animals, CAC, harvest coupons or ??? could repeat every couple of years. Anyone not already having the items would participate just like before. Those who have them would get an alternate prize award.

    Special reward alternative

    The biggest problem with the above is that repeats of supergrow, etc start to themselves become repetitive. Part of this is being answered by offering higher level crops and FSQ. I already expressed several ideas on that front and won't repeat that here, except to say that some things have been changed and that is appreciated.

    If I think about the things that attract people to events, its the competition and community spirit, each in measure. The biggest problem with the above is that these are diminished. Getting a giver/cloud row that you won't see again, or a special pen that you know won't come readily in the future provides incentive. Constant repetition, increased offerings diminish this. As much as it is nice, at first, to get the new pink pens on the wheel, for example, it does diminish the hard work and effort of those who worked to obtain them slowly in the past. As an example, the neon pens is sort of the new bar, but they came so quickly and cheaply, I am not sure it really provides the same incentive, as much as we all enjoy them and now need them. Getting 2 each of three neons in an event is not the same as either completing a long FSQ, going through the long slog to build a pink or even trading them in G & T. Even the old secret stables/wonder pens.. now we pretty much know all we have to do is wait and they will come. We don't even really have to wait for G & T. Again, its a mixed bag of good and bad.

    Anyway, one way to bring some of that back might be to create a different kind of reward. Higher level players could get coupons that they could then "cash" in for various prizes, similar to the mentor program rewards. They could save up the coupons for higher rewards or cash them in for smaller things. Along with this would be trophies -- trophies for completing a quest quickly, for completing X number of quests, etc. These could come with prizes attached or just be rewards of themselves.

    One coupon reward might be access to certain higher level playing features ... a new field with special crops (see my previous post on higher level rewards, new playing field for more details), perhaps something like a self-planting event crop space -- a space that would immediately and automatically plant itself with crops when the event starts (only 5-10, 2 X2). That would be a definite benefit, one that would actually even out some time zone issues to an extent, but not cause huge issues otherwise. You could have a new trophy case, something along the lines of the sticker album, but for real achievements. Maybe allow people who reach a certain number to have special borders to their farms, name, etc -- something that highlights, this is a superachieving farmer.

    These are just a few ideas. I am sure others can come up with more. As I have said many times in the past, I do like the game and do wish it to continue, despite dissatisfaction with some recent circumstances

    Other rewards might include things like extra gift coupons, for G & T or just general gifts (maybe even the ability to gift a limited amount of powerfeed or supergrow to those not in the mentor system, for example -- a person might win x amount and then have the ability to gift to someone else)

    Community-wide events One of the things we like is the community pulling together. That is a feature I am afraid is quickly fading (hope not, but still...) for reasons I won't discuss here. Still, anything that can be done to repeat, keep that going will help this game. the keys are that rewards need to be offered regardless of level participation. All or nothing rewards tend to get discouraging when not reached. For a community, too harsh of a level means people wind up resenting others. It destroys the community. On the other hand, the rewards cannot be so easy that no effort at all is required. Achieving a balance is hard. Stepping rewards is one good way. Smaller rewards can come more or less regardless of participation, but higher rewards require a lot of effort. If these are periodic, on a semi-regular basis, then so much the better. People can actually plan around them, and for a community event, I believe that planning is important.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2016
    luv2farmwu and joanc123 like this.
  2. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    They could do repeat quests by designating the first two weeks out of each month for new ones and two weeks where a player decides whether they want to do a "repeat quest" or just some farming.

    As an alternative, Bigpoint could also make the "repeat quests" for those who didn't finish them and new quests for higher level players that eventually everyone will be able to do. Some higher level players who finished the quests might not want to use up their PF, SG, etc. to participate in a quest they already completed in the past.

    Maybe there could be an option on future quests that you could click a button if you would be interested in repeating it. I know that the new lower level quests that were recently introduced to the game were not worth finishing but I did them anyway. As far as rewards go; I could have got more selling the rabbits on the market then provided them to finish these low level quests.

    Carnival Golden Bananas: at that time, due to limited computer time, I didn't receive any on any of my farms -- came close to finishing but just didn't have the time to finish the event and was very disappointed. Definitely would like to be able to repeat that event.

    With the new changes instead of the coupons you suggested maybe they could give the coins they are adding to the red shopping basket. Personally, I think there would be a much higher demand for items (both sales and G&T) if the Cloud Rows were given away for free (or the first step) in each event because then the players would know that they are missing items (thus creating the demand for them).

    Don't really want programmers to lose their jobs but this would free up some of their time to work on other projects (maybe the long awaited islands or the much asked for orchard).
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
    joanc123 likes this.
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I don't think there is danger of that from lack of work.. just other things.
    joanc123 likes this.
  4. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    I guess that's one of the usual problems when companies are bought out.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 7, 2017
    joanc123 likes this.
  5. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    As always I enjoy reading your ideas Woody. And I too love the thought of events that would pull the community together as well as repeated events. Why can't we have small community/team/group/clan whatever you want to call it, event for the high level players whilst the lower level players have a repeat event. I think that would be a win win situations.
    (sorry if I have repeated this group event idea too much, I just love the though of it so much, think it would really spur a lot of people on)
    joanc123 likes this.
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Could be, but I was talking more generally -- if this game (any game) fails to keep up its popularity, then at some point it either stops or will continue, but not have as many resources dedicated. Just because we are not charged directly doesn't mean the game is truly free to run.
  7. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    Moraine: As far as repeat events I was talking about doing that for those who did not finish (not necessarily low level players). I would like these to be changed to "timed 2nd chance quests" where you do them when you have the time not while high level players participate in an event for high level players only. There may be some where the players' level stopped them from completing the quests but there are also some where players had work, vacation, illness, etc. so they did not have the time to finish the events.

    I don't have anything against events for high level players only as long as they are eventually provided to everyone when they reach the higher level and they should also have the same requirements to complete. There were some quests (years ago) when Bigpoint changed the requirements because of complaints and made them easier. Those who had already finished or supplied the items changed did not get the excess returned to their inventories.

    Woody: Bigpoint does seem to be making some changes so maybe they are working on it.