Hostile Takeover - Strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by 12ss12, Mar 29, 2017.

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  1. Brakenjan84

    Brakenjan84 Padavan

    My LL is at 21%. Today was a bit of a mess so farmerama suffered for it but by tomorrow afternoon I'll know for sure if I need to configure another field (I most likely will have to for crops, but I think the drops will be alright as long as I leave my trees on the meadow and Baha, they bring the most drops for me - I don't have refinements, still working on that).
    It would be a shame if I get the needed drops but the crops fall short :p so tomorrow my glade will probably be configured to event crops. As long as I have 500+ drops by tomorrow morning's harvest (04:30 UCT - 06:30 in South Africa), then I'm sure I'll be able to make it on the drops, they don't seem to be fluctuating so much during this event as they did the last one.

    I'll also start milling by then as I will be able to do 10 or 15 of them (I'll stick to intervals of 5, just to keep the counting of crops and drops easier :pxD)
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 2, 2017
  2. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Mine shows 30/30... finished that months ago ...but isn't doing much in the way of drops as yet.. am starting to wonder IF it ever will ?
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
    Mooboy, KaiCat33 and joanc123 like this.
  3. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    Just wanted to give a quick update. I'm at 594 Shiny Jewel and should get most of my event crops done today, maybe have to wait till tomorrow. I'll update with more specifics later tonight. So far I've grown Trees, Corn, Hazelnuts, Sorghum, Snowdrop, Honeydew Melon, Raspberries, and Event Crops to get to where I'm at.

    We really do need to get that figured out for you? Did you post in technical yet? They can see things we cannot. I was able to scan the screen shots you had posted earlier, was going to look at them more but couldn't find them. I'm guessing the mods deleted them because they were in this thread and not in the "Farm Pictures"...sigh. Only things I could glean from the brief time I looked was that the givers you had on the plantation, those aren't helping for drops, and would it be possible that the Pink Pens you had up weren't ready for harvest at the start of the event, they take a lot of time till they're ready and if you harvested the night before, then they wouldn't have dropped anything either.
    jollyfama65, Mooboy, KaiCat33 and 2 others like this.
  4. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    No Deree i haven't ... But I changed my farm around and that seems to have made drops a little better.. I now have 513 drops
    And if it happens again next Event ...will then put a post in technical
    You are probably right about the pinks
    And now have a better idea of what i should be doing from the posts I have been reading ;) And Thank you for your help
    And i took the pictures off ...In case i got another alert
    Am very good at collecting those xD

    Awww no Moraine I seriously doubt that ... Have run up got a bill of -7,900 that i Owe the weasel for going to the barn and the water tower :wuerg:xD Haven't milled anything yet and need to grow more crops
    AND had a girlie morning out today that hasnt helped
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
  5. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Closer to a diamond mine ? Clever, very clever, soon you'll "outfox" the weasel.
    I stumbled into a rabbit hole, the wrong kind of rabbit hole. I'll figure I'll do 1,5 harvest of them tomorrow and then switch to more drop friendly crop. Note to self, remember to harvest and sow, repeat.
    -poppyseed- and joanc123 like this.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Suzee for the XOs and encouragement that I can still finish. Headache still here.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 2, 2017
  7. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Pup I hope you can make it as you may be behind Schedule on remaining drops. As I dunno how many Trap Flowers you have grown so far. They are not giving very good Drops. We have to ensure to put out roses or Carnations to make up for short fall of Drops

    It getting more expensive to use manure to reduce crop times as they now have hit over 900 CC for 1 Manure. I am sure price of Manure will cool down...

    I have changed my farm around since i have grown enough Trap Flowers, they not have been kind to me in terms of drops. I am growing Animals just to see if they give better drops that crops just curious :p

    I only need 12 more Weasel Games to do. It is so boring Game as you win nothing at all !! There is no excitement in this Fake Mini Game as Big Point must be Daft to thing this :wuerg:

    It just under 90 hours left of this Event left. Getting all of Trap Flowers is not an issue but the low Drop Rate is proving troublesome...:mad:
  8. Loveydove

    Loveydove Forum Apprentice

    Grrrrr yes it is very frustration
    jollyfama65 and joanc123 like this.
  9. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Mooboy - you have expressed my opinion of the weasel game perfectly.-.-
    Hope you are feeling better, Pnp.

    I have been doing event crops during the day and rose hips/carnations/honeydews overnight - but real life limits how many harvests I get per day. 8000 event crops and 500 jewels to go - and hoping for the best on getting all the drops.o_O Best of luck to all participating!
  10. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    It does look like you're doing quite well. That drop count was posted around 2.5 days in. So it does seem as if the LL Rune has finally kicked in. Let's hope it continues.

    Here's my update after today, was busy in game and in RL, the longer event crops have been really nice this event. I've got Hazelnuts and Honeydew Melon growing for tomorrow morning.
    I decided to leave my Baha trees (Harvest 5) up for an additional day after the initial harvest since I knew I wasn't going to have time or the need to harvest a shorter crop. I still need to do one more set of Trapflowers and those will be done out of the way and I can focus on higher drop crops. At this point I am considering switching over to manure production for most of tomorrow as I doubt I'll need the rest of the time to acquire drops.

    HarvestCropSeeds PlantedRFPlantationMainMeadowGladeTotal Drops/HarvestTotal Drops
    Gifted Drops24
    1Trees959 (1x1)2122273031131
    2Event Crop10 (2x2)5319
    2Corn548 (1x1)
    3Hazelnuts588 (1x1)13172353
    4Event Crop90 (2x2)1310528
    4Corn228 (1x1)
    5Hazelnuts588 (1x1)25241665
    5Trees Baha376 (1x1)313162
    6Sorghum588 (1x1)2237
    7Raspberry588 (1x1)26292075
    7Honeydew Melon376 (1x1)192443
    8Event Crop810 (1x1)75912942
    8Snowdrop154 (1x1)
    9Event Crop959 (1x1)56129436
    10Event Crop959 (1x1)145710642
    11Event Crop959 (1x1)47811333650
    I feel the same way. Had a brain ~edit~ a couple of times and clicked the water tower a couple of times, so I'm at -400.
    I feel a need to clarify as to why I omitted the use of manure. The main reason is cost, and secondary reason is scarcity. During events, manure can be prohibitively expensive, and sometimes impossible to find. Thus, when I did my walk through I stuck to what could easily be obtained for relatively newer farms. I should also mention, that with the exception of the "nuke" start, I never use manure for events. It simply isn't needed for the majority of the event. However, there's plenty of reasons to use manure, especially if it helps you conform a crop to your RL schedule.

    Roses are better overall to grow for many reasons. Not only do they have the highest EP/m (of the longer crops), they also tend to have a better market value/m and BV/m over Carnations. But the real gem in this comment is the concept that farmers should not let their farm sit idle if they can avoid it. We have a lot of different options to choose from, and it's best to make use of them. Pick a crop that will last until you can make it back to the computer, or one that will last until the start of another day and enjoy the time away.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 2, 2017
  11. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    I have refined carnations ....I put a field of them over night a few days ago and got 23 drops from them
    Have never been able to get refined roses...have tried many times

    Were they refined Raspberries Decree?
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    KaiCat33, julie1013 and joanc123 like this.
  12. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    main field of 1x1 event crops - 6 drops (LL maxed).
    meadow - mix of yellow and orange chickens - 4 drops
    Something not quite right there!
    KaiCat33 and joanc123 like this.
  13. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Nellie, 23 for ONE FIELD isn't that bad. Take a look at the variations in my results in post #59 or decree's post on this same page. This is why I refer to AVERAGES. Also, it does not matter if the raspberries were refined. You'll get... on AVERAGE the same numbers. Before an event it is not necessary to use buffs except TO FIT YOUR SCHEDULE. Before the start of an event, one way to maximize initial drops is to plant your longest crop, in my case rose hips. Plus use whichever buffs you need to get to your preferred harvest time, 24h... 20h... 12h... 8h... Sometimes I don't have time for rose hips so I usually use carnations or red roses because I'm too lazy to do the calculations.

    chookie, those are exactly the types of numbers I would expect to see for event crops and chickens.

    If you look at my post #59 you'll see:
    Farm1 -- 22+28+24 = 64 -- rose hips, 1x1s
    Farm2 -- 26+25+17 = 68 -- 550+ walnut trees
    Farm3 -- 35+25+22 = 82 -- 550+ walnut trees

    I'm OK with those numbers because I know that drops fluctuate because they are random.

    I've explained this numerous times in the past 5+ years but...

    It helps to understand drops better to look at them per hour rather than per crop, critter, tree. Orange chickens take 2h. 4/2= 2 drops / hour for 44 pens. Carnations take 18:54h, 23(Nellie's number) /18.9 = 1.2 drops/hr. Making chickens a better source for drops BASED ON ONE FIELD ONE TIME AT BASE TIMES. Lousy for an initial harvest. But I usually have refined carnations DURING events making my results using Nellie's numbers 23/13h = 1.76 drops/hr/field. Still not as good as chookies chickens but I get to rest for 13h while they have to harvest every 2h during an event. On the other hand chookie has manure and chicks to sell and get rich. I care more about resting and RL than CCs, EP, etc. If I use the flower CR Nellie's 23/11:44 = 1.96 drops/hr. Almost identical to chicken droppings, lol. If I use SOL & EOL the ratio is even better by knocking another 10% off the time. 23/9.85 = 2.335 drops/hr/field. So by reducing the time I've doubled my drop rate for one crop.

    Likewise for event drops using decree's numbers from above:
    (I used copy paste of just relevant numbers; Main, Meadow, Glade, Total. So it's kinda sloppy.)
    9/7= 1.285, 9/4:48= 1.875. I suspect the low number is explained by this round being starter seeds or 2x2s, not full fields, and explains the low numbers.
    28/7=4, 28/4.48= 6.25
    42/7=6, 42/4:48= 8.75
    Those are good numbers. As you can see looking at his last 5 rounds, he has gleaned from 3 - 13 drops per field of event crops. DROPS ARE RANDOM.

    Just because you WISH the drop number was higher does NOT mean there is something wrong. Just because you get a low number one time and a high number another time does NOT mean there is something wrong. It means... DROPS ARE RANDOM.

    Someday I'll add this stuff to the General Strategies thread... or did I already...

    Based on those numbers you can probably get your drops fastest by using watered event crops if you have time for all that harvesting. I'm happy with my 2 rounds of event, 1 round carnations per day.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  14. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    Currently no. I'm trying to do this event using no refinements to show it can be done. I do make use of the Artisan Craft Buffs to reduce the crops by 10%, and I use water to reduce them by another 20%. I do tend to avoid using these buffs for flowers as the cost of those items tend to be quite large. I have 29% Trophies with LL unlocked, which helps with my drops. This is why I spend so much time encouraging players to get their Trophies up to at least 25%.

    Sounds about right. The field of event crops was within range. Some are good and some are bad, but they all seem to average over the duration of the event. Chickens...even if Neon, won't give you much on any day.

    Additionally, you can see that the RF, Plantation, and Glade all typically under-produce the Main, and Meadow. This is simply due to there being fewer plots to plant seeds.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    jollyfama65, Mooboy, KaiCat33 and 3 others like this.
  15. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    If my maths are right ...I think i need 316 jewels and 0 trapflowers to get
    But am not holding my breath that they are right xD

    I Only ever saw one flower on my wheel and got that the daisy the rest were never on it to get ..which is a bit sad
    Is like the scare everyone of those ...except for cpt scarecrow:(

    Changing my farm around certainly helped with drops thank you all for the information on this ...Have learnt a lot from this event ;)

    And i shall become champion of how many times i have been to the Barn and the water tower I am up to -10,800
    Wellll Had to make sure I was on the right track xD
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    jollyfama65, KaiCat33 and joanc123 like this.
  16. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    We are currently with 70h remaining. Anyone that has 13/25 jewel bags, or 500 (preferably 600) out of 1,000 drops is in good position to finish the event. And, of course, half the crops.

    I'm currently at 17/25. 17*40= 680+55= 735 drops. I hope to finish the crops today. I'm going to be busy tomorrow.

    If anyone sincerely believes there is a problem with their drops they should contact support. No one one the forum can fix your farm. Only support can fix your farm.

    Way to go Nellie! Maybe you'll get a special prize... lol
    joanc123, Mooboy and KaiCat33 like this.
  17. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    For those who are behind in drops -

    You can grow carnation or rose or any other long term flowers overnight for drops. If you have refinements, along with them you can try the following too.
    You can use these crafting products to reduce their growing time -
    Source of life - 6% faster growth of flowers in main land farms
    elixir of live - 4% faster growth of flowers in main land farms

    You can use these along with refinements, comfort fields & white innocence & fruit cake and super grow. If you are not having enough super grows, do some tasks in Farmer's Society Quests and you can get them.

    But whatever it is, first test one field and then try it on a large scale because you might not have all the combinations and so there might be difference in growing time.

    Yesterday night I tried refined carnation in ordinary 2x2 fields with water and source of life alone as elixir of life was costly. I got good drops. Today morning I tried it in comfort fields with super grow and refinements & white innocence & fruit cake and source of life. it took 2 and 1/2 hr to get drops. Such a lot of drops. Feeling confident that I might finish the event.

    All the best.
    See you tomorrow evening !
    It is night here and just one hour to bed.
    MARLYMAR, jollyfama65, Willow and 5 others like this.
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Hi all.

    Tried to keep up with this thread but unfortunately too busy/tired/not logged in or all three lol! :)

    Just to concur on drops. I am on my third of four early morning shifts and would not have been using my farming time efficiently if I planted the event crops until I got them all so I decided that I would sort out the drops first and finish off the event crops when I have two days off (Tuesday/Wednesday). :music:

    On four fields, I have planted the event crops at 5.00 in the morning, then when I get home, around 2.00 pm, I plant Honeydew Melons and Rose Hips so effectively I have only logged in twice daily (today being the exception as rugby is on the telly!) so I am also spending less time farming (which I have been trying to reduce without much success up to now!). :inlove:

    The Glade is full of rarer animals and trees, giant trees and animal pens which have netted me between 30 and 40 drops a day.

    I have managed to grow 7,826 Trapflowers and got a massive 735 Shiny Jewels so, taking Suzee's estimate, I am on target to finish. Of course, I must do more event crops - a bit over 4 more harvests on four fields but I am confident (gulp :wuerg: - famous last words) that I can continue with this strategy and finish in good time on either Tuesday or Wednesday. :oops:

    I will probably try to use this strategy for all future events. As long as I can calculate how many harvests I need to finish the event crops, I can plant the longer crops at the beginning of an event and reach the end without stress. 8)

    Good luck all! ;)
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 3, 2017
  19. clonahmon

    clonahmon Forum Veteran

    I thought, it is a lot of drops and crops neccessary in this event. Si I set my goals for myself, which prices I wanted to achieve. But it all came different than I thought first.

    All event crops done. Overgrown by 227.
    20/25 steps finished. And 25 drops still in the barn.
    My strategy this time to get there was, planting event plants at day time (nuking them with manure, water and SG only at event start up to the first evening) and have onions, roses, rasperries, ginger and physalis overnight. If there was too much time left between daytime plantings and overnight plantings I planted corn or other shorter term crops, which gave me at least one additional drop per field. Harvested everything in time.
    When event plants were all grown I switched to 5-6 hour crops for the daytime.
    30/03/2017 total 287 drops
    31/03/2017 total 201 drops
    01/04/2017 total 178 drops
    02/04/2017 up to now 157 drops
    gifts of a total of 19 since event start included.

    First harvests in the morning gave me 100/90/80/95 drops and the rest came every day from different plantings.

    Sure, I will get the remaining 5 jewel bags until the event is over.

    Good Luck to everybody!!! You all can do it.
  20. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    LOL Suzee...I seriously doubt it xD...But I can dream:DxD Would be a first if they didxD
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    joanc123 and KaiCat33 like this.
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