Reach for the Stars Strategy Thread

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by FarmerDelight, Aug 2, 2017.

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  1. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    Hi Decree,
    I haven't seen the data firsthand but a long time ago when Farmerama was simpler there was a large scale experiment which concluded that drops were tied to the original time of the crop, not original EP and certainly not buffed EP. I know some people like to buff EP in the hopes of getting more drops but according to that experiment that shouldn't work. Certainly for events where only stables/workshops give drops the high EP Neon/ Jumbo stables don't seem to give higher drops than equally long basic stables with low EP. Same for high EP XXL trees seeming to give lower drops than longer but lower EP basic ones.

    The best thing to do before an event is put long term crops in. During an event you should use whatever you can reduce in time most effectively.
  2. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Pretty good drops overnight - 113 on this farm, 123 on sewinglady's. Had artichokes planted on both - how I get so low on some of these crops, I dunno...

    Anyway, what I really came to post is this: Don't forget about the "crate o' gazing" in the shop! I just spent 4 BBs on two and got 50 of the event crop - so for very little investment, got a nice boost to growing the event crop!

    Kudos to the staff at BigPoint that suggested the 'crate o' gazing' idea - I think other events could also use this idea.
    Arielh, KaiCat33, kibsnfebs and 9 others like this.
  3. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    :)Thanks FarmerDelight, Decree, Pnp and all those putting forth good ideas. Special thanks on the discussion of balance in playing the game - something we all need to keep in mind.
    Special thanks and blessings to you illy; you have done so much for others in developing the SOS thread. :inlove:
    172 drops for me with rose hips, a few trees, menagerie/manufactory and a few pink pens.:) Best of luck to all participating!
  4. greenchelonia

    greenchelonia Advanced

    Did anyone have any luck with those crates? I purchased six and only got 175 event crops. Seems like a waste.
    KaiCat33, oldman49, kibsnfebs and 2 others like this.
  5. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I'd like to add my thanks to illy for the great work she has done, for a, long time now in the SOS thread. :)
    KaiCat33, kibsnfebs, Willow and 6 others like this.
  6. Lily_pink

    Lily_pink Forum Mogul

    Haven't done my first harvest yet, as my computer is having all sorts of problems in this game!!:cry: Have done all the logging in and out, and a complete cleaning...and still have to refresh, etc. all the time!! Posted in Tech.

    Sooo...have decided to use Comfort Fields - just in case I can't get into my farm it will allow me to use SG & SSG many more times. It then takes 6 hr. 55 min. Should reduce a little more when I get a free space for FC. Maybe it will help me catch up!!
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
    KaiCat33, kibsnfebs, Mooboy and 2 others like this.
  7. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    First, thank you for posting this. When I first started to do events and was struggling with drops I was taught time is what gave better drops, and the reason why refined crops were so valuable during events was because you could could get an 18 hour crop down to 9.5 hours (Raspberries), thus increasing the amount of drops you could acquire during an event.

    The only thing in your post I disagree with, and for the most part contradicts itself, is the suggestion that the best thing to do before an event is to put long crops in. Crops, unless a player is at level 121 or higher, are always going to have a lower base time than trees, unless comfort fields are used. Speeding crops up before an event does not increase the crops base time and as such it does not increase the amount of drops provided by that crop.

    For most players, if time is the best correlation to drops (which I personally believe it is, and we both agree upon that assumption), then the best option for players is to place their 20+ hour workshops and stables out, then blanket the rest of their fields with trees, and finally, increase the outside factors as much as they can. Outside factors include Living Legends Rune + Trophies, and CR's that improve drop rates. This is the only way to really improve initial drops at the start of the event.

    As I mentioned above and in a previous reply, workshops and stables do well for drops. This is due to the longer growing times. Many of them are around 36 hours, and they can be reduced through water, and buffs. This is nice but again, time reduction wont increase the drops during initial harvest. I do not include this detailed information is because there tends to be a lot more confusion as to when to place these workshops and stables so that they are ready at event start. Additionally, most newer players (whom my strategies are written for) simply do not have a large amount of these to fill their fields. Making trees the cheaper and more plentiful option.

    I'm sorry this was a long post which mostly agree'd with you. I do want to thank you for posting your thoughts. Time was the method which was taught to me when I started, and I really don't know when the shift to EP became such a prevalent idea. For a while I thought I was the only one believing in the time factor. Due to the increase in EP believers, I felt the need to defend time via trees in my previous post when I proved trees being better than crops for initial drops in both categories. Whether someone believes in time, or EP, the evidence still favors trees before the event starts.

    Maybe if enough people are willing I could start collecting data to get to the bottom of this once and for all?
    KaiCat33, kibsnfebs, Banjoman and 3 others like this.
  8. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    I agree, Shimmer. Over and over again it gets proven that longer crops on 1x1s yield higher drops of any kind, not just event's, as opposed to any other configuration. And base time is what determines performance (for a long time I believed higher level trees yielded better drops until I proved myself wrong). For some unknown reason, trees yield less at a comparable base time.

    Confusion may have originated in the fact that, if a player has Premium subscription active and can use tree auto-harvest, it is indeed better to prepare farms at slightly less than 40 hs before event start, fill them with 20 hs trees and therefore enjoy 2 harvests in a very short time right at event start. In this case, the total amount of event drops gotten from trees is unbeatable. But that's because tree auto-harvesting allows to virtually condense 40 hours in a short time.

    An important thing a newer player should know is that a maximum of only one drop of any kind is yielded by any given plot, regardless of its size or what's used for.

    Therefore, stables are always worse than crops on 1x2s or 1x1s for the simple reason the chance of getting them increases when smaller plots are involved. For that same reason, trees are always better than stables, and stables of similar duration perform similarly regardless of their EP output, exactly as crops or trees. But it's not true XXL or XL yield less drops after event start: they yield more than base trees over a longer period simply because they have the same base time shortened by their nature (XXL or XL); an XXL tree of any kind, along one full day after event start, should have almost double the chance of getting a drop than a base tree of the same kind would.

    Event's drop rates vary from event to event (and from event drop to event drop when there is more than one) and they're unknown beforehand. That's why the best bet is always to prepare farms in advance with the longest duration crop the player has on 1x1s. But, if this player is at very low level, then it may be better for him/her to configure trees instead.

    After event start, an idea of the drops that can be expected is gotten by roughly taking into account how many drops are gotten from a field configured in 1x1s and the base duration of, for instance, the crop used. Hence, if on 200 plots using a crop with 15 hs base time a player gets 50 drops, it means that most probably s/he should expect 40 drops if s/he uses a crop with 12 hs base time. Knowing this, this player should expect around 50 drops if s/he uses a 12 hs base time crop immediately followed by a 3 hs base time crop.
  9. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    Thank you Aluntino for adding to this discussion. Your point about the auto harvester is spot on in how trees previously worked. Again, I haven't seen evidence to support crops over trees to start as the only evidence that does exist are first hand accounts without any data. I'm not saying either theory is right, or wrong, just that from what we know and have discussed, the indication is that trees are superior.

    Again, this is ultimately the main reason why I choose trees in my strategy posts. They are easily available from an early level and can be utilized by more players who are trying to complete events.
    KaiCat33, kibsnfebs, Mooboy and 4 others like this.
  10. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    It's OK, Decree.

    In my experience, I always noticed better drops of any kind, including any event's, from crops than from trees (given they're both 1x1s) when crops are of similar duration to that of trees, that is, around 20 hs. (in fact, though I now have plenty of 20+hs base time crops available in my farm, I noticed that to be true even with much shorter ones, like 15/16 hs). But, as Shimmer mentioned, in the past some German players did perform long term tests and got to the same conclusion. Why is it so? I don't know, but I think it may have to do with what I call the "indifference threshold".

    But anyway, though I advise to use the longest possible crops in preparation for events to any relatively high level player, because of what I've just mentioned, I also think 20 hs trees anyway yield a decent amount of drops at event start. Afterwards, it's a completely different story, because the most efficient thing to use depends on the actual event drop rate observed, and trees are rigidly set in timing, unless turbo-mulch is used. Different crops with different duration provide much more flexibility to approach the ideal optimal drop rate observed.
    KaiCat33, joanc123, kibsnfebs and 5 others like this.
  11. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    I love the help everyone has gave regarding getting drops... I also feel that so far really no one said anything wrong.. as to a study , i would love this. But as been said i find doing a study on each event pointless , due to the fact that the drops changes per event (I think this has been said in this thread about this) .Now we can do a study for every event if we wish to keep the info we collected for the next time the said event comes back around.... Keep in mind that it will only work if BP keeps the drop ratio for that event the same... Or did I shoot the gun here?

    The trees, ARH this is so hard as I seen different drops rate for.... but at same time I always changed my fields..... also with the fact i cant keep things in my head long enough to be of any help on this... All I can say is I believe Decree ( and others that said this) is right up to the drop ratio on this... because crops and trees alone between last event and this one.... its different.... i got more drops now then i did on the last event... But have seen the TREES do GREAT many times.(yes they are 1x1's, at same time , time it takes trees to harv can you plant crops and do better?) Also the time it takes for long crops and the drops.. sometimes you can plant carrots and get even better number of drops and still have time to play with , yes of course you must be in game to do this... long crops plant and come back hours So is it based on EP or time?? I think and its just me here thinking aloud.... I think its just a drop ratio period..%%. crops,size, trees,pens, exp, buffs all don't really matter.

    Now I know I am far for giving help based on my exp on these events... so please don't mind me if i am wrong..I know some of you will quote me if I am so . I am very sorry for this if i am. But I am trying...I am just hoping that if I am right. I am helping to some degree. So far my drops are 91 and 3 gifted lens for total of 94. Its still early yes... But I feel this event is doable.. Please everyone jump on it get this

    But as its been said and many times... does NOT matter your level.... its all about setting up your farm.. Plant the longest crop you have..(best trees/pens). I know everyone keeps talking about level 80 and higher crops but not everyone is level 80 or higher.. IT doesn't matter your level as you plant the longest crop period..... Trees if you have all 3 fields use one for it.... but make sure if useing trees/pens and crops on same field.. you place pens/trees first..(best ones to suit your time needs).. then crops...unless you have tons of trees and pens and you placing them by hand... then it really wont matter what gets down first..

    Any how, i gave my 2 cents worth....Game is calling me..... again I wish every one well on this event....
    KaiCat33, joanc123, kibsnfebs and 4 others like this.
  12. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    The most important part :)

    The random factor does make it hard to see what give the better drop rate. Or the least terrible one :D But I am hedging my bet doing long time crop which also has a high EP per plot. I do 1x1 due to the cac, but I also think it helps on the drops. As someone said, it's like buying more lottery tickets. And the quicker I can grow that chosen crop, the faster the drops comes, as it's one thing I am sure of that's it's base value that determine drop. I prefer crop over trees for convenience more than anything. It makes it really easy to harvest and sow once the event has started. No ripping up trees. Whopsie think I revealed I'm a lazy laid back farmer who likes to do as little work as possible for the biggest yield possible. Where those two curves/lines meet, you'll find me, chilling away in a hammock made from my bears. 8)

    Doing carnation over night. I have a sneaky feeling I'm a tad bit behind most people on the drop. But I'm not worried. Worrying only gives wrinkles, the wrong kind of wrinkles. Until proven otherwise, this will be done and dusted with one day to spare. :p
    KaiCat33, Lily_pink, joanc123 and 5 others like this.
  13. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have tried almost all strategies to work out which Concepts of Farming, that can give the best Drops on the Initial Harvest of Newly Started Event. I did have a very long listed posting under the old Forum of methods of How to get the Best Drops from Events. I devised a method " Best Pre-Event Prep Concept " As Aluntino mentioned Auto Tree Harvest, which there are Four Versions
    1. Auto Tree Harvest [The concept can only be executed by those who have a Premium Account]
    2. Comfort Fields [Comfort Fields actually gives up to Twice as many drops compared to using 2x2]
    3. 1 x 1 Fields [Using Longest Timed Crops unlocked]
    4. All Trees [As many Highest EP 20 Hours Trees you have]
    These Four Versions are the most Common Methods in every day Farming, that are likely to give the best Drops. But i have Witness and Experiences that i have been getting very good drops from two other alternatives concepts they are A) Arboretum, Menagerie and Manufactory as i was amazed the Amount of Drops i got using these also B} Jumbo Trees

    I do not have Auto Tree Harvest as take Farmer's Word who have been getting high amount of Drops using this Feature. Which in itself incorporate combined Tree Growing time condensed of 40 Hours prior to Auto Tree Harvest which is ideal at Start of an Event. I am not longer convinced this is best concept for best Drops.

    Why i am not convinced the reason is implementation of Arboretum, Menagerie and Manufactory as An Arboretum can have up to 8 Trees Slots of 1x1 = 8 plots(1x1), Menagerie and Manufactory have up to 8 x 2x2 = 24 Plots that only takes up an 2 x 2 Field. Farmers have have more than one each by means of splurging BB on them from the Stores. As any additional ones you have will boost your drop rates.;)

    Now let Bring up the use of Comfort Fields, as Crops take up to 4 Times Longer to Grow using CF. Comfort Fields does give you twice as many Drops compared to using 2 x 2 Field. Sadly Comfort Field FAQ has left this bit of info out as our FAQ's was more helpful when we used the Old Forum !

    My Longest Crop is Foxtail Millet that takes 19 Hours 15 Minutes to Grow if i used Comfort Field on these it would take 77 Hours to Grow. I have not tested this concept yet just takes too long to Grow :wuerg:

    I have 45 Jumbo Trees in my Barn for a While i have been using these Prior to an Event Starting. Now Farmerama has Introduce New High Level Crops such as Rose Buds and Foxtail Millet as i found i can kill two birds with one stone as they have Tremendously with Drops plus they are needed for Newest High Level Quests too.

    I hardly use my Trees during events as they do not give me as many drops as i would liked. As i have better Methods to get better Drops. Which is now kind of Strategy most high level Farmers are using as oppose to using Trees.

    I have no ideal why farmers are under the Conclusion that the More EP the Better the Drops as it is Utter Nonsense. I have not been proven otherwise:music: The Limitation on Trees is only the use of Turbo Mulch. But with Crops we can benefit the use of Water, Manure, Supergrow, Refinements, Deluxe Fruit Mixer and Alchemist Buffs plus Growth Boost Rune Enhances Supergrow by 10% + Manure by 5% This is why i have preference to Crop Farming to my liking
    The Latest addition Tree into this game is Birch Tree it takes 21 Hours ;)

    Now let move onto Drop rate During Events. My Method is called Best Reap Rate during events. there are two versions to this 1) Using the Strategy of 1 x 1 Fields using all the methods i mention above in BLUE

    2) Making Maximum best use of Supergrow consist of Harvest 2014 Cloud Row, Fruit Cake in Gold Slot 1, White Innocent in Gold Slot 2, using Super Grow love Refinement of 25% Effectiveness. As need to use Comfort Fields as you can get an Instant 1 Drop Item per Comfort using Leeks, Carnations as such ;) Which helps if you are behind schedule with Event Drops. I find this most Effective using my Super Grow.

    I know many farmers not got the luxury as some high level farmers have in terms of Getting Drops. Nobody has mention about Crop Trophy that helps with Boost Drops on what we reap. Does it only Applies to Crops Only. It makes me wonder why we get better drops on Crops as Oppose to Trees, without using Auto Tree Harvester.

    Did i just open a whole new can of worms here :p:wuerg:

    Using Trees to get good drops for Events is more Ideal for Lower Level Farmer or not unlocked Refinements of Crops just yet. Working on Crop Refinements does take some time :sleepy:

    All i am saying here there are various methods to get good drops as Trees in not the only option but it might be only option for lower level farmer who is better off having all trees of Elderberry Trees ;)
    KaiCat33, Lily_pink, joanc123 and 9 others like this.
  14. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Very nice strategy discussions! :)

    I received 85 drops harvested from three fields of event crops with the same configuration of a few trees, menagerie/manufactory and a few pink pens as before. About half my initial drops using the rose hips. Food for thought.
    KaiCat33, Jazac, Lily_pink and 7 others like this.
  15. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    24 hrs into the event and I have 344 drops (8 came from neighbors and a friend:p) Will be harvesting 2 fields of event crops in about 30 mins. I have tried starting events with a mix of 1x1's, trees, and stables/ 1x1's and trees or just 1x1's. The best that has always worked for me (in my opinion) is the 1x1's. :p:) I would say you need to experiment (be bravexD) and see what actually works best for you!! What works for 1 person doesn't always work for the next person;)
    Mooboy, KaiCat33, Lily_pink and 2 others like this.
  16. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    LOL Morane xD

    Have done 4 of the first one ...only need to get the barrel of monkeys..well I think I have:p
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
    Mooboy, KaiCat33 and joanc123 like this.
  17. Lily_pink

    Lily_pink Forum Mogul

    2nd day - Problems with the game/computer have been resolved!!o_O:D

    Am now harvesting Comfort Fields using water, manure, CAC, SG, SSG, and WI, FC; have switched two fields to 1X1's, and am leaving one field in CF's, using event crops only for all.
    This seems to be working well, as I have finished one Constellation (Anchor) and am part way through the Dolphin...even though I lost most of the entire first day.
    This is probably because of the CF's, so I may need to change the ratio and switch one of the 1X1 fields back to CF's...'wait and see', the name of the game! Lol!

    Wooo Hooooo!! I am beginning to like this event!!o_O:D:D
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
  18. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    so far 285 drops 24hrs. last night just ran the crop slow start but 0 machines lota clickin, start today 3 fields crop after that 2 crop and 1 spelt. got the 7bb machines much better now trying to gain some ground, will stay with 2 an1 for now at some point will run 3 spelt for the drops.
  19. kibsnfebs

    kibsnfebs Forum Baron

    293 harvest in 1 hr will give 10718 crops and hopefully drops figure estimated to reach around 329..planning for overnight rosehips on 1x1 field...Lets hope all goes smoothly as planned.
    Mooboy, joanc123, KaiCat33 and 2 others like this.
  20. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I have completed the Dolphin Constellation, will finish the Anchor Constallation this evening and am all set to finish on Monday. I planted the event crop overnight last night and will do the same tonight. I am working afternoon/evenings this weekend so will plant my long crops them - Foxtail Millet which is coincidentally what I need to grow loads of to finish a particularly long lasting FSQ! :p

    At this point in time, I have had 283 Lenses, 17 of which have been from friends and neighbours (thank you all!). The event crops are giving pretty good drops: anything from 7 to 16 per field. I'm happy with that after one day. :)

    Oldman: I started off yesterday with no machinery - hate wasting harvester time. Today I treated myself to a 12 hour harvester to get going on those event crops. Of course, one of my crates or the wheel, I forget which, gave me 3 hours of seeder so I will harvest my last harvest of the day manually and make use of that prize! :music:
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