Septemberfest- strategy thread

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arielh, Sep 19, 2017.

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  1. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    I have a ton of spoons, so I'm using them every time for those extra seconds. Why is everyone trying to preserve spoons? Do you get better prizes or further along if you don't use them? Or are others not getting spoon drops?

    I'm not even halfway through (at the beginning of the 385 slot/category - so a few orders over the 315) -- used a spoon every time (except twice) and still have 151 spoons left. Now back to waiting for crops...

    p.s. I've been jotting down my food 'codes' on pieces of paper and haven't made a boo-boo on an order yet *knocks on wood*. I don't think I'll make it to the 3 order section, so this is working fine for now. Love the iphone and dry-erase marker/print-out ideas. :)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2017
    nicorette, tlcmom, kibsnfebs and 4 others like this.
  2. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Not really preserving the spoons jazzy (thanks for the suzie mail, always brings a smile on my face), with my pen & paper version I have around 2 seconds left without it with 2 items, so I rather avoid waiting. Idle seconds = my mind wonders away from my desk. But they will be exchange for something (CC/EP?) after the event.
  3. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    Ah, I see. My 'code' is a bit like a quick shorthand, and I still have seconds left (using the spoon), but I still worry that I'll jot one down too slowly or make a mistake (I'm not as young as I used to be ;)) I haven't got an order wrong yet -- so I'll stick to adding the spoons for now.

    Amazing how far along some of you have gotten. Way to go!
    nicorette, tlcmom, kibsnfebs and 4 others like this.
  4. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    I am halfway finished.

    Never seem to get the harvester bonus that affects event crops. Congrats to those who finished.

    Will have to add it to my wishlist for this or a future event.
    nicorette, tlcmom, kibsnfebs and 4 others like this.
  5. racheliz

    racheliz Forum Inhabitant

    I've finished, yeah! For those still in sections 8/9, they are quite slow but the final section is surprisingly quick. It only needs 6 outfits = 60 points for 3 correct orders = 360 points. Jotting down three orders is quite a challenge in the time available, even with spoons. I suggest take it slowly, prepare yourself and stay focused for each one. I kept thinking I'd written the wrong item but no, they were all OK. It takes a fair bit of concentration but trust yourself. Good luck, you'll get there!
    nicorette, tlcmom, kibsnfebs and 6 others like this.
  6. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Arielh It was a 200%/12hours had it yesterday, it really does help. :)
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 5, 2017
    Arielh, nicorette, kibsnfebs and 4 others like this.
  7. kibsnfebs

    kibsnfebs Forum Baron

    Atlast finished with 76 outfits + 1 free...not a single phone magic...Big Thankyou to Arielh and PnP for crunching the nos. which helped in milling exact outfits...Good Luck to all those who are progressing...Good Night
    Arielh, nicorette, tlcmom and 7 others like this.
  8. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    My heart felt thanks to Arielh and pnp for crunching the numbers You two know how much I appreciate it!:)

    I looked it all over and at first blush realized I would be in way over my head. Yes, it is similar to the cake game. But in function only. It seems as if the devs have said: "Too easy you say? Well try this you picky Farmers!" They have made it nearly impossible for this olde man to participate. Just too darn confusing to me.

    I've watched over my wife's shoulder as she has attempted to fill the orders. Not much help there either. Came in here in hopes that one of you has solved the puzzle. Alas, no better than I or my wife has. I'll mull it over and try to come up with some way to identify the parts that works for my mind.

    Congratulations to those who have finished! My hats of to you!
    Arielh, nicorette, tlcmom and 8 others like this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Good luck Sir Pipps!:) I used pen/paper with initials that fit my mind. I also said their name out loud as I wrote them down until I got used to the 'code' as we are all familiar with the cakes but these new food orders took a bit of time to get the hang of. At least that is what worked for this old, tired puppy's brain. :pI am on track to finish in the time allowed for this event. I didn't rip out my fields on this farm and so I have less crop space devoted to this event than I do my other farms. However, all drops have been acquired whereas on the other farms, I am having to wait on drops. Still stand by my first post to remind myself to be patient and flexible (thank goodness for the builder!) to do this event and things are going along nicely. :)

    Congrats to those who are done and a big cup of coffee/tea for those still plugging away.:)
    nicorette, tlcmom, Cassie101 and 7 others like this.
  10. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Sir Pip, try printing out the picture from the faq and just number then 1,2 &3 for the orders. Maybe enlist your wife to help you :D And use the wooden spoon, it makes a huge difference. As someone else pointed out, they seem to drop easily from just the event crop.
    nicorette, tlcmom, Cassie101 and 6 others like this.
  11. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    I started out getting far more aprons than chef hats. But it switched over the last couple of days -- now I have 34 hats and zero (count 'em - zippo) aprons. Not too concerned. I used one of my lovely gifts today, so I'll continue on with mostly crops until the buff runs out, and get a gain on those -- then I'll put more stables back in. At the moment, I have two fields of crops, and my main field which is usually just stalls -- I've moved out my extra chickens, rabbits and goats, etc. to make room for about 10 more crop plots. I'll put those back after the buff is over.

    I have noticed something about all the events. You start out getting decent drops (or as decent as one can expect for some of us), and then as the event moves on, the drops start to...well, drop. After the first day of the event, drop rates seem to decrease quite a bit (this has been my experience in all the events I've participated in so far).

    I wonder if this is part of the programming/marketing strategy? You know... ah-ha, got you hooked now! Ready to buy a basket? ;)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2017
  12. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum


    Usually farmers prepare well for their first Event harvest, using max timed crops, trees and pens. This guarantees good drops. As soon as an Event has started a lot of what was used goes out to make room for Event crops and/or gets replaced with other short(er) timed crops, trees and pens (many farmers simply want to harvest as often as possible during an Event). This is why one seems to get less drops in the remaining time of an Event.
    It's all very logical: Faster crops, trees, pens provide less drops while the dropratio stays the same. :)
  13. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    Hi habalala!

    Just so you know, that last line of my previous post was made in jest (hence the winky face) ;)

    But yes, I understand the logic in preparing for an event, and therefore, getting more drops (I've seen some amazing totals from people here from their prep). I guess in my case, I don't always prepare. I wasn't sure I was going to do the last two events, for example, so didn't prepare or plan anything different on my farms for those. Previous events, I was pretty much a newbie, so preparing wasn't something I did beforehand (or did well, at least).

    In any case, with my farm, I do notice the drop rate lowers after a day or two (for me anyway). For example, on the first day of this event, I was getting drops galore from most of my stalls. Many of them are still there now, although I removed some of the extra lower stalls, such as chickens, etc., leaving the higher stalls I would hope would have a better chance of drops. Yet I'm finding I can harvest several stalls and still only get one apron (as an example). So I do notice the drop rate ratio. Because I don't have as many stalls on my main field, I wouldn't expect the same amount of drops in total -- but I am still not getting what I did the first day (stall to stall). Spoons, on the other hand, are still going strong!

    Because I haven't prepared beforehand, I guess I notice it on my own farm. It may not be the case for others. :)

    I'm still having fun, though. Onward with crops, aprons and hats ...
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
  14. FarmerDelight

    FarmerDelight Forum Master

    Struggling with drops :( -.-

    I have 1 field of animal pens, half field of trees and 1 1/2 fields of crops. I have to constantly use CAC in order to keep up with the crop requirements. This is definitely not a normal difficulty event.
  15. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Here's another method you could try: print the image below and put an x under each requested item.


    You can print 3 copies and use 1 for each order, or print a single copy and write 1, 2, 3 for orders #1, #2, #3, respectively.
  16. blessedlady2

    blessedlady2 Old Hand

    SirPip, I tried all kinds of things, then decided to let my mind tell me what it saw. I see bananas not sausage. I see chocolate not beer. I see ice cream not cupcake. green is lime to me.

    B P H C PZ

    O C L B P

    P C P D IC

    Of course I do some unforeseen wild things sometimes, such as deciding maybe I was having problems because I had never downloaded Windows 10. So guess what I did. Yep, seemed like it took 15 hrs. Then it wiped out my Norton suite which had to be reinstalled. Now I have an eye looking at me and keeps wanting to lock me out of my computer. Have not a clue what it is or what it is for. At this point in time it is just making me miserable. Best of luck to all.
    Jazac likes this.
  17. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Are you perhaps looking at the Windows Edge symbol? A big blue lowercase e? That is the browser that comes with Windows 10.
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I did not intend to do this event but found that, despite being away from main computer since the start of the event, my drops were adequate to at least finish the main part. So, starting with just 10 2x2 plots and then interchanging with comfort plots when access to farm was not possible, I decided to go for it and, when I got what I considered enough Aprons and Hats to complete the main part of the event, I changed to 1x1s and started accumulating the event crops. Will have enough tomorrow morning to finish the first part and will continue to see how much more I can get before the end of the event! :p

    FOCD, moi? No way José ... just got back from a short break in Spain!:D

    Good luck all!;)
  19. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Finished the event. Activated the cloud row.

    That was a wonderful film. Enjoyed it a lot. And it game me many thoughts, ideas & realisation. Now I know from where one of our old Super hit Tamil Films got its idea from. I have bookmarked 7 little Foys too. Same subject.
  20. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I was very nervous to begin the order filling. So....yesterday I went and bought a small dry/erase board. It worked like a charm! I finished late last night. I did orders during commercials while watching TV. It did get a bit monotonous.....but I pushed through and now have the CR!!!! I didn't know you could continue filling orders for additional prizes!
    Arielh, nicorette, trishap58 and 7 others like this.
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