The farmer_broke Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Jun 5, 2018.

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  1. ortrud_oc

    ortrud_oc Padavan

    I am the mentor of rat_tail and I am enjoying it. It took me a time to understand what was going on, Love being a part of an experiment such as this. As long as rat-tail does all the thinking and the mathematical calculations. I am getting the gist of this "game in the making",
  2. Brakenjan84

    Brakenjan84 Padavan

    One question broke... (sorry if this was asked before). How do you do your mentor shopping (ie: how often do you delete a new mentor) and when do you decide to stay with a mentor?

    I'm in for this one! This is my type of challenge! :D
  3. Brakenjan1984

    Brakenjan1984 Forum Greenhorn

    Okay, so here goes... ;)

    I've started my new farm and I am at level 2!!! Planning to stay there for at least a few hours :p
  4. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Hello :)

    As with RL, each of us is different. We have different likes and dislikes. We are attracted to others for different reasons.
    One may have read another's response(s) here in the forum and like or dislike.
    They get assigned to us during mentor selection and we choose to stay or not stay.
    Some will not want to be consumed with a communication (or language) difference. Or one may desire it.
    So we decide to stay or leave.
    One may be willing to try and associate with someone they initially have no feelings about.
    Or maybe not and want another mentor.

    Assume I want a new mentor for whatever my reason may be.
    One may leave the mentor through the farmhouse and another will be assigned.(One did not leave the mentor system.)
    Sometimes one will be assigned within minutes and at other times it may take hours. (Days passed once.)
    Once a mentor is assigned, one cannot leave that mentor for 12 hours.

    I have done the above over and over and over and over again for days or weeks.
    I have never been assigned the same mentor again immediately.
    However, when I kept leaving mentors and if the mentor I chose to leave had an opening for a chick then I have found myself back in the same nest of the mentor I had originally left.xD

    I simply kept coming and going until assigned a mentor that I just might be happy with. (Up to me when I stop shopping!)

    One may leave the entire mentor system and rejoin.
    There is a chance when leaving the mentor system and immediately rejoining that the same mentor one left is assigned. One is right back where they started from. ..... and twelve hours must pass.......

    Mentors can help a participant or hurt the participant or waste their time.
    helping me: eg. Tool boxes can help or power feed daily can help or an item awarding tep I can place will help or a buff
    hurting me: eg. Event drops are the worst. Mentors as well as neighbors have sent. I suppose they feel nice but no good for me.
    wasting their time: eg. A rabbit shearing shed is nice but too much ep received to use it. OR The egg farm is ideal for the new farm but completely worthless to farms here (it is a temptation which when used can contribute to failure). OR many stables will only be stored. Some may get one use and no more ever from me....if even the one use. Send me water? For what? A participant has little use for the mainland (eventually). If one is milling power feed continuously then one may save a few ccs by having water tanks on the spaces near their mill. I have wondered what mentors must be thinking of whenever manure is sent.

    A little communication can help any relationship.

    One will not be disqualified from this event providing they find a new mentor within seven days. I will do absolutely nothing in an attempt to verify that one has a mentor. There is no problem with me believing anything a participant may say about the issue. By not having a decent mentor, one is only hurting their own farm. That farm is also unable to fulfill the one year requirement of being in a mentor's nest. (One may choose to have more than one mentor over time if they wish.)

    I'm happy you joined us. Please feel free to ask any question at anytime. From your BAHA level I know you will revisit aspects of Farmerama. Please enjoy and share your experiences with us.

    PS One of my farms has a mentor who desires only tool boxes so far. I wonder what in the world she is building. UP TO HER! Luv points and a tool box daily :inlove:
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018
  5. Brakenjan1984

    Brakenjan1984 Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you for the reply broke!

    Just an update on my new farm. I'm level 3 now (360 EP to level up) and have 77, 425 CCs - Building up my CC balance in preparation for my trophies (I'll buy most of the animals and fruit).

    I have obtained a mentor but am unsure yet if I'll stick with them. Only time will tell...

    ** level 4 now and 354 305 CCs
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018
  6. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    LOL xD

    Every time I want to upgrade a menagerie or a manufactory, I either need 12,000 wood or 8 Wooden Mallets. Even though, I hoarded my tools for 8 years - they ran out quickly.

    I can't seem to get the Mystic Cybrus(sp) to save my soul. I know one person who has 15 and he says he never has a problem with upgrades.

    So, I need toolboxes. Event drops, I can get myself.

    Now, that I write this explanation. You might be talking about one of your other Mentors, PNP. We are both in the same boat.

    This is actually a very sad problem. I have a couple of buildings that could be upgraded right now, if I had the tools. This means that I already donated million and millions of breeding animals - all for nothing. :(
  7. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    And both of the broke chickadees in your nest have been good chickadees and send toolboxes. (shhhhh ...PnP has a good chickadee in her nest doing just as she asks.)

    Now this deserves a virtual pat on the head to your chickadee(s).
    Mentor TCRooster gives out virtual pats on the head whenever the chickadee behaves. xD

    The power feed that both you and PnP send seems to work. Thanks. And no way will my participant farms harvest that breeding motel during baby boom or some event handing out something that turns to ep when one breeds. <------- the ep trap team at work.

    I wonder what is going to happen next? Or not happen yet. And I can only woner how many ccs your farm will spend on animals and tree fruit and where the cc swill come from?

    I felt that way initially after mentor shopping and deciding to remain with ortrud_oc as mentor. I am glad I remained now.
    I had seen the name a few times in this forum.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
    sanddollar15, joanc123 and 12ss12 like this.
  8. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    For those who are in need of stars. Renzo is offering 25 stars for 200 renzo chips.

    There several decoration items that gives no EP or CC or anything like bench, igloo, spruce or fir tree etc.. You can buy them in the farm supplies store under decoration tab.

    HavenGrove - Happy you have started marketing.

    You can use the baha animals & fruits for the trophy quest.

    ortrud_oc - Hi ! Wish you best of luck with your chick ! (No, No broke. [​IMG] Its just a simple greeting. No hidden meaning.[​IMG]) ortrud is one of my good friend, you see.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
  9. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    One-Two is making trouble ... as usual... again xD

    Renzo was mentioned before. Mentor ortrud_oc was written and informed that the the rat_tail farm had taken the 25 stars. I wrote that nothing else would be said in the thread about it unless someone mentioned it.

    .... And there Wonderful One-Two goes. xD

    The rat_tail farm, in Mentor orthud_oc's nest, is level 35 and needs 65 more stars now to make it a living legend. The farm should not level up to reach living legend .... UNLESS a foolish move is made.

    ...Now I am so excited that I went and looked exactly where the stars are. I can see them. :D:D

    There are also stars available and pay lots of ep to obtain which I did not look at.

    Warning! A participant farm must control itself or the Gooooooooolllden Boot out of the event will arrive.

    Although the rat_tail farm may reach living legend at level 35, the farm has not unlocked any of the glade (other than what was given). The farm will still need approximately 190 more stars.

    Again, I strongly recommend that a participant try and maintain self-control. OR the Golden Boot will arrive at graduation from the nest.

    Who will be the first to admit the receipt of the Golden Boot? xDxD
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
  10. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I finally made to to Baha. Yea! For now, I am selling all my mainland stuff. and no-no-no I will not plant, harvest or anything else on the Mainland. Unfortunately, I got to level 16. Yickes! That Golden Boot feels so close. :oops::cry:xD

    I have found a mentor who participates on this forum. I don't think she understands completely with what I am doing, but for now. I feel secure that she won't boot me out.

    EDIT: Broke you are a very good chickedee who deserves many virtual pat's on the head. :inlove:I was only whining and pouting above, because the tool thing is so frustrating for me. All I can do is be patient which can be so frustrating.:oops:

    My whining did pay off. xD I got a lot of toolboxes. This is not why I was whining. I just wanted to explain why tool are so important to me, but I do LOVE and appreciate everyone who sent me toolboxes. You'all deserve a virtual pat on the head. :D:inlove::D
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
    baw815, 12ss12, fishy_broke and 2 others like this.
  11. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    I fear that I'm going to lose at the market this time around. I only have ~68 hours left and my crops carrots, hay, lettuce, and wheat will be returned to me. At the time I offered my crops the price was good I was the second lowest price. By the time I got home from work I was pushed to something like page 4 and it has only gotten worse :(:cry:
    12ss12 and fishy_broke like this.
  12. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    :cry: just checked the dumbdumb farm (name inspired by baw815 who is a neighbor now and receives wilson every other gift).
    The mentor is sglick :)

    The farm had five crates from somewhere.
    I knew better than to open them.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I won't get ep ......... so I opened all five of them up.

    guess what popped out?:cry::cry:

    15,000 ep:cry:

    That's not all :cry:

    The other day I accidentally took the daily gift :cry:

    Guess what it was?

    4,000 ep:cry::cry:

    I just exited and came here to cry:cry::cry:

    No Golden Boot but the farm did level up to 35 .:cry::cry:
    baw815 and 12ss12 like this.
  13. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Oh no! I don't want to lose you.:(

    I am at level 4. I opened up the 2nd plot on Baha. I bought 10 Anteaters and leveled up 2 1/2 levels. It is getting boring harvesting just sugarcane. I did open up Passion fruit for an over night crop. LOL Unfortunately, my Sugarcane is not selling - Boo-hoo
    baw815, 12ss12 and fishy_broke like this.
  14. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    I could not say anything about a CC requirement when you posted. Now I will say that a participant cannot help but to face the CC aspect of this event.

    For instance:

    And the crying is now underway. xDxD

    LOL Relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax LOL

    You treatment for curing FOCD is now underway. xDxD
    No need to worry Mentor sglick. :oops: The farm was doing quite well until .... just until xD
    On the bright side, the farm already has the stalk open and has taken the big ep.

    That Golden Boot out of the event is around all of us.
  15. Brakenjan1984

    Brakenjan1984 Forum Greenhorn

    Baby farms wanting to stay in the nest, don't open today's Juice Calendar gift = 50 000 EP!!
  16. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Don't open the Fruit Calendar today. It gives you EPs. This is for the participants of this event. I am hoping that the fruit calendar gives us stars.

    Don't worry. That happens now and then. Without it you can't do marketing. Forgot about those offers. But concentrate on new ones. Buy your daily quota of 100 seeds from the shop and you can mill animal feeds in the mill. They don't give EPs. You can sell the animal feeds for good price.
  17. Brakenjan1984

    Brakenjan1984 Forum Greenhorn

    I've decided to kick my mentor and search for another one :cry:
    No communication in four days...

    So as of now, I'm without a mentor again :p

    On another note, I am on level 4 still with more than a million CCs :D
  18. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    I've got a mentor sending me things that can hurt a participant.

    I'm sick of that mentor. There is no way I would send that mentor a luv point ..... forget it mentor!

    I'm not kicking the mentor ..... just yet.

    And that mentor had better not communicate with that farm.

    I'm just going to let wilson do the talking! xD

    I'll be such a bad chick now that the mentor will kick me out of the nest. ....
    Goooood. I'll mentor shop. xD

    And wilson will visit that mentor whether in the nest or not xDxD
    baw815, 12ss12 and Brakenjan1984 like this.
  19. Brakenjan1984

    Brakenjan1984 Forum Greenhorn

    Found another mentor and already sending messages back and forth, think I'll stay with this one :D

    Level 5 now but not worried about leveling up, I'll keep it slow :p
  20. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    I did that! lol xD:cry:xD
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