A plea for farm machinery improvement

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by habalala, Feb 3, 2019.

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  1. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    Any farmer needs good tools to get the work done in time.
    The current Builder machinery for trees/stalls/workshops only shows the amount of a tree/pen/workshop (and the amount of food) my farm has but not the amount of treefruits/animals/products I already own.

    Prior to filling my fields I get annoyed finding all info needed for efficient planting the old fashioned way:
    The only ways to see how many of a treefruit/animal/product I have, is to go to the barn inventory and find it there after a few selections, or I need to go to the market (make offer option gives an overview).
    It just takes too much time, way too much. Not to mention it's hard to compare several options at a glance.

    The current machinery hasn't had a serious upgrade since I started playing over 3 years ago.
    With the regular introduction of new trees, new pens and new workshops I think it's about time to bring in new, or at least improved, machinery.

    I would love to see the machinery to work for all items like it does for seeds:
    If I want to plant trees, it provides an overview of all trees, the number I have, AND the amount of treefruits already in inventory.
    If I want to place stalls or workshops, it shows all my stalls or workshops, the number I have, AND the amount of animals or products already in inventory.
    Ofcourse it also gives info on grow/mature times and EP/TEP.

    Going by 40 items on page, like with seeds, when all is available it'll show about 1.5 page for each category both for mainland and baha.

    It'll provide farmers working on the field an instant overview on options without having to go anywhere else. That will make them very happy :)
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2019
    bikki93, memere13, Cassie101 and 8 others like this.
  2. geckofeet666

    geckofeet666 Active Author

    That's a very good idea habalala. With so many trees/stable it's really hard to know what you need to put on the field.
    I am sure BP will introduce even more trees/stable so your idea will make our life, here on the farm,a little easier :)
  3. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    Yes yes yes! I have to go to the barn, look at what I'm low on, remember it while I go to machinery... tedious. Love this idea!!!
  4. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    An alternative for animals I didn't mention but I do make use of ever so often is the loveshack. Ofcourse it only shows the inventory amount for animals that can be bred but when placing regular stalls at least I don't have to leave the field I'm on.

    Thanks for the support!
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Count my vote too! Great idea :) It would definitely streamline what needs to be placed on the fields.
  6. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Count me in too. I spend ages making lists from the barn, then run out of time to place them (i.e. dinner ready, bedtime etc)
  7. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum Ambassador

    :inlove:your idea habalala...I share your frustration. :cry:
  8. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    habalala - You're just full of great ideas today!!!:music: Yes, yes and a huge YES from me!!!! The worst part of events is putting the farm back together! I realize there is a machination to restore a field to prior set up, but that is not very useful to me. After each event, I re-evaluate and change my trees, pens and workshops based on what is needed or low supply. I'm constantly making lists....after going back to barn several times. Very time consuming....and Not fun!
  9. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    You have my vote, habalala. Brilliant suggestion. :) I may look forward to finishing events early again.
  10. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Agreed - great idea
    Cassie101, joanc123, habalala and 2 others like this.
  11. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    AWESOME!!!! Fantastic ideas.
    Like so many, I spend a lot of time always reevaluating after events or knocking out some levels on the quests. Making list and running out of time due to all the work it takes to get some basic information. I have several notebooks and piles of index cards and color pens/pencils cluttering up my computer area.
    However; I would like to add one more feature...
    I think it would be awesome if we could choose how many crops we would like to lay out at a time. We can do it for trees and pen/workshops BUT not crops. Sometimes I need to split my fields up with different crops. I used to use the fences -which they stole from me. :cry:Yea they left compensation BUT that is not the point, I used them for many things... still not over it and waiting from some new ones...BUT I'm getting off topic, sorry.
    I would love the option to choose how many of one particular seed to plant at a time.
  12. Sister3

    Sister3 Regular

    Habala this is very rational and wonderful idea:music: Hope BP would implement sooner than later.
    Cassie101, joanc123 and habalala like this.
  13. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Agree whole-heartedly. Great idea! :inlove:

    While we are there, how about a Barn (or tab) for our Glades. If we are placing things there, we need to go to another field to find out how many of whatever we have. With my memory, I am back and forth out of the Glade till it is full! :music:
  14. Sister3

    Sister3 Regular

    @illy1996, Oh yes and I have only 1 glade;) It must be even more massive information for high level players, to remember:(
    ...not just just the "slightly older people".
  15. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Fantastic idea Habalala what a great improvement that would be.:)

    illy I love your idea too, I'm fed up going back and forth to a barn in another field:)
    joanc123, geckofeet666 and habalala like this.
  16. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    Totally agree with that also
    joanc123 likes this.