Frosty Farm Work 101 Strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by SahraB, Dec 31, 2019.

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  1. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Haven't you got any spare vouchers on your extra farms, Pups? I have a lot but then my little farms don't do any regular farming. I also have accumulated an unhealthy pile of SG and SSG! Gonna nuke it until the pile is gone! :p

    I am only using one of my extra farms ... one of the reasons I stopped farming all three was the added stress of three times the work during events! o_O

    I will endeavour to finish the event on my main farm but have the extra EP givers as back up or for others during G&T. :music:
    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 5 others like this.
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Once again District Judge Exams have come. They are on March. So I will be concentrating more on my studies. But now and then come to relax here.

    In the first harvest I got 256 cans and 366 sticks. I had the fields covered with trees.
    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 5 others like this.
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I used them when we had a month long MM in October. I have also (for the most part) used the FSQ harvester rewards. Any remaining quests that give machinery require too much and those farms have empty barns and banks :music::p;) They are just no use any more without some work xD
    farmlily3, KaiCat33, joanc123 and 3 others like this.
  4. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Yeah, harvesting and planting by hand is awful. I forgot how awful... Now I really wish BP would take my idea and run with it - let us gift the harvester coupons.

    I've never been a big fan of this particular event, and the cloud row is okay - not meh, not great - just okay. So I'm going to do what I can do and call it good.

    Edited to add:

    PS: most of the quests and the farm orders aren't worth fooling with, if you ask me. Unless you need the stars or some other reward badly, the donations can be sold on the market for far more coin than we get. I just don't understand why BP can't keep up with the current market rate for these things - at least give close to market rate on the CCs...otherwise, nope. Not gonna give my plants and animals to quests or farm orders. And, if BP thinks I'm donating my workshop goods for those paltry sums of EP, CCs, etc. HAH! They can think again.
    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 3 others like this.
  5. SahraB

    SahraB Count Count

    Yeah, just sell them!!;)

    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 6 others like this.
  6. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Active Author

    this one going to be a tough one to produce all the purses but I've already made half the required baked apples for the whole event before I even came to check out the faqi it seems, I thought it was twice as many baked apples and bought loads of supplies before the event started and guess what I just checked the market, walnuts are up 150% and plums sold out :p
  7. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Plums have been sky high for a couple days now, so not surprised they are sold out at this point. We need walnuts, too? ugh.
    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 3 others like this.
  8. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Active Author

    well apples are needed too, gl everyone, the last event crop was a bit shorter if I'm not mistaken, with this one with water applied the growth rate is over 6 hours for me.. Needing 22000 purses with 5.5 days to go, with carrotapplechutney I can make roughly 1200 per harvest so more than 3 needed per day. With growing time at over 6 hours this might require some middle of the night farming, grumble grumble
    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 3 others like this.
  9. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    This is a really long event crop...even with SG it's 3 hours unless you use the SG buffs.
    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 2 others like this.
  10. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    My understanding is that market prices keep rising due to inflation because:
    1) we have CCs constantly entering the system via rewards from events, FSQs, farm orders, CRs, crates, farmwheel prizes, etc.
    2) we have no currency sink that allows BP to drain CCs from the system

    I think BP giving us CCs for our goods at market rates would only exacerbate this problem, leading to hyperinflation which would ultimately make the currency worthless. That's my theory, anyway.
    Or maybe they're just being stingy and I have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't know. xD:p
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 3 others like this.
  11. SahraB

    SahraB Count Count


    I never thought I'd use the term 'inflation' one day in this farm game, but starting in early 2016, the inflation volume in Farmerama continues to increase, and inflation is likely to continue to rise unless BP changes its policy on Farmerama.xD:)
    fun2farm, farmlily3, KaiCat33 and 5 others like this.
  12. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Actually, I think that Farmerama's market system is a lovely microcosm of an actual economy - we earn or get CCs in various ways, we spend those CCs at the market. Ever take a basic business course? Your professor probably explained market forces in a big circle (I know mine did). Supply and demand. We're seeing it right now with the price of basic tree fruit needed for this event. Farmers who weren't prepared have paid dear prices to get what they need for the event. The prices will drop after the event ends (although it may take some time and they many not return to pre-event levels).

    I would hope that BP doesn't step in any more than it already has (as farmer_broke and I have discussed in the past, BP has taken measures to manipulate the price of manure in the past year or so).

    I started farming in 2014 (ack! it's been that long?) and this farm came into being in 2015. The prices vary from market to market. With 40 separate markets, I don't think there's any way for BP to micro-manage prices without serious price controls - which historically (in real life), never work or at least usually don't give the intended results. I suspect that a cabal of farmers on any given market could manipulate prices in the short term (up or down, depending upon desired results)...and I mean beyond demand driving prices up during any given event. I don't know if BP monitors the markets very closely, but I'd bet they do and I suspect there would be consequences if it were discovered, so I don't recommend trying it.

    So the one area that I have seen steady price increases is workshop products. I get why - they cost animals and feed and time and space. When you factor all that in, the prices were low - way low when I first started playing. Now they are much higher - all of them. The days of buying chicken eggs for 100-500CCs are long past. So then why would a new player on a new farm ever complete a quest that requires products? The incentives have to be comparable. If a new player can sell chicken eggs for 5000CCs each, why would they donate them to the egg quest? They have to weigh - ccs in one hand or the rewards on the other. The rewards on the egg quest are meager at best, in my opinion...until you get to level 10 - the harvester functions. So what does the player want worse?

    Okay, off the soapbox and back to farming. PS - came here to whine about this event and forgot to do that. I've decided that whatever gets done is what gets done. Heavy sigh.
  13. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    There have been some excellent posts. I would like to comment, as another long time player - when we used to have, on average, two events per month, we could grow our own animals and products and whatever else we wanted, with greater ease. When there began to be more events, which are, essentially, of course a money earner for the company, that is when we began to see greater amounts of CCs as compensation for events. The idea, I'm certain, is to make it possible for every player to have more game money, so that they can spend more at the market, so they will be content to play the events, and quite possibly spend real money on things like PF, SG, SSG. Think about it - a couple of dollars is not much to most players, but when you multiply that times even a million players at any given time... it's well worth BP designing a dynamic that gives out CCs so we can spend them. The ones who get hurt, however, are the casual players, the ones who don't complete events and therefore don't get the cloud rows that give the crates that give the CCs. They have virtually no choice but to be completely self sufficient, or else change their play style. While the economist in me can appreciate BP's strategy, the pragmatist sees both sides of the situation and has, for a long time. All I can say is what I've said before, that this game is not designed for the casual player, and personally, I don't mind that a bit. I'll be celebrating nine years at this game in March, and there is not one other thing in my life that I've remained as loyal too. I remember when we had to set breeding motels upon our fields to breed, and I remember accidentally deleting them. I remember when there was no builder function even available. I remember weeds growing if you didn't harvest within a specified amount of time, although thankfully I started after they had done away with rain and drought conditions. Everything evolves, and it is easy to think that this game is driven by a bunch of money hungry misers, but there have been so many attempts to improve game play. Not all are a hit, and some have been a big miss - but by and large, the game keeps on getting better and better.

    And the really nice thing about constant events - if you don't want to do one for ANY reason, you can be sure another one will come along, real soon :) Lately, I've also noticed there being more and more ways to have a second chance to get whatever you might have missed out on. Sure, you have to wait - but in the old days, the ONLY way to get mystery trees and stables was to buy them, they were NEVER given as prizes, and very seldom did we get special pens or trees, either. Not saying everything is great in every way, but overall, gameplay keeps getting, at the very least, more interesting! And as dumbbunny says above - what does the player want more? we can CHOOSE.

    Happy farming, all!
  14. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I remember this too, and how great we thought it was the first time we got a secret seedling (now called wonder trees) in a calendar.

    All in all there are good options nowadays to get what you want with a little patience. Thanks for a good post and reminder @-matselleste- ! :)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
  15. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Active Author

    still a bit confused how many purses we need to get the complete cloud row?

    Do we need to complete everyhitng to get all the giver items for the CR?
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  16. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I think we do have to go to level 4 with all 4 animals. The far right, level 4 is the cloud row and the 3 givers are the 4th level on the other three.

    At least the prizes for waking the animals up have been excellent...well I think so, anyway...
  17. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I too think the prizes for waking the animals up have been excellent.
  18. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    I just so happen to have 1.25 million plums.
    hmmmmmmmm I can let go of say a million at 10,000 each
    That's a steal for a rich farmer like you. Only 10 billion.

    Wait wait wait..... on second thought ..... I da wanna sell
    because then I would have to grow them all again and

    I'm just an oooooooooooooooooooooooooooold farmer nooooooooooooooooow

    Maybe we can work a deal on ah million walnuts............
    naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...... I'm too oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold now to be growin walnuts again
  19. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    I have to correct myself. :oops:

    I completely forgot about the supply shop where we can buy up to 300 crops daily, regular trees/stables, and pheromones for CCs. That does take some of the CCs out of circulation but I don't know if it's enough to keep up with influx of CCs elsewhere...

    Supply and demand definitely plays a huge role in market prices too, and I agree that there is a need for BP to hand out more and more CCs, especially to help newer players. I just think matching market rates for our goods is a bit too much for the system to handle if BP doesn't find a way to drain more CCs from the game...

    Like I said, maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about and BP has everything under control. xD
    fun2farm, farmlily3, joanc123 and 3 others like this.
  20. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    My baby farm, which is doing the event "to support my main farm" for the EP items will actually finish all the crops today! :music:

    This was due to, in no particular order: +100% Harvest for 24 hours from the Wheel at the start, enough SG and SSG to nuke every plot, CF overnight on the first night to maximise the Wheel bonus and, completely unnecessarily, an event plant +1 bonus which has been hanging around in my Barn forever. :D

    I am slowed down by drops but these should come overnight when I plant trees everywhere. I didn't need to use PF to wake the animals up as I got plenty of Sticks with my first harvest (404 trees). :p

    This was a good way round the stress involved with trying to finish on the main farm, though I would still like to do this. Though the more I try to calculate if it is possible, the more I see that it is unlikely! Without a little bonus from the Wheel, that is! xD

    My baby farm actually leveled five times on Bahamarama during this event, reached level 13 on the Season event (without donating a thing) and generally raked in lots of lovely prizes - but I wouldn't say I am enjoying doing the event on two farms. Too much hanging around waiting for the training sessions! :wuerg:

    Edit: I am one harvest away from the CR and I will finish the Chicken tomorrow. Funny thing is, if I can manage to do three harvests each day (not a certainty), I can actually finish this event.:music:
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
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