Gorgoyl Fanfare

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *L*A*Z*, Feb 21, 2020.

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  1. *L*A*Z*

    *L*A*Z* Forum Apprentice


    do you think gorgoyl fanfare would be a profitable shopping?
    TÜRKİYE, farmerlily22 and 12ss12 like this.
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    The EP Givers give good EPs. But the time taken to harvest them is every 162 hrs. That's too long to wait. The Cloud row gives Moonlight Crate III every 20 hrs. The crate gives good rewards. The rewards from the crate is tempting. You get them without growing & without MM event open. The Cloudrow doesn't give anything else other than the crate. For me it is not so profitable. US dollars converted to Indian Rupee is a lot of money.

    If you want the crate and the amount of money you pay for the cloud row is not a great deal to you, you can buy the cloudrow.

    What the crate gives - From FAQ.
    farmerlily22 and farmer_broke like this.
  3. *L*A*Z*

    *L*A*Z* Forum Apprentice

    so you're just saying it's profitable for the vine part, but

    I thought so
    gorgoyl fanfare
    pots tantan = 1 week = 8 x 96.000 = 768.000 EP
    = Within 1 month = 768.000 x 4 = 3.072.000 EP

    Isn't it profitable?
    TÜRKİYE likes this.
  4. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    I decided against purchasing this. I can't be sure I'd be harvesting them right as they are ready, and I don't think the crate is worth the money the game is asking for it. I'll wait for a better deal.
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