Bug Unity Open Beta Community Bug Reporting September 2020

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Sep 28, 2020.

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  1. ..Jethro..

    ..Jethro.. Forum Apprentice

    I cannot play renzos market, its all to slow...
  2. oaksong

    oaksong Junior Expert

    Overall I really love the reduced loading times and some improvements in the graphics.
    That said..
    Sea Symphony doesn't paint and you can harvest multiple times, but it doesn't increment the XP total, so that's good.
    Pleco Fish Lake doesn't paint.
    It would be nice if there was a bigger space been the hats and the XP increment counters.
    The XP counter doesn't always appear after a harvest.
    Moose Music Hall doesn't display.
    Baker's Delight doesn't display.
    Hovering over Fancy Treehouse I get a "mirage" of bears and penguins floating on the display.
    They also appear when I hover over Fun In The Fall
    The Bears and Penguins appear to come from Surf King
  3. bunster13

    bunster13 Forum Greenhorn

    ID: 9721919
    Country: USA
    Platform: Firefox
    Game area: All fields
    Date and time: 30 Sept 2020; 8:52 PM EST (NY time)
    Cannot hand harvest anything on the right hand side of the page. The popup to harvest disappears off the edge of the frame when I click on the farthest right on each field. The popup option menu (for harvesting) drifts farther right as I move across the screen from left to right.
  4. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    MS Edge (running Win10Pro)
    10am (+8:00GMT)
    Several issues
    Harvesting manually is grossly out of alignment. This is all fields. Items to the right side of the screen cannot be manually tended to on main farm fields and park. I know someone else mentioned it, but thought I would pop in a screenshot. Please refer to the red arrows.

    Pets playgound is out of alignment to the top of the item.

    Also Fabri-tastic Stunt V won't load. Says its ready to harvest if you click on the spinning flower, but cannot harvest manually to take advantage of increased Giver EP buff. Had to switch back to flash to harvest independently before harvesting full park.

    Many other issues as advised by others. Graphics on screens do not appear as sharp as the flash graphics in some locations, more blurry around the edges. The Magic glade seems ok, but the others are quite blurry. I'm not sure what is intended by all the item highlighting as you mouse around the screen. Made me a bit concerned if I put SG on one plot it would apply to all, light highlighting mass text.
    As said earlier by @Floydborder I also find the popup text very wearing on the eyes and it is hard to look at. I can see it causing eyestrain rather easily.

    Market will not let you manually set an precise amount, it is adjusting the "point" amount to what ever it wants. At first I thought it was rounding up or down, but it seems to be random. 499,999.99 adjusts to 500,000.00; 478,965.77 adjusted to 478,965.81 (eg trying to list Carrot Apple Chutney)
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
    Noelle20001 and suezoroc like this.
  5. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    This moving arrow suddenly appears and I cannot close it.
    It is impossible to go another area. Same thing happened yesterday, when I just clicked a field in my farm. Now this happened in shipwreck bay.

    ID: 20078568
    ctindaldavies likes this.
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    When going Cloud Rows, a red rectangle appears to the right hand side. When I choose my "favourites", it disappears.

    When opening Crates in Consumables, after each Crate, it goes back to the first item in "Consumables" requiring clicking to get back to the Crates. Very time consuming when there are a lot of Crates to pen but I will try to filter to see if I can overcome this problem.

    ID 935135
    Date 1 October
    Time 8.22
    Country: France
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
    Cassie101 and ctindaldavies like this.
  7. SaSuz

    SaSuz Someday Author

    Plants are showing as if I have just planted them yet some of them are actually ready to harvest. Also I have animation off but it isn't despite I have double checked settings

    I can't seem to add a screenshot but I'm going back to flash, its impossible when trees and plants are showing as if I have just harvested them - I can't tell which trees are ready or not
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
  8. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Something wrong with layers?


    My egg tree looks like it's having water and manure xD
    ID: 20078568
  9. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master


    Date and Time: Since the Unity Client opened
    - Your country: US
    - Location in the game: Cloud Row
    - Detailed error description Harvester never works on Cloud Row.
    - If you can: steps to reproduce the issue. Go to Cloud row with items ready to harvest. I believe when you use the harvester on the cloud row it actually harvests the main field. I've tried harvesting the cloud row several times and it never works so I always revert to flash to complete the action.
    Noelle20001 likes this.
  10. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    User ID: 5652040
    Date and Time: AEST 11:55pm October 1
    Your country: Australia
    Location in the game: All fields
    Detailed error description: The SSG graphic of the flying plane has frozen on the screen and doesn't move or vanish no matter which field I am on. It doesn't prevent me from clicking on things behind it, but obviously my view is impaired.

    EDIT: 9:45am AEST October 2
    The SSG graphic has disappeared (since I logged out, slept and re-entered my farm this morning). However, the same issue is happening with other flying graphics - the owl, crow, dragon and flying hamster are all frozen on my screen in the pet playground.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  11. nortonc

    nortonc Forum Pro

    Bad, bad and bad. Tons of graphic issues - not show items properly, alignment etc., but most importantly the game is as slow as snail. Playing on gaming laptop with Intel I7 so sure not my end.
  12. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I think it's pretty good given they've developed it from the ground up, but there are bound to be lots of issues to be ironed out.

    User ID: 5652040
    Date and Time: AEST 9:45am October 2
    Your country: Australia
    Location in game: Inventory
    Detailed error description: I cannot search for items in my inventory. I click on the search bar and the cursor flashes once, but it doesn't actually stay there, so I can't type anything into the search bar.

    Also, perhaps echoing the views of others, hand harvesting is tediously slow. I cannot click quickly through my fields, I have to painstakingly be very careful with each plot. Difficult enough when it's 2x2 plots, even worse when it's a field full of trees. No doubt this will be fixed in time, but want to add my voice to the chorus of others, since this is in my view one of the most critical issues to address!

    Furthermore, some trees don't show as ready to harvest when they are. For example, the apple trees show no fruit when ready, nor does the hawthorn tree (definitely others but I didn't pay close attention). I thought for a minute perhaps their design had simply changed, but their appearance remained the same even when harvested. Edit: actually, this happened for literally half the trees in my crystal falls.

    Similarly, the trees glow when they are harvested - this is fine, but many of them are retaining the glow afterwards (ie. it is not going away)

    Finally, not a bug but a complaint: I really don't like the extremely curved design of the EP/TEP progress bar. I can't tell whether my progress is at the end of the weird point or where I can see white (the gaps above/below the curve - not sure if that makes sense).
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  13. Frenchmom14261

    Frenchmom14261 Forum Connoisseur

    Using FIREFOX. Cannot PLANT with UNITY. only the first group of plant appear, if you try to go the the next group you are kicked out.
    Had to use FLASH to plant.
    Also on jumbo trees, it does not show that you have used SUZY fertilizers
    I do not want the animation for the stables and workshop. Too many movement and lights make me dizzy.I tried to stop it the way I did with Flash but it still there.
    On the other hand I can play Renzo Fair only on Unity, it is not on Flash.
    cpeterson likes this.
  14. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    I'm reporting problems on both of my farms:

    CursedButterfly farm, ID #55597144
    October 1, 8 PM Eastern Daylight Time (more or less)
    All planting fields
    I can't plant anything in the right two columns of my seeds. I can't get to the 2nd or 3rd screen of seeds. The seeds just vanish when I try with the Harvest Helper or manually.
    I can't harvest my cloud rows. When I try to click the 'harvest' button the HH overlay appears and won't go away.
    The popups to get XP from givers is off--too far to the right.
    Tested in Microsoft Edge on a laptop running Windows 10. Browser and graphics drivers are up to date.

    rivak farm, ID #55642180
    October 1, 11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
    All planting fields
    Only the first row appears when I try to plant, and I can only choose from the first 4 seeds. The options vanish if I try something else. Same problem with manual planting or using the Harvest Helper.
    The popups to get XP from givers is off--too far to the right.
    Tested in Google Chrome on a laptop running Windows 10. Browser and graphics drivers are up to date.
    Cassie101 likes this.
  15. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Unity does not show progress of growth (all areas):
    Just lack of manure and water shows, it is ready to harvest. There is also strange white curves over the river. After seeding (+water +manure) areas blink like they usually do in Flash-version, when you run out of water or manure. In Unity they blink eventhoug you don't run out of anything. The blinking is bright Led-light version in Unity, while in Flash it looks more like old light bulb. Also feeding animals make stables blink.

    This is same in Flash-version (picture taken just before Unity-version) to show difference:

    ID: 20078568
    Country: Finland, Using Finnish game with Firefox
    cpeterson likes this.
  16. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I love the new filtering system for sending gifts - especially alphabetical - but I would prefer to see my neighbours first as it is Flash at the moment, or perhaps a filter just for neighbours. :music:
    007Farming and suezoroc like this.
  17. suezoroc

    suezoroc Advanced

    My trees are bare, when they are actually ready to harvest. Harvest button is also out of alignment to where the location of mouse click was.
  18. TommyBurns

    TommyBurns Active Author

    I just tried the new Unity version briefly to see what it was like. Noticed that Renzo is available to play there for the next 32 days but not available on Flash. Is this correct?
    User ID: 17192095
    Playing on MS Edge
    Country: Australia
    Time: 5:45pm

    Also checked one of my other farms on Google Chrome and the same thing.
    Willows Place
    User ID: 32846341
  19. Solatido

    Solatido Forum Master

    Harvester coupons do not work in cloud row. Click on coupon and it does open pop up that asks how many you would like to use; however, when you click on the check mark to accept, it closes the pop up without activating the harvester. It does not use add any time to the harvester, but does not take away a coupon either (i.e. if you have 12 coupons, you still have 12 coupons). I am able to activate the harvester by going to a different area (i.e. main field) and I am able to harvest the cloud rows with the harvester when I return to the cloud row area.

    Browser: Chrome
    Country: USA (California)
    Time: It is now 0632 PST. This happened about 12 hours ago, as well as just now. So, I'm assuming it is an ongoing problem.
    ID 37853342

    Thank you for allowing us to test this before it was our only option. Also, thanks for making it easy to switch between Flash and Unity. So far, Unity seems to be faster for me than Flash and I don't have the visual problems some other players are having. In fact, the graphics may be even clearer/sharper focus than. As I go between the different areas, they seem to load faster than with Flash. I'm not sure about this - but the trees look like they are ready to harvest when there is still 3+ hours left before they are ready.

    Overall, a lot of positives from where I am!
  20. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Further to my previous bug report regarding the manual harvesting issue ...... https://board-en.farmerama.com/thre...rting-september-2020.38897/page-2#post-258651

    After reading the newest Official Announcement which attributes this to screen zooming, I would like to stress that my screen was not , and is never zoomed. This issue is happening at the standard 100% rate. I just wished to provide an accurate update.
    Noelle20001 and sanddollar15 like this.
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