Happy Farm News 2nd edition

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by Clashstrummer, Feb 28, 2018.

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  1. rivak

    rivak Forum Veteran

    I splurged on the 50% barnyard bills sale. I bought 10 wonder trees and got a Mongogo tree, a soursop, AND an XXL Ice Cream Bean tree for Baha. For the green meadow I got a White Poplar, a Bayberry and an XL prehistoric fir. The rest were meh but I am so thrilled with the good ones! Especially the Ice Cream Bean and the White Poplar.

  2. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    I've been trying to get enough Farm Coins to grab the crane habitat before it leaves Shop-O-Rama. Nothing I could trade for on G&T either. Up comes Pick-a-Stable just now. 1st try - Crane habitat with Red upgrade. *happy dance*
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Finished Forget Me Not FSQ today. :D
    Sister3, baw815, zerodegrees and 8 others like this.
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Yay! Pups! Well done! :inlove:
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you :) It took ages:p
  6. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Plumeria!!!!!! Now to get the last of Crystal Falls open :)
  7. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Last Friday was a big day on my little farm :D Passed the 100 million CC's mark (1,020.53 CC to be exact) + leveled to 500 on Baha! Happy day!
  8. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    I got the kraken with the first try. Well it took two tickets, the first one didn't have kraken in the options.
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Wasn't sure where to put this and decided here might be good to share a bit of good news/strategy. :p

    I was trying an experiment with the MM Harvest +2 Bonus (no buff slot needed). I had two, set one off yesterday and it had a couple of hours to run today so I set off another one to see if it would just prolong the time or double the bonus and it doubled the bonus! Nice to know if we have a short MM in future - and, of course, if I win any more of these bonuses! :D
  10. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I discovered the same thing illy, though unintentional. With my erratic farming, I activated 10 of them to cover a lot of MM so I wouldn't forget. My surprise was 24 crops per plot at harvest for one day :):pxDxDxD I didn't remember if it stacked time or benefit.
  11. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I felt sure it would behave like CAC but no! LOL 10 of them activated at once, what a giggle! xD
  12. rivak

    rivak Forum Veteran

    Okay, I'm going to have to try that next time I have some +2 bonuses saved up. I spent them all this time around but that trick would be very handy when we have short MMs and I need to replenish Googly Eye bushes. :)
    Sister3, FrootloopGrove and farmlily3 like this.
  13. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Happy days! After it's been missing for over 4 years I finally managed to get my siggy uploaded again :D
    It was beautifully created by ct (ctindaldavies) in 2011, when the format was different, and now it looks a bit squashsed. But I love it and have missed it :inlove:
  14. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I got my first Blue Jay nest :inlove:
  15. rivak

    rivak Forum Veteran

    Wooo-hooo! The jackpot sale means I can finally get the Frozen Water Slide that has eluded me. I'll be able to complete the cloud row for those givers at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Minimum animal feed level for main farm and Baha is set and accomplished at 2,000 per animal
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2020
  17. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    Just finished growing the 306 000 chickpeas needed for the Secret heroes quest... I think I'm never going to grow another chick pea again :)
  18. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    now established at 5,000 feed per animal :)
  19. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    I put out three stalls I got from the event or the season thing not sure which last night in Baha. I woke up to the wonderful surprise of a new stall, Agama, that I didn't have and a Pink parrot cage! Every bit as thrilling as ever to see a pink upgrade from a free stable! :music::inlove:
  20. yusufça

    yusufça Junior Expert

    Good start for today! :inlove:
