Feedback Important Technical Test for 48 Hours

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmers.Almanac, Dec 11, 2020.

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  1. Floridasolve

    Floridasolve Forum Connoisseur

    Collecting the consumable items/decorations is annoying to say the least. When you click on one & then go back to click on another item it keeps going back to the first screen instead of staying where you left off. Please fix that as it it time consuming & aggravating. I don't play this game to be aggravated. It's supposed to give us a break from daily aggravation.
    RebaFC likes this.
  2. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    My fix for the consumables issue: Use the search function. I use pretty much the same consumables day after day, so I know their names - I put in "car" - and grab the CAC and carrot bread. Then I put in the first couple letters of the other things I use "va" gets me the valentine pot, "chu" gets me the church bouquet, etc. Doing this basically shortens the list to next to nothing and thus solves that issue.

    Of course, that's great until you want to use something and can't remember the name...and I do hope that some day this will be resolved, but since it happens more places than just under the consumables tab, I suspect it's a "feature" of Unity. We're all going to have to get used to using the search function, a lot.
  3. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    Searching doesn't help much when you are searching "cra" for crates. I save mine up and then when I need a particular item I will open those that contain it. With Unity and/or Standalone it keeps going back to the beginning of the crate menu instead of opening the crate but keeping your place in the inventory menu.
  4. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings lovely farmers,

    Thank you for all the feedback. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts so we can pass it along to the Game Team.

    Closing thread.

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
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