[Like WoW Classic]Re-runs for old Events - bring the magic back and let players going back in time

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by sillverr, Nov 23, 2021.

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  1. sillverr

    sillverr Forum Apprentice

    Dear development team,

    My name is Marius and I have been playing this game since I was in the university ... and I have been working now for more than 7 years. I have enjoyed and matured with this game and I am pleased to continue playing this exciting game. But ... NOSTALGIA is what keeps old players engaged.

    What I proposed is to allow players to experience once again old events from ages past. This will spark their enthusiasm and allow them not only to gain some items they might have just missed but actually play and enjoy all the mechanics those events had. Finding eggs on the farm, catching bananas from the Monkey Queen, shooting goals at football, racing to get the Eiffel Tower .... that would be amazing and I believe easy on the budget since the design would be almost minimal, just firing up the events one more time, adjusted to the new available fields and being tampered by the products from the Artisans Village.

    During Path of the Alchemy, you made us choose a path a stick to it until we could pass on to the next one. Why not make a chain of events and access them in a certain order.
    You can think there is a crazy smart rabbit who found a Time Machine and allows players to go back in time and redo an event of their choice. Travelling back in time is a MAJOR opportunity!!!

    What do you say?
    Tarsis63 likes this.
  2. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Almost ALL the events in last 2 years, ARE/IS the RE-LOADS... Animalfeeding 8, Dice event later today 7th time... Yes I´m Finnish (we don´t have Our own forum nowadays!)... so bad english... Football kicking, in my mind at least 5 times... So, That You will have = IS reality already :) ;)

    Yes, I have played "T-minus 1 year" meens over 10 years - I´m not laying above...

    Old mecanics in events... OUH NO! Please don´t...

    So - I´m NOT going to "like" this - but wrote this... hope You understand, I´m not against You - but You Game Event Opinions are not same like I have :inlove::music::eek:

    Yours - Nuubi - 48 years old :)
    Tarsis63 likes this.
  3. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I love the idea of being able to do past events. It would also be good to be able to get past rewards to fill cloud rows etc. Love this idea!
    sillverr likes this.
  4. sillverr

    sillverr Forum Apprentice

    Hey! Do not worry! I like when people come up with opinions different than mine! It's what sparks interest, creativity and a healthy way of thinking. I admit that I was away from Farmerama for around maybe 7 years, so your assessment of the past events might be more accurate, but I doubt that the international events have been redone yet ... were the Brazil, France, Spain, etc national events re-iterated? Was the Green/Eco Week done again? I am not sure yet .... besides .... perhaps giving players the opportunity of starting a past event might be an option that some current players pass on and other ... jump to.
    Again, thanks for replying with you point of view - I love constructive feedback!
  5. tlcsquared

    tlcsquared Padavan

    For players who have been playing for many years, it would be nice to be able to play some of the older games and earn the prizes and rewards we may have missed the first time around. For newer players, the events will be new to them. For the players who have completed the events previously, they could get back to normal farming for the duration of the event (like they have been requesting) or, they could run through it a second time as well! This sounds like it could be a win-win for all!
    Jazac, sillverr and sanddollar15 like this.
  6. sillverr

    sillverr Forum Apprentice

    Exactly my thinking;

    Aaaand ... from a development and maintenance perspective - this should be easier to implement than coming up with totally new ideas; make the events optional or to choose from - and you're golden ... Implementation Team;
    Jazac likes this.
  7. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Who want to play old events to get items giving 25EP in every 5 hours (upgraded)? You cannot put it in cloud row, because it is upgraded. Most of old events would be a big disappointment. There are some, which gave hidden gems like some recipes (which I do not use anymore, I get those from elsewhere like from crates). Many of good old givers are from Farm Wheel, not from events.

    Only thing I really miss from old events are drops from all areas and everything.
    Titi-tyy and Tarsis63 like this.
  8. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    This might be true of REALLY old events but this isn't just about events from 2010, it's about all past events, including those with great prizes
    Jazac likes this.
  9. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Connoisseur

    I don’t care about old events, but it would be good to get a few rewards again.

    -Recipes e.g. Carrot -apple chutney , carrot bread
    -Cloud house (Pinkie Pie pie income object )

    These few awards have proven to be very important over the years.
    Jazac, Titi-tyy and habalala like this.
  10. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    Old events that has never been used in ages or even on the new platform which we are using now. NOT counting the STAND alone client, will no doubt have the coding reworked. Maybe while they doing that, the rewards can be updated to todays game play. But leave the important rewards still in them.

    I do not see why others do not want to play the old never used events. Me, I would love too. I think I still have CR's that no doubt can use them givers. Not to mention other CR's I have missed out on due to life keeping me away from the game. While I agree the 68 exp or the 68 cc's in what 24 hours is pointless. But again, those rewards can be changed to another newer giver.. unless needed for the CR. Or better yet they can just fix the rewards of them givers. As I, like many, still have them sitting in inventory as useless to put out.

    Least till the day comes when we can just throw them away or trade for something new.. them givers do need to be gone... Least I want mine gone...lol I still have some fireworks left.. Or do I? I might have used last ones on CR.

    Its been said also, if it does happen, its not like we can't go back to normal farming if we choose NOT to do the event. Which many has said we need breaks in between events... this will no doubt help many who has gotten everything before to go to normal farming.. And no doubt if it is easy event, I will do it, as even few rewards is better than none.

    EDIT: Also if I am correct some old events we never got stickers for.. so sticker collectors can least start event to get them..
    sillverr likes this.