Calculate Your Market

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by Bisquitte, Feb 3, 2022.

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  1. Bisquitte

    Bisquitte Forum Expert

    Option 3: Find market number from ID.

    1) Divide your ID by 32
    2) Take the result without the dencimal point and the the tenths and multiple it with 32.
    3) Subtract your 2) result from your 1) result
    Congratulations, you have found your server! Now follow the list to find your market, too!

    ...0............12............11.............22... .........21............18..
    ...1............07............12.............02... .........22............25..
    ...2............21............13.............01... .........23............31..
    ...3............08............14.............30... .........24............34..
    ...4............37............15.............40... .........25............03..
    ...5............14............16.............06... .........26............32..
    ...6............09............17.............20... .........27............13..
    ...7............27............18.............10... .........28............05..
    ...8............15............19.............39... .........29............11..
    ...9............19............20.............24... .........30............04..
    .10............17................................. ...........31............16..

    Friends, I found this market calculation and chart in the old archives of the forum. I am sharing it as a new topic for new friends. :)
  2. Eonn

    Eonn Someday Author

    Thank you Bisquitte for finding this. I was trying to work out how to find what market I am in. This answered my question without me having to ask. :D
    BellaMary69 and Bisquitte like this.
  3. upa70

    upa70 Forum Expert

    You can go here and input your id number into line 10, and it will show you on line 13.
  4. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Thank you, Bisquitte and upa70. I had been looking for those resources recently and failed to find them.
    BellaMary69 and Bisquitte like this.
  5. Bisquitte

    Bisquitte Forum Expert

    You are great..! Thank you very much @upa70 ;)
  6. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    The old link to that PIAC spreadsheet no longer works - does anyone have a way to find a market number - asking for a neighbor who does not know their number.
  7. peony

    peony Junior Expert

  8. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Peony, THANK YOU! :inlove: Now I can help my neighbor! :inlove: