The Tangled Tavern

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by BlackCaviar, May 12, 2022.

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  1. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Did everyone else miss this new event like I did? Starts Thursday.

    BAHA Medium to Hard (I'd say really Hard).

    The strategy is tangled too. You choose which event plant you want to do first and part of what you need to mill the seeds will be booked to your account. The other part will be booked upon login, I guess.

    Drops from Plantation crops and trees only.

    CR will give +1 to trees and bonus TEP. (Going from memory here so someone help me out.)

    There are two Piccolos offered.

    Just putting this out here so people will know it's coming. Please someone, go into more depth.

  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you BlackCaviar for braving the hard task. The same reason why I did not start the strategy thread. Too intricate event. Requires lot of efforts to gather all info by one person. May each of us can give one strategy.

    We can play the event only in Baha planation. Drops from trees & Crops.
    Once you choose one of the event plant, you cannot change it until you finish that part.

    For Cloud Row - Choose either of one event plant.
    11,380 Buccabear Bush (4 hours plant), 830 compasses (drops)
    or 5,980 Voodoo Lily (8 hours plant), 830 compasses (drops).

    And for full completion of event :- Both plants needed
    11,380 Buccabear Bush
    5,980Voodoo Lily
    1,660 compass

    At start of event, you need to choose a blueprint Decoration to unlock your preferred crop.
    Once you have chosen, you will be booked the corresponding Eyepatches/Pincushions to make the event crop in the mill.

    Deliver goods to the progress bar to earn the some unique rewards plus the event items.

    The second blueprint Decoration is rewarded when completing step 7. You will then receive the required Eyepatches/Pincushions to mill the second crop, if you choose to continue on for some extra rewards.
    Nala777, RowSie, upa70 and 9 others like this.
  3. sapeli

    sapeli Active Author

    I think, that the reason to level VeryVeryHARD is that needed DROPS = compasses! Some good bonuses fron Party Wheel and I have 7 times Jack O Gift left, doing first 8 hour plants, the drops are the TOTAL DIFFICULTY !
  4. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Yes, I agree that's a lot of drop. My first harvest gave me 188 drops. So now I have 188/830 drops. I choose 8 hrs crops.
  5. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Forum Great Master

    12ss12 I agree with you the drop fall is pretty good and I chose an eight hour crop. I wish all the farmers to reach their goal. Good luck.
  6. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I'm doing this one on the usual farms. I also chose the 8 hour crop - better drop rate for an event crop. I planted Ixora overnight - plus 6 howies on the field.

    REMEMBER - this is one of those weird events where you have to "pack" the mill!

    This morning I quickly made a few monitor feeds for the new stable from the other event. Then I put in an order for 200 monitor feed, followed by 100 tiger feed, followed by however many event plants I had the parts for. The game will give us 5 more every 5 hours - so you have to keep adjusting the mill run to keep those from processing - you're building up seeds for when you reach the change-over point.
    Nala777, Mooboy, ç.çiftçi and 4 others like this.
  7. Bisquitte

    Bisquitte Forum Expert

    I chose the plant that was completed in eight hours. But I don't think I will be able to complete this activity. My drops may be insufficient.

    Dear @dumbunny I saw the gifts you sent. That was very kind. you are really a great friend. Thank you so much :inlove:
  8. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    I'm planning to go all the way. I like to use resources for the first half of the event and harvest with water and manure only for the second half, so I chose the 8h crop first to save on resources - each SSG I use on voodoo lilies will save me more time in the long run than each SSG I use on buccabear bushes, for example.

    While I have heard anecdotal reports that players who choose the shorter crop first generally have a harder time completing the first half of this type of event due to lack of drops, I remain unconvinced that the 8h crop has a superior drop rate per hour than the 4h crop.

    The 8h crop definitely has an advantage if you're going to plant event crops overnight but otherwise...?

    Edit: Fixed the first paragraph because the way I explained my reasoning for selecting the 8h crop originally was very misleading.
    Last edited: May 13, 2022
    Nala777, 12ss12, Bisquitte and 3 others like this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I chose the 4 hour crop first as that fits my farming style right now.

    Last time we had this type of event, it required 1460 drops and this time we need 1660. This type of event mechanism usually means drops are the issue. There are several ways to combat that but after pushing hard last event (which ended yesterday afternoon), I'm not up for another challenging event. My goal is to do the first half, get the CR and givers and go back to normal farming.

    Drops may be a struggle but it should be doable. If you need help developing a good working strategy, please say so early in the event so you have time to make adjustments.

    Good luck whichever path you choose :)
    12ss12, Mooboy, Bisquitte and 4 others like this.
  10. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I choose 8 hour crop to see how far I shall go with this event, As Pups clearly Pointed out that getting 1660 Compasses is a huge order will not be easy to get during this event as this is 200 drops more than previous event this is going to be biggest challenge of all as hardly any buffs can boost drop rate for this event growing both Voodoo Lillies and Buckabear Bushes wont be issue using Buffs and Super Grow

    But Growing Buckabear Bushes will slow down the drop rate considerably even growing Ixora which is one of two longest crops you be lucky to get between 150 to 180 compasses so that why it going to be tall order to complete this event with just 1 Piccolo Box but it will cost you fair amount of Super Grow to achieve 1660 compasses

    Getting Cloud Row and givers can be done with Ease, I be happy to get this far ;):p anything else is bonus
    12ss12, upa70, Noelle20001 and 3 others like this.
  11. imalattanhalka

    imalattanhalka Forum Expert

    I agree with you on this. The amount of drops is quite large.
    But bonuses will help. After completing the required number of plants, vegetables can be planted with the help of Tiki timer and craft items. I think this will be the best way to complete the drop count.
    Last edited: May 13, 2022
    12ss12, Mooboy, sanddollar15 and 3 others like this.
  12. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I started with shorter one, because it does not suit my weekend plans. I hope I can grow longer one during weekend. I am missing a lot of drops to get cloud row and another plant. It is possible that I'll grow just long plants to get drops instead of another event plant.
    12ss12, Mooboy and Bisquitte like this.
  13. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    8h event plants = OK... now just "little time" to get all "just now min 285" drops...

    ...trying 2nd shortest vegetable (Zuccini) with SG, -4% -6% and tikitimer, only 20 minutes...

    41 large plots if some magic happens and I get about 1/3 fields a Drop aka droprate 33% (about 12-15 per harvest) then needed... calculate... 285 / 12 = 24 times x 41 SG = auts... it is = 984 SG...

    maybe going to Bell Pepper if not get 1/2 = 50% drop-rate!

    Habanero normally is 100% droprate (Edit3: YES, 3 times now all 41/41 of Big plots) if large plots but in my memory, about 2h44mins or something like that (<---- EDIT: 1h27min with -5% and -5% cloudrows)...AND (edit2: --> 2h7min without those 2 CR´s) per harvest (not 100% droprate if small plots - don´t try that!!!)
    Last edited: May 13, 2022
    12ss12, Mooboy and Bisquitte like this.
  14. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    This is what I'm doing. The last two events wiped my stocks of SG out, as well as some of my better buffs. I'll do the shorter crop to see if I get anything worthwhile. If so, YAY! If no, okay.
    12ss12, Mooboy and Bisquitte like this.
  15. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Overlooker

    Love reading the Forum posts and increasing my knowledge. I doubt I'll manage to complete the first part, but don't mind. Feel like a Freshman in the College of Farmerama with a major in Agriculture! So many things to learn, and I've only just begun :music:

    Still working on the first deposit of buccabears; maybe by the time compasses are due, I'll have enough drops saved up. :D

    Are high level trees giving good drops? I've about 40 on the Baha plantation. I put down 1x1 plots for the crop and have been using CAC. What is a 100% or 200% harvest bonus buffs? If I have a 1x1 plot how many crops will I harvest from harvest bonus buffs?

    TIA :)
    dumbunny, 12ss12, Mooboy and 2 others like this.
  16. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I put lab lab beans (vegetable) along with tiki timer & the 2 products that speed up baha vegetable production. I do not know whether any cloud row shortening the growth time is active for baha in my farm. But the 19 hrs crop got reduced to 9.40 mins crop. So if anyone wants to try, try using one 1x1 field and then you can plant all the plots, if you wish. In another 9.40 mins, mine will be ready for harvest. Let's see how much drops they give. Now its midnight and time to sleep. See you all in the morning. Good Night/Good Day.

    For trees you can use vial of growth and that Pirate Parrot ship Pet. Both reduce growth time of Baha trees.
    Nala777, Mooboy, zerodegrees and 3 others like this.
  17. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Diamond bonuses what I mean, +100% egual to CAC, 4 per small plot BUT it also +100% tree fruits like all 3 type of Jumbos
    Diamond "+200% all", gives 6 crops per small plot but tripled (right word?) animal and tree and workshop result as well!

    In "my game" plans, best combo is get +200% to diamond slot (with Pinkie Pie Pie 31h++) and +100% plant bonus to gold place, then another gold place used "White Innocense" -10% time SG... and dream situation is get also +100% and/or +200% "to all" from Party spin. That´s what I try every "crops and drops" -events... so D200, G100, PS100 and SSG => 6+2+2+3= 13 crops per small plot of land (17 if getting both +100% and +200% from party spin)!

    p.s. I´m Finnish so not sure about all terms, shortened terms... SSG = Red Probeller :) SG is Green Drops ;) hope this is some help...

    edit: some hours later 690 drops, now LLB with "all but SG" 9h35min overnight vs. my previous post 4.22 pm
    Last edited: May 13, 2022
  18. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Exactly what I would do if I was struggling with drops. :)

    For newbies, I explained HERE why vegetables such as lablab-beans are best for maximizing drops on Baha.

    Please note that when I said "the longer the crop, the better the drop rate", I meant longer crops yield more drops than shorter crops at harvest, not that longer crops yield more drops per hour than shorter crops under identical conditions.

    Should've just said "the longer the crop, the better the drops". :oops:

    No, I got between 60-68 drops for a full field of basic 20h trees on my side farms. That's far less than what others are reporting for crops of a similar duration.

    Trees are a poor choice for drops in most events, including this one. We have had the occasional event where trees gave better drops compared to crops but it doesn't happen very often.

    It doesn't matter if it's a high-level or low-level tree, it doesn't matter how many EP the tree gives. The only stat you need to worry about is time.

    Harvest Bonuses from Farm Wheel

    [​IMG]Harvest Bonus: +200%
    Duration: 12h
    The bonus is stackable
    -starts immediately-
    [​IMG]Harvest Bonus: +100%
    Duration: 24h
    The bonus is stackable
    -starts immediately-

    Harvest Bonuses from Inventory (buff slot required)

    [​IMG]Overall Revenue Bonus S100% more income on everything for 24 hoursdiamond
    [​IMG]Overall Revenue Bonus L200% more income on everything for 24 hoursdiamond
    [​IMG]Plant Revenue Bonus100% more yield on plants for 24hgold

    Other harvest bonuses can be found HERE but it's in German so use a translator.

    Note: Bonuses from inventory requiring a buff slot do not stack. Activating more than one of each type at a time merely extends the duration.

    For every 1x1 plot, you can basically add +2 for each 100% harvest bonus and +4 for each 200% harvest bonus.

    Gross Yields


    Net Yields (after deducting planting seeds)


    Net Yields (with CAC) per 2x2 Area


    CF = comfort field
  19. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Overlooker

    This is amazing! Very helpful and graphics make it much easier for me to understand!

    I just put down a full field of 15hr bonnet cactus on the plantation. Will see how many drops I get tomorrow. Does it make any difference to drop rate if we use water to shorten growing time?
  20. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Nope! The drop algorithm only cares about the original duration before buffs are applied. Bonnet cactus with water and manure will have the same drop rate as bonnet cactus without water or manure.

    But the more you shorten the bonnet cactus with water, manure, and other buffs, the more time it leaves for you to plant other crops which will help you produce more drops in the long run.

    Upgrades applied to trees or stables are different from buffs/water/manure, however. They will affect the drop rate because the drop algorithm uses the upgrade's shorter duration to calculate drop rate.

    Does that make sense?

    P.S. If you need tiki timers, send me an IGM. ;)
    Last edited: May 14, 2022
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