Overall Revenue Bonus

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by gardengal, Nov 23, 2023.

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  1. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Duke

    Hi, can someone tell me if the overall revenue bonus applies to event crops? I'm thinking no but wanted to check. Thanks!
  2. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Yes, it applies. Only Event area is outside that.
    gardengal likes this.
  3. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Duke

    It does apply to event crops? Just not if there is a special event field?
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  4. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Yes, it applies current event plant, while it is not on special event field.
    sanddollar15 and gardengal like this.
  5. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Duke

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