Festive Prepping

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, Dec 12, 2023.

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  1. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Festive Prepping Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 3.000 EP x Level, 3.000 TEP x Level, 1 x Crate O' Farm Supplies V
    Cooldown time: 23:00 hours
    Requires the 2 event items​

    Starts: Wednesday, 13th of December at 14:00
    Ends: Tuesday , 19th of December at 22:00

    FAQ: https://board-de.farmerama.com/threads/festtags-orga.119664/#post-5685010

    Event Crops:
    Orange Flower Time:05h30m Plantable Bahamarama Plantation only!
    Sugar Spice Bush Time:05h30m Plantable Bahamarama Plantation only!
    Ribbon Berry Time:05h30m Plantable Main Field only!

    Empty Bottle (Bahamarama Plantation - Crops, Trees)
    Gift Wrapping Tools (Main Field - Crops, Trees)

    Mill Products:
    Sweet Syrup (110 x Orange Flowers + 110 x Sugar Spice Bushes + 15 x Empty Bottles)
    Candy Cane (2 x Sweet Syrup + 5 x Cherries + 25 x Sugarcanes)
    Love Apple (1 x Sweet Syrup + 10 x Apples + 25 x Cinnamons)
    Holiday gift (23 x Gift Wrapping Tools + 520 x Ribbon Berries


    CR + Giver Items

    15 x Candy Canes (30 x Sweet Syrup (3,300 x Orange Flowers + 3,300 x Sugar Spice Bushes + 450 x Empty Bottles) + 75 x Cherries + 375 x Sugarcanes)
    14 x Love Apples (14 x Sweet Syrup (1,540 x Orange Flowers + 1,540 x Sugar Spice Bushes + 210 x Empty Bottles) + 140 x Apples + 350 x Cinnamons)
    20 x Holiday gifts (460 x Gift Wrapping Tools + 10,400 x Ribbon Berries)

    18 x Candy Canes
    (36 x Sweet Syrup(3,960 x Orange Flowers + 3,960 x Sugar Spice Bushes + 540 x Empty Bottles) + 90 x Cherries + 450 x Sugarcanes)
    16 x Love Apples (16 x Sweet Syrup(1,760 x Orange Flowers + 1,760 x Sugar Spice Bushes + 240 x Empty Bottles) + 160 x Apples + 400 x Cinnamons)
    20 x Holiday gifts (460 x Gift Wrapping Tools + 10,400 x Ribbon Berries

    5,720 x Orange Flowers
    5,720 x Sugar Spice Bushes
    780 x Empty Bottles
    10,400 x Ribbon Berries
    460 x Gift Wrapping Tools
    + Barn Products
  2. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you *WisdomTree* I am in kind of a rush today so did not have time to crunch numbers!:inlove::inlove: I will attempt to do complete event! I hope the drops are good! Good luck and Happy holidays to all!;)
  3. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    That was fast *WisdomTree*! Thank you for crunching up the numbers!

    My baha plantation and main land are not that busy, so I'll be doing this. Just got dizy from all the numbers in the FAQ... 3 spawning creatures is a bit much tho with 2 event crops on the baha plantation at the same time... The crate o'farm supplies V isn't that great, but a 23h cloudrow sounds good to me.

    Just to expend on your numbers for players who want to just do the basics:

    CR + givers onlyCR + givers + Crate O'Neon Stables II + 2 Piccolo boxes
    4,840 x Orange Flowers
    4,840 x Sugar Spice Bushes
    660 x Empty Bottles
    10,400 x Ribbon Berries
    460 x Gift Wrapping Tools

    Barn stuff:
    75 Cherries
    375 sugarcanes
    140 apples
    350 cinnamons

    Mill stuff:
    20 Holiday Gifts
    44 Sweet Syrups
    15 Candy Canes
    14 Love Apples
    5,720 x Orange Flowers
    5,720 x Sugar Spice Bushes
    780 x Empty Bottles
    10,400 x Ribbon Berries
    460 x Gift Wrapping Tools

    Barn stuff:
    90 Cherries
    450 sugarcanes
    160 apples
    400 cinnamons

    Mill stuff:
    20 Holiday Gifts
    56 Sweet Syrups (first item to be milled for others baha mill products)
    18 Candy Canes
    16 Love Apples
    The Crate O'Farm Supplies V has been offered only in events before ( chances for some EP/TEP, CAC, CCs, 2 Stars , 2 Golden Bananas, 2 Power Feeds, etc). Good things for starting players.

    Good luck everyone!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2023
  4. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks, Northy for the simple breakdown for simple minds like me! xDxD
  5. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Thanks Northy and WisdomTree for crunching the numbers and starting the strategy thread!

    I don't know how much of this one I can do - busy week and last show at the Civic Center is this coming Saturday. I'll do what I can and be happy with whatever I get.
  6. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Thanks WisdomTree and Northy for numbers and clear details. As always, I stand in awe of your ability to tackle those FAQ and put the info in easily understood charts. I really need the basics, and sometimes different versions of the basics, before the cogs in my brain click!

    I decided to sit this one out and recoup my stock. Wishing everyone success who's playing.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2023
  7. Flower

    Flower Regular

    One hundred thanks, *WisdomTree*, my old brain cells were having a hard time trying to do the math of so many items :wuerg:xD

    Nordais is right about the row, but I think the whole thing is doable and it will be fun feeding the characters :)
  8. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Thank you Wisdom and Nordais :D

    I went to the German forum and crunched my own numbers, but my German is so rusty I had to use a translator, so it's good to have two clever & sane people checking names and numbers. The English FAQ was up pretty fast, despite mods having both life and internet issues. Should just have waited.

    Aaaany way, my conclusion with me also having a life, that this will be challenging to do. But I'm going for it. Taking dumbunny (which is actually very wise bunny) words to heart:
  9. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Added the milling items to my numbers, don't forget, we need to mill the Sweet Syrups first so that we can mill the Candy Canes and Love Apples after!
  10. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Over-night Ixora and Amaranth - both give me 100% drop-rate.

    In Bahama, 5+5 big plots of eventplants with "all 4 colours" give me 7/10 drops,
    in Main Field, 10 big plots of Eventplant give me 8/10 droprate.

    Hope that numbers last all of the event so good rate!
  11. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    I'm going to skip this one. My main field is mostly covered in stables and workshops, and I need them all to keep working to rebuild my stocks after finishing a couple of FSQs. But I'll happily send empty bottles to anyone who needs them!
  12. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you *WisdomTree* for doing the sums. ;)
    I am also skipping this one, too much going on and not always able to harvest regularly.:p
    Good luck everybody! :inlove:
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I accidentally clicked the pet harvester on a field that I didn't want to harvest that way and so accidentally activated Jack O Gifts. I went ahead and used some saved Super grow to make the most of those buffs. I am 2 gifts (1 harvest) away from finishing the Elf, completely finished with the polar bear and need more drops to mill the syrups for the penguin. Crops will be done today. Drops should be done by tomorrow.

    It was not intended to finish this early but it is a good thing since extended family is coming Saturday to celebrate Christmas early and there is a lot to do! My oven will be very busy tomorrow making delicious treats :)

    Have a good day!
  14. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    sewinglady's farm won a 200% wheel bonus yesterday morning, so that farm is almost done growing crops. Should be finished this morning. This farm and PM23 are slogging along. It's gonna be a race at the end to feed all the critters, but that's how I'm gonna roll this time.
  15. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    this seemed awfully complicated from the FAQ but as always, this breakdown helps a lot, thanks Wisdomtree!
  16. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Cloudrow is running, just missing 1 last harvest of the baha crops to finish the event. Be aware that if you're planning on feeding the baha critters, just alternate! The Penguin will turn into a polar bear and vice versa, else you'll have to refresh the game because at some point you'll either get 4 polar bears or 4 penguins.... The baby farm is a little behind, don't have the drops yet but will get there for sure. For the players still growing, good luck and keep at it! :)
  17. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Done 100%, not any bonus gifts (yet) but I have lot of extra plants and drops, so why not, but not in this time (00.51 local) in the night.
    Nordais, Moraine, mika-1986 and 2 others like this.
  18. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Will send Nordais' farm some drops this morning, Northy!

    This farm is the last of my farms to get this event finished. I just need ONE more gift for the polar bear. The right critter is never on the field at the right time - boo. hiss.
    Nordais and Moraine like this.
  19. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Done and dusted, just in time for prepping for the next one.
    Nordais and dumbunny like this.
  20. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    I just lost 56000 manure when I accidentally opened some crates...

    can't you get some "are you sure" function to those that are limited capacity?
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