Carnival Extravaganza

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by PrairieMaiden23, Feb 26, 2025.

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  1. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    She's Baaaaack! And it's all on the event field!

    I've read the FAQ and my head is still swimming.

    It's a multi-stage event over 14 days.

    I have NOT done the math because you do not want me to do the math.

    I will leave that to the much more math savvy farmers (waves HI! to Northy!)

    I have asked about the baskets that increase event harvests in the general issues area...I suspect the answer is "NO" or "in your dreams", but we'll see what the mods say. UPDATE: According to Farmers.Almanac, those large and 3XL baskets do indeed affect the harvest of the event crops on the event field!
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2025
  2. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    The Carnival Queen has been sacrificed on the altar of the Event Field this time around!

    It's not possible to come up with a number of crops needed because it will all depend on what you're able to do as a player. There's no milling item this time around that let us play the mini game nor timed quests to get flower baskets.

    The mechanics have changed alot for this edition of the event: 2 event crops, 2 drops, 2 floats and 2 items needed to play the mini game. To get the items to play the mini game, players will need to fill customers' orders (so if you're doing the Season Event, it's the same mechanics). The hard part is that customers' orders will require mainland product/tree fruits/crops as well as some event crops to either get the Rainbow or Trident needed to play the mini game.

    Playing the mini game is an aftertought here, it will only give you some super grow and other basic items, but it will not count towards the Progress Points needed to get the 2 cloud rows. Those Progress points are only available by filling customers' orders! 80 Progress Points are needed for the first cloud row and a total of 230 Progress Points for the second cloud row + its givers.

    For the first week, we'll only get to play with 1 float using the Popper Pea crop, but once the second float becomes available on March 6th, the floats to play the mini game will alternate between the 2 floats each 2 hours... This means either using Rainbows of Tridents to play the mini game!

    The first area opened at the beginning of the event has 99 1x1 plots available. To get 1 Progress Point from the first customer, we'll need to donate 156 Popper Peas (left side top row of customer orders) OR 132 Popper Peas + 1 or 2 mainland products (based on Level/Time). The customer order list will reset each 7 hours. Once drops are introduced in later down the road, the customers' orders will expend to take them into account...

    The event is easy to understand even if the mechanics of it are complicated. Grow the event crops, donate the event crops and drops to fill orders. That will result into getting Rainbows and Tridents use to play the mini games. But how much effort and how much of everything is needed cannot be tallied!
    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, Raelyn and 14 others like this.
  3. Flower

    Flower Forum Master

    When i read the FAQ i was like this: :eek::wuerg:-.- This event used to be so exciting... :sleepy:
    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, Raelyn and 10 others like this.
  4. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I've reviewed the FAQ several times to try to map out my own strategy.

    With customer orders resetting every 7 hours, it will mean a minimum of a 14 hour farm day, but it doesn't allow for 2 harvests before the reset so at least one set of orders each day will not be filled. Even if they could be filled, my farm day is not 14 hours long.

    The progression points will be very slow in the beginning, but once we get the 2nd area open and have access to the drops for additional customer orders, the points should be easier to get. It does mean regular harvesting and for those who work or have other things going on, it could be difficult to finish. I'm not certain and, like most events, things may become clearer once we start.

    I like that event playfield events free up the mainland so I can farm there as I wish. My goal is the givers and cloud rows.

    I will attempt it as it doesn't require any preparation and doesn't interfere with anything else I am doing on the farm. I'll see as we go along how far behind I may be given my own circumstances of not getting up at night and not having a long farm day.

    Good luck to those who participate!
    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, Raelyn and 11 others like this.
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    I shall give this a skip. Please don't send me event drops. But I will send to my neighbors and wish you all the very best! It just dawned on me that Carnival/floats are the things associated with Mardi Gras here in the back of the bayou. Why did I never make the connection before?! I'm surprised the game hasn't come up with King Cake, a Mardi Gras staple. Maybe one time it will be a drop or crop :D

    Edit: Changed my mind and am leisurely playing to see what it's like. No real goal in mind, though.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2025
    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, Jarrow and 7 others like this.
  6. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    The Carnival event IS NO LONGER FUN!:cry: I will skip this event and ask my neighbors to please don't send me any event gifts! Thank you and good luck to you who are playing!;)
    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, Raelyn and 10 others like this.
  7. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."

    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, Raelyn and 11 others like this.
  8. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    Okay, so it wasn't just my befuddlement upon reading the FAQ - if Northy says he can't figure it out, then, oh my!

    I think David is right (for once) and I wish I could ignore it, but I would really like to have that second CR for both this farm and sewinglady's.

    I think the main goal here is to get us to spend money on those baskets. And while I normally do spend some money on baskets - I generally go for the baskets that cost a few dollars, and give my farms a few extra crops to plant at the beginning of the event. It's been a long time since I splurged and bought a huge basket with a harvest booster, and usually I just do that for SL's farm. This time, as much as I'd like to, I don't know that I will and not at the outset. I want to see just how the game mechanics work.

    I think I'm going to be getting up in the night and farming for the next couple weeks. Ugh.

    PS - do NOT send drops to dumbunny's farm or any of the baby farms. ONLY PrairieMaiden23 and sewinglady are participating in this event. The other farms are definitely not.
    Nala777, Raelyn, marymac50 and 8 others like this.
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I really don't like that one of the favourite events (not just mine) has been messed with just so it can be used on the Event field, a field that is much more useful with simple grow and throw events. :eek:

    Nevertheless, I will do it just because it is on the Event field - I am hoping that it will turn out to be more fun than on first sight of the FAQs (a girl can dream!) but I will just do three harvests a day where possible and see how I get on, after all it is two weeks' long! :wuerg:
    Good luck those going for it and enjoy the break all those leaving it alone! :inlove:
    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, Raelyn and 8 others like this.
  10. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Demigod

    Like others, I will grow the crops and see what happens. Not going all out to complete this time. Que sera sera, - I won't sing it to you as I am tone deaf.
    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, hatzeva and 9 others like this.
  11. Chamomile*

    Chamomile* Forum Apprentice

    Calculated the requirements for 250 progress points.

    I will start the event on March 6, 14.00

    1- Grow Lolli Poppy plants on event playfield
    Plant crops on main area for fish candy

    2- Complete 2nd customer requirements and get a trident.
    3- Activate 2nd zone.

    180 lollipop plants from each harvest
    harvest Lolli Poppies 4 times a day

    Customer orders reset every 7 hours

    1. customer 3-4 orders complete (fish candies) 3 times a day
    2. customer orders complete 3 times a day

    1. customer (2+2)x3 = 12 progress points
    2. customer (4+2+4+2)x3 = 36 progress points
    48 progress points x 6 days = 288 progress points
  12. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I'll grow Popper peas and give them to the first customer to earn something. And I'll use rainbows to collect something to my basket whenever I can.
  13. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Can you explain how you can complete all 4 orders from the second customer 3 times a day? Order 1 asks for 98 Lolli Poppies, order 3 asks for 118 Lolli Poppies, so to complete both orders + order 2 & 4 with the Artist Palettes, you'll need 296 Lolli Poppies. Filling that 3 times a day means you'll need 296 Lolli Poppies x 3 times a day = 888 Lolli Poppies each day.

    Both fields represent 99 + 81 = 180 Lolli Poppies from each harvest. Haresting 4 times a day = 720 Lolli Poppies harvested per day.

    Needing 888 Lolli Poppies each day and harvesting only 720 per day, you'll be missing 168 Lolli Poppies. That's another harvest that would be required.

    Also, planning on getting the needed Artist Palettes drop to fill in the 2 orders 3 times a day from the event field crop may be ambitious. That's 102 Artist Palette drops each day to be able to fill orders 2 & 4 three times a day.

    I'm also seeing a problem with the reset of orders. If the customers work like the ones in Edelweiss Valley, their reset time won't work until you visited them. They'd need to work like the customers in the Season Event to be able to fill them 3 times a day.
  14. Chamomile*

    Chamomile* Forum Apprentice

    98+118 = 216 Lolli Poppies

    216 x 3 = 648 Lolli Poppies

    180 x 4 harvest = 720 Lolli Poppies

    With 4 harvests per day I don't think drops will be a problem.
  15. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Sorry I just realized that I tallied up the wrng number o_O:oops:

    Still, if you need to visit the cutomer to have it reset its 7h timer, this will push back you next 4 orders. You might as well start filling order 1 & 2 of the first customer now just in case the timer won't reset automatically each 7h. At least, that's what I'd recommand for players who'd like to adopt your strategy, just in case something comes up and they miss 1 harvest.


    I just visited the first client and the timer was at 7h eventho the event started 2h ago, so it will only reset after we visit him a second time. Your strategy will require you to visit the client each 7h to make sure the orders will be available to fill.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2025
    Nala777, sanddollar15, Raelyn and 3 others like this.
  16. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    I think the timing on this thing is going to be the key to getting through it.

    Timers. Set timers so you can get on with real life and come back to harvest or contribute to the customers.

    Of course, I filled the half field full of the event crop and set the timer and realized that the crops will be ready to harvest at 1:30 p.m. MST. Yay for me, that's when I have a standing appointment every other Thursday and this is the Thursday. I'm wondering if I take my laptop, if they'd mind if I said "wait a minute, I have to harvest two fields, then I'm ready to go"...
    Nala777, Raelyn, wilkes.37 and 4 others like this.
  17. Kitsu

    Kitsu Forum Greenhorn

    I am confused about 1 thing. What is the point of "candy points?" No one mentions them as doing anything beneficial that I can see, but the FAQ suggests collecting the lollipops over the bonbons because of the candy point value. I played my free minifloat game and collected a bunch of candies that appear to have done nothing. Is there a point to grabbing them or should I just go for the other rewards the float throws out?
  18. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    I believe that the candy points and the whole Carnival Queen part of this is nothing more than a distraction. The event mechanic that rewards all the goodies is actually delivering the required items to the customer(s).

    So, yeah, ...."ooooh, look over here, there's a mini-game with candy to catch" - but it's worthless as far as the event is concerned and so are the disappearing "floats" on the event field. Additionally, the non-candy prizes flung by the queen are few and far between, so truly a waste of time.
    Nala777, Raelyn, marymac50 and 5 others like this.
  19. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    They'll turn into CCs and EPs :

    What will happen with the leftover event goods?
    The leftover event goods will be exchanged to EP and CC after the end of this event:
    • 1 Popper Pea = 4 EP + 5 CC;
    • 1 Lolli Poppy = 4 EP + 5 CC;
    • 1 Bon Bon = 5 EP + 1 CC + 2 TEP;
    • 1 Chocolate = 6 EP + 1 CC + 3 TEP;
    • 1 Lollipop = 7 EP + 1 CC + 4 TEP;
    • 1 Candy Fish = 29 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 Artist's Palette = 15 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 Rainbow = 250 EP + 250 CC;
    • 1 Trident = 500 EP + 500 CC.
  20. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Those candy points are a relic from old days, when you needed those points to get some rewards. There may be others, those are the first ones I found.
    Nowadays they mean just EP, TPE and CC in the end of event.
    Nala777, sanddollar15, Raelyn and 4 others like this.