
Discussion in 'General issues' started by cats50, Sunday at 1:51 AM.

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  1. cats50

    cats50 Regular

    Can someone tell me why the tiger breeding only show up on bahama area and not in the breeding are
  2. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Tigers are bahamarama animals, to see the coloured/breeding tigers in the market you need to click on the bahamarama icon in the animal section. Tiger, anaconda, elephant, panda, parrot, camels & all can only be accessed there.

    If you mean in the breeding hut, all bahamarama breeding animals need to have their statue open in the Golden Banana Temple before you can breed them. Once the statues are activated, all breedable bahamarama animals will be found at the botttom of the breeding animals' list.

    Also, check to see in your breeding shack if your menu is on "all" animals and not on "animals" only (that only lists the mainland ones). That drop menu is located just above the phrase "Select animal type".
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello cats50,

    As Nordais suggested, have you opened the tiger breeding statue? If this is not the problem, please explain in more detail where they are not showing up.

    Can I assist you further?
  4. cats50

    cats50 Regular

    I know how to open. I just wondered when I pull up my quest the tiger doesn't show up under the hearts pull down like others only in the Bahamara pull down. The new octopus does? Just wondered. I needed a mammal to breed and forgot tiger cause it doesn't show when I do search under the hearts pull down. This only has to do with the quest areas that I am asking. I have been playing for years and understand how to breed etc and all my statues are open and have over 20,000 banana if they weren't.
    Last edited: Sunday at 5:49 PM
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Might be something missing from how the developers have the sorting feature. I noticed similar things for other quests. May need a tweak to fix it (kind of like tweaking/updating the Carnival FAQ candy values :) )
  6. cats50

    cats50 Regular

    Okay I mean in the farmer society quest there are drop down search menu where you can look for certain quest. Some have a key which upgrades manufactures etc. There is one with a jack o lantern for Moonlight mania and ones with hearts on it for breeding quest. All the ones I have not completed are there but the tigers. You only see that quest in the Bahamara building. I just wondered why that is the only one not included in the breeding quest areas. It was just a I wonder why question.
  7. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Statues need to be unlocked in order, if it is one of the Tiger Breeding Packs, the first one needs to be unlocked first.

    For the Farmer's Society Quest, it is probably an oversight from the Game Team. I will pass this on and hopefully it will be sorted to the correct category soon.

    Can I assist you further?
  8. cats50

    cats50 Regular

    no thanks