How to get? - proposal

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by muorikka, Yesterday at 7:48 AM.

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  1. muorikka

    muorikka Junior Expert

    I have often come across situations where I don't know how to obtain a certain animal, plant, tree, etc. Searching the forum can sometimes be challenging. Could a new group or post be created with the title 'How to get?' The idea would be to have a short alphabetical list explaining how to obtain different things.
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  2. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    You can find everyting about the game if you visit the index/description section in the Game FAQ's menu (green header on the main page of the forum). It will bring you to the Farmerama FAQ index which leads to:

    There you can chose "Game" and you'll have access to everything there is to know about animals/trees/products, etc.
  3. muorikka

    muorikka Junior Expert

    Nordais, thank you!
    But it doesn't help me if I want to find for example a pleco fish and a safety cone.
    Nordais likes this.
  4. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    muorikka you can use the search box at the top right of the forum. Sometimes you have to scroll to many posts or you ask it here on the forum
    Nordais likes this.
  5. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Advanced

    you could have gone for a bit more rare examples lol. Not really making your point well enough.

    Now if on the other hand you asked which animal stall gives out 6 manure every harvest, the answer is in the faqs mentioned by nordais but it might take a while to sift through the data and figure out which one it is. ps some actually give out 7 manure also. I believe there is only one that gives out 6.

    I will mention that it is not the neon parrot house. No unlike pretty much every other neon stable which give out 4 manure the neon parrot house is the only neon stable that only gives 1 manure.

    Or how about I ask which crop will hand out 20% more after a refinement than the original amount put in, unlike most crops where you get only 90% back?

    I doubt that will be found quickly in the faqs lol.
    Nordais likes this.
  6. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Actually that info is there, you have to know where to look for it. In your exemple, the pleco fish will be found under "Wonder stables" (that goes for almost every animal stall that you cannot purchase with CCs) and the safety cone can be located in the "bahamarama workshops". It's quite specific but it's there. There's also some quirks (they're not Wonder Trees but Special Trees in the FAQ index).

    Doing a search as enk52 mentionned is also an option, but it will give you pages and pages of results (a good option tho if you remember reading a post from someone a few days back).