Golden Bananas Event

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Teagle22, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    How about an event that requires the tropical fruits from BaHa, with a certain number of said fruits creating a "fruit salad". Said "fruit salad" during the event could be converted into Golden Bananas. For example: 10 bananas, 10 pineapples, 10 mangos, 10 coconuts and 10 papayas create 1 Golden Banana, during this event? Higher levels yield higher quantities of GB. Let the event be recurring and run like Moonlight Madness timeframes.

    Maybe with enough feedback, in on form or another, it can happen. Thanks for the input.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
    neily35, Deehee8, bygo_cris and 2 others like this.
  2. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    We simply want a simple way to earn Golden Bananas...

  3. Gery

    Gery Advanced

    The idea is good, but the implementation isn't the best.
    I think, the BP won't be able to make it this easy.

    It's good that it can be an event once a month, but the quest is too easy.
    I think that the fruit salad would be great but the ingredients should be a harder challenge.
    It can be a 10-part quest with big expectations and we can get GBs instead of stars with some B-XP (or a lot) .

    With this amendment, the idea can be implemented in the future. We're waiting for the BP :)
    bygo_cris likes this.
  4. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I like this fruit salad idea but agree that the quest is far too easy. We do need a way to gain more GB's please.:)

  5. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Trade stars for golden bananas???

    farmlily3, crzyjoyce and Arielh like this.
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    An event which would help us earn golden bananas would be very nice:)

    Bhodho your idea is great:D
    farmlily3 and crzyjoyce like this.
  7. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    I think we all want to get more Golden Bananas and really hope BP take that on board. We can grow the new event crop on Baha, so why not some GB as prizes instead of stars - please. ;) The idea of a monthly event would be good too.
    crzyjoyce likes this.
  8. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    But in reality they want us to trade BBs for stars or golden bananas...

    bygo_cris likes this.
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Stars are becoming more and more useless. There are not good carvings to give our stars.
    Bhodho... indeed everything they do they want us to trade BB for a lot of things (super-grow, power feed, ...) :(
    bygo_cris and farmlily3 like this.
  10. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    And trade US$ or for BBs...

    Gery likes this.
  11. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

  12. metal2

    metal2 Forum Greenhorn

    Yea i like all the ideas mentioned. Everyone just wants a easier way to earn gb's and an event would be perfect for this just make it the quests harder and in exchange we should get baha xp and gb's.
  13. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I would be satisfied if the quests and events that are Baha-themed would give GB instead of stars, doesn't make much sense to me why they don't. They give BEP, why not GB? Yes, a recurring event to gain GB is a wonderful idea!
  14. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    More GB in events would be great!
    farmlily3 and crzyjoyce like this.
  15. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    This is a really great idea! :D And Spotsbox, yours is so logical, I wonder why that's not how it's done. :D

    But - as usual -WHERE, is the question! There is no room left on Baha....and HAS ANYONE NOTICED the new outrage:mad:...they are now charging 2 cc's ea. for water on the island!!! Today I ripped out my crops on both my farms in protest and replaced them with pens that will increase the bottom line, rather than keep reducing that line through frequency of water use. Why do the dev's keep making this game more and more frustrating?>:( This has nothing to do with real money or BB's, so why are they irritating us farmers - their 'bread and butter'??
    Especially when we know how great they can do when they want to!

    O. k. - I'm finished with my rant. (Where's Mr_Grumpy when you need him?!)-.-8) *(hm..mmm. It's midnight. Maybe I should take off my sunglasses...)*
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
    Arielh likes this.
  16. Samwise1420

    Samwise1420 Forum Greenhorn

    I agree that golden bananas are far too hard to get, OR that quantities needed to open new parts are TOO HIGH> A couple times, now, I have used GB thinking I would get some benefit from spending them and found that I got NOTYHING, only access to things I needed far more GB to be able to plant. The GB don't have enough value OR they are too hard to get in the first place. Maybe more than 5 for leveling up, too?
  17. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I like the idea of new Baharam quests, but am with those who say the above given amounts are just way too low.

    I doubt there will be any major change soon, though, since they are apparently working on a whole new field. Also, I suspect that the "team" does read our suggestions, but remember that even a "large" response here represents only a small percentage of those who play.

    And.. they ARE here to make money. I do see the "free" aspects closing down. I am unhappy about that, but to be realistic, its going to happen. They will keep it free if it encourages more people to play and thus spend money. If they have to keep working with the same people, prices will go up.
    Arielh likes this.
  18. kyliesilvers

    kyliesilvers Forum Apprentice

    I cried myself to sleep every night for 137 years because it was so hard to get golden bananas. I just pretend Bahamarama isn't there anymore, I pretend it was wiped out by a huge tidal wave. I'd prefer trying to eat my own face than die of old age just 3 gold bananas short of a nice green tea.
  19. dustydi1

    dustydi1 Someday Author

    I know that BP is out to make money, but you know when you already have over 500 stars, that took a lot of our money to accomplish. Now that they are pretty doggone useless, let's trade for the golden bananas. I would trade 50 stars for 5 measly GB right now on the spot. Come on BP we need some changes. Thanks for at least considering the idea.
  20. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    farmlily3 said
    Hi farmlily3 - in answer to the 2cc's for water on bahamarama, as far as I can remember it has always been 2cc's on the island so this is not a new thing. Hope that makes you feel better ! ;)

    As for GB's - how about a rune on the tree that gives the ability to exchange stars for GB's - a rate of 50 stars to 5 GB's perhaps ?? :D
    Arielh, farmerumf and daisy like this.