Renaissance Faire Strategy Discussion

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 25, 2014.

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  1. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Oh No! Harvested all fields with an expired CAC. Only noticed it when it was time to plant...

  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Sorry to hear that :(
  3. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    I'm always at risk of doing that. But I will surely recover. Just a minor bump on the road to completion...

  4. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    Bhodho, I did that yesterday. Didn't notice until I wondered why my event crop total was so low. We'll get over it.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Can someone explain to me what CAC means?o_O
    Also about the stables....the whole game is a circle we grow up plants so we can feed the animals. With some animals we feed some others or we put them in workshops to get other products.:)
  6. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Carrot Apple Chutney.
    You don't have to grow them all. You can buy...
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    thank you! I have a lot of them. This is nice strategy:)
  8. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    If this is referring to CAC, then use them with 1x1 acres to maximise yield...

  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Yes I was refering to CAC I used to get them at the farm wheel... I will do it:)
  10. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I've reached the 1/2 way mark!!! But it's getting booooooring planting all 4 fields of an 8 hr. crop....rinse & repeat...around the clock. Drops seem to be pretty good...especially since I have pulled everything but the tree in the glad and baha.

    Arielh - Be sure to eat a pinkie pie to extend your'll want to save as many CAC's as you can....for use on other events!

    Good luck to all.....keep those emmers growing and those bow & arrows falling! :)
    msmeow likes this.
  11. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Brookeham thank you for sharing your idea!;)
    I have 10 pinkie pies and I really don't remember how I got them. Was it a reward of an event?
  12. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Way to go. I'm still very much behind...
    Most likely. They are usually rewards unless you have the Cloud House...
  13. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I don't so the possible way is from an event:):)
  14. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    I did exactly the same Bhodho - only I was harvesting the park at the time and clearly my game decided it was still on the main farm - great!
  15. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I promised to write a post about my strategy. It is in no way optimal xD But it works for me and lets me enjoy the event, which for me are the most important things :music: I do buy the harvest helper subscription and I use it extensively. Not only with crops on 1x1, but also to reorganize my farm.

    On my magical glade I keep production pens, some rare stables, some red and one pink stable in addition to trees. These I only take out if I have too (not this event). On bahamarama I now permanently keep some panda stalls and chopstick factories.

    Over night I grow event crops on the two remaining farm fields, and most of bahamarama. During the day (when I have time for it) I fill bahamarama with parrot cages, and put out 20 chicken coops. This to take advantage of high manure prices :D I have found out that it is no good to grow all the event crops before starting chicken farming. Then too many people are finishing/doing the same and manure prices drop >:( I grow two rounds of event crops on the remaining land using 1x1's and CAC. This way I get around 3500 event crops a day and I can easily finish the event while making some cc :D and keeping my magical glade :music:
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2014
    msmeow likes this.
  16. aisyahsaad

    aisyahsaad Someday Author

    Good Luck everyone!:);)
  17. althea247

    althea247 Forum Apprentice

    So far behind only able to log in once a day right now. Gotta love Freshman Orientation, but it's the parents not the kids who keep the staff busy! I did plant my secret seedling and just harvested. Talk about sweating bullets and I terrified the XXK Catalpa Curse would strike again. But no! A nice useful Goat Milk Tree. I have 2 now and no complaints. :D
    Hang in there everyone!
    msmeow likes this.
  18. lovelyfarm1

    lovelyfarm1 Active Author

    @ both my lovely neighbors ~ Thank you so much for the Good Luck.. :)

    @ all... have a wonderful day / weekend.:)

  19. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Your strategy is really good:inlove:
    It gave me some good ideas for my own farm ;)
    Thank you for sharing :)
  20. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    Hello all,
    I am happy that so far I have been able to complete all the silver! I thought I would just get to level 5. I would like to thank everyone for sharing their strategy ideas.

    Extra special thanks to those generous neighbours and mystery friends for gifting CAC, unfortunately, I have not been able to use (I guess) since I only have the Bakery open at level 2. But great to have when I finally will be able to use them...yum yum.

    Hope you all achieve what you want to and have fun in the process. FYI I am a Canadian/UK speller.:eek:
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