Forum competition for Sat. Sept 6th

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by CJAT, Aug 28, 2014.

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  1. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    @Arielh ~ 3 trees right, 1 in the right place.

    @ poppy ~ Who said I was lucky! It's only the first 4 trees!! :)

    your results ~ You win!!

    My tree results were:
    xl turbo jumbo (it was actually a turbo jumbo, but fixing my error would have meant giving it away lol!)
    xxl egg
    xl cherry
    turbo jumbo

    So pick your prize (any of the above) and what farm/player you would like it to go.

    You can win as many times as you want, but after the second win you have to invite (and list) 3 new players to continue to play. ;)

    It will take me a minute to figure out what the next 4 trees are on my screenshot. Be right back with a new game!
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    xl turbo jumbo
    xxl egg tree
    xl chery
    turbo jumbo

    ohh... now it is too late:cry:
  3. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    Fun game CJAT. Thanks for hosting!:) Please pass the prize along to the player of your choice.
  4. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    ~Edit~ Will do poppy... I will igm you who I decide to send it to! ;)

    @ Arielh ~ I have plenty of trees, so there are plenty of chances to win!

    Okay, so here are the next 6 trees:

    xxl walnut
    xxl catalpa
    turbo jumbo
    xxl almond
    egg tree
    xl super jumbo

    Also, please write the whole name of the "jumbo" trees as I am not familiar with them enough to tell them apart when written lol! ;)

    Guess away! :)
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    xl super jumbo
    xxl catalpa
    xxl almond
    xxl walnut
  6. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    @ Arielh~ you have 3 right and none in the right place.

    So how long have you been playing farmerama?
  7. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    xxl walnut
    xxl catalpa
    xxl almond
  8. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    xxl almond
    xl super jumbo
    xxl catalpa
    egg tree

    I have been playing around 3 years but I don't remember when I started exactly
  9. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Hi pnp! :) You have 2 right and none in the right place.

    @ Arielh ~ you have 3 right and 3 in the right place!! :)

    By the way, good morning all! {{sets out coffee, tea and hot cocoa to help everyone wake up}} Maybe, I should have planned an afternoon start time as more farmers would be awake! :p;)
  10. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    xxl almond
    xl super jumbo
    xxl catalpa
    xxl walnut
  11. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    xl super jumbo
    xxl almond
    xxl catalpa

    Good morning CJ! Thanks for the tea!
  12. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    if you do it in the afternoon for me will be late at night:)
    in Greece her is 5 in the afternoon;)
  13. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    @Arielh ~ 3 right, 3 in the right place! (Wow!)

    I was trying for something that would be possible for everyone, but do admit the American custom is to "sleep in" on the weekend, especially Saturday! (Game started at 9am my time). ;)

    @ pnp ~ 3 right, still none in the right place...

    So how is everyone doing today?
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    xxl almond
    xl super jumbo
    xxl catalpa
    turbo jumbo

    Doing ok, thanks for asking. My mind is a little confuzzled but the phone keeps ringing so I'll play along when I can....
    How are you?
  15. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    xxl almond
    xl super jumbo
    xxl catalpa
    turbo jumbo
  16. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Oh you got it pnp!! Congrats! Now which farm do I send it too, and which prize would you like?

    I'm good, just been really tired this past week. It's not fun when you go to bed early and still wake up tired! :sleepy:;)

    @Arielh ~ she beat you to it this time! Keep trying!

    Okay, here are the next 6 trees:

    xl Suzy jumbo
    xxl egg tree
    xxl cherry tree
    turbo jumbo
    xl pine
    xxl super jumbo

    Good luck! :)
  17. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    while we are waiting....did anybody get a rooster from wonder stables?

    Guess we were typing at the same time! Please send to pnp. Is the green matato still available? I can't make that yet and my island needs all the help it can get!

    xxl egg
    xxl cherry
    xxl super jumbo
    xl pine
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    xxl super jumbo
    xxl cherry tree
    xl Suzy jumbo
    xl pine

    I bought one wonder stable and it not ready yet...
    CJAT I must become faster...
    your time for your competitions is good for me
  19. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Sorry I missed a round, I had to tend to some things and get a pot of coffee started
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    good luck Arielh with your stable...I hope you get something you really want or need for your farm

    Hi Banjo!
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