The Club of Farmers

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmer96, Sep 6, 2014.

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  1. Farmer96

    Farmer96 Forum Apprentice

    Good Evening Farmers!!

    My name is Nick and I am from beautiful Greece!!
    I would like to welcome you to our new thread, called "The Club of Farmers".
    Here we'll create a big club consisting of people from all over the world.
    All of you can take part and share our daily news of our life and talk about the issues that concern us.
    Also we can exchange experiences about farmerama.
    The only condition is to come here with happiness!! :)
    See you all :D

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
    Puski96 likes this.
  2. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Good evening farmers!! :) My name is Sofia .
    I am also from Greece , and i come from Greek foroum which we have a same thread too! I am a student , first year from October in
    University . I am very anxiety , emotional , but sometimes get angry very often!! I would be happy to come in our club and you have a nice time and discuss ....[​IMG]
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
    Puski96 and Farmer96 like this.
  3. Farmer96

    Farmer96 Forum Apprentice

    Good morning my friends!! :D

    Oh Sofia, I forgot to make a description of myself!
    I'm α very energetic person. My hobbies are sports, music and painting!!
    From October, I'll study in the National Technological University of Athens. Class of Civil Engineering
    Puski96, farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Goodmorning to everyone!!!
    Congratulations Nick and Sofia about the university!:):)
    Puski96, Farmer96 and sofi!!! like this.
  5. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Good Μorning ?? Good evening better hahaha !! The time is 12:12 make a wish! I have made! If you mean for England ok ok i am sorry!
    Nick do not worry about this . Sports ... Say something about this . For example i like playing volleyball , i like swimming but on the tv i usually watch basketball and football . Unfortunately greek tv does not show all the sports that is vey awful i believe anyway! Congratulations!!

    Thank you very much , Arielh ... Do you like sports?
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
    Puski96 and Farmer96 like this.
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I like playing basketball, tennis also go swimming and running kilometers..
    In TV I watch basketball and football too
    Puski96 and Farmer96 like this.
  7. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    One time , when i tried to play basketball at school the next day i hurted so you understand me hahaha! Tennis , do not like me , but running yeah!! I used to go running in the past and i will try to start again!! .It is a good exercise !! Great ! :)
    Do you have a coach ?
    Puski96 and Farmer96 like this.
  8. Farmer96

    Farmer96 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you so much Ariely and welcome to our club!! :)

    Haha Sofia, here in Greece is 12 p.m.
    In the United Kingdom it's 10 in the morning... It's better to say "Good morning"

    Oh I love football and tennis, but I prefer basketball. I took part in the basketball team of my scholl, last year!! :)
    Puski96 likes this.
  9. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Nick , sorry you have right!! I forgot that i am a english foroum!! axaxxxaxx!!
    Yeahhh school team i was too , but in the volleyball .. It was so nice .. I have made new friendships .... I remember sometime i get angry with the refery!! .
    Farmer96 likes this.
  10. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Players are here from USA too(and a lot of other countries)
    It is nice participating in a team!:)
    Puski96 and Farmer96 like this.
  11. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    What do you mean with this ''Players are here from USA too(and a lot of other countries'' To be specific players of farmerama or for sports ? I think that players of usa they have different foroum beacause in the login there have a flag for England and another one for usa but i am not sure at all!

    Yeah , i agree with you! Do you participate ?
    Puski96 and Farmer96 like this.
  12. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    no I mean in this forum there are players from USA and other countries

    I used to participate in a basketball team
    Puski96 and Farmer96 like this.
  13. Farmer96

    Farmer96 Forum Apprentice

    Haha Sofia!! You often get angry :p Like me xD
    Yeah! Our team was so competitive and we had lots of good players. We reached the semi final!

    Arielh it's so nice to meet players from all over the world!! I hope that they'll come and visit our club!
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
    Puski96 and Arielh like this.
  14. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    yes I hope so too!
    congratulations about the semi-final
  15. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    hahaha yeah , sometimes it is physical to get angry with them ... Our team too ! Before 2 year we have reached at final but were draw so we played 3 sets . But when i was served the ball was out so we lost! I was crying , beacause of me my school was losted . I was good at servis and coach told me to do but i dissapointed :cry: him .However my friend told me '' no matter do not worry this a game !! ''

    arielh i have replied you , look the post before last message of nick!
  16. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    sofia in every flag that you log in and they speak english the forum is the same only the chat is different
  17. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author

    Hi from the Netherlands ;)
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Hi Toekie I didn't know you are Dutch!
    I have some friends from the Netherlands
  19. Farmer96

    Farmer96 Forum Apprentice

    Oh Sofia, I think that you have already said to me this story :p:oops:
    I'm very sad that your team lost, but it's only a game, as your friend said.

    Arielh, you're correct!

    Hi Toekie75!! I have to say that I really like your ESC song this year!!
  20. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Arielh thank you for information , i did not know that ..

    Hi toekie welcome in our club! I hope you will be fine! Is everything ok ? Which level on farmerama are you ?
    Yeah i have told you that story yes is a game but .. whataver .. :oops:
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