Comic# 5 the storm strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Dienstag, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    HATZEVA, What are we gone to do with you!!! Why do you keep injuring your hand? You poor dear. You need to take better care of your precious hands. I know you know this already, but I do not want you getting hurt anymore. Is it the same hand?

    Ok, there must be something wrong with me. I only have 175 non-funny Comic books. I do have about 4K of Balloons and about1.7K of the Rutabagas or is it giant Radish. Whatever the giant veggi is I have 1,700 of them. I will probable finish the 1st 2 levels today. Maybe? It depends on do I need the Comic books in level 2 or 3.
  2. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Nope, not everyone wants Comic Books. I don't comic books, I want Frosting. Despite getting started half a day late I have almost 300 comic books already. I'll probably have all the comic books at the end of the third day or beginning of fourth even tho I'm planting 8h crops at night and not logging in for 12h. So many lost drops. I once again expect have all the drops before the crops. Last time I didn't have all the crops until the last day. Had all the drops two days before. I don't see the point of expediting the cupcakes early in the event. It's the last bunch I'm not sure I'll have time for because of difference in time zone etc.

    EDIT: lol. RHUBARB my dear! lol!

    hatzeva, please take better care of your hand. Why do you abuse it so? Just wanted some time off to play your fave farm game? lol Take it easy.
  3. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    sglick, you don't need comic book on level 2 but 250 comic book on lv3
  4. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Suzee & dnin21cent, I discovered on my recent trip that I am really awful at details. This might be the reason that I am no good at math. HeHeHe
  5. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    When the FAQ comes out I keep it open in a tab so that I can refer back to it when I can't remember. I check it numerous times until I finish the event. And yes I have too many tabs open. Poor little puter o'mine.
  6. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Suzee says:
    Looking around and over my shoulder; was it me that mentioned something not quite right. Spelling perhaps, or?

    Thanks for concern about my hand - it could be better but it could also be 1 000 times worse. I'm the lucky one this time and I'm humbled by the experience.

    Only need another 700 Giant "what-evers" and I'm done, and then I'll concentrate on the Balloon plants. My 3rd lot of Cupcakes are maturing and with 336 Comics in the inventory I reckon I'm sound for this event.

    Best of luck everybody!
  7. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    (Suzee: I do the exact same thing).

    In fact, I've just re-checked it because earlier I forgot to mention something about the cupcake things that it's generally disregarded: if you plant a cupcake and harvest it (almost) immediately after, the resulting thing has an exchange value of 25. In this event, this is of no big consequence, but, since we can get, at the maximum -please correct me if I'm wrong-, 30*6+5+10 = 195 cupcakes, to get to the needed total of 17500 cupcake whatever points, it's enough to plant 169 till complete maturation -which will yield 16900 cupck pts- and 26 to be immediately harvested -which will yield 650 cupck pts-. Thus, you get a total of 17550 cupck pts. (No mistakes allowed, of course). It increases the % of planted cupcakes whose maturation can be shortened via frosting, given a fixed amount of frosting things, and minimizes -though not very noticeably- the drop-loss space and/or time.

    Of course, even if its effect in this occasion is tiny, since I like these things, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm beyond cure.

    PS: However, if you are one of those planning to go through the cupcake level just achieving 30% of total requirement to be able to go ahead and that's it, or if you have no time left, then, it means you can achieve the 5250 cupck points needed by just planting 5 till complete maturation and 190 to be immediately harvested. Needless to say, all shades of gray are possible in between.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
  8. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I'm surprised no one has stormed the MOD cave demanding that the fluffy PINK cupcakes be kept in the game for all eternity. LOL.

    Nope. Teasing Miss sglick for her post. ;)
    Now I find myself wondering who you punched out. Or did you karate chop someone? lol

    Aluntino, I've been worried about the last batch of cupcakes. But... If one has the first 5 days * 30 +5 +10 = 165 *100 = 16500 Can be grown at full length if wanted.
    17500 - 16500 = 1000 /30= 33.333 pts per cupcake still needed to finish.
    Means that one could just grow the last 30 to Medium for 50 pts ea using frosting would take only 6h. Not so bad.
    It's late. I'm tired. Some one please check my math lest someone be lead astray. ;)

    Finished planting my GIANT rhu-bar-ba. Going to bed.
  9. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    The only problem with the fluffy Pink Cupcakes... They don't have any EP or BEP :cry:

    My strategy was to purchase the Perfect Storm Basket:p
    Then I planted 3 fields 1x1s total of 574 squares and consumed 8 CACs donated to me from my great neighbors.
    574x4= 2296 per harvest of either 4 hour or 8 hour crop.
    That means I will need 8 harvests of Balloon Blooms and 4 harvests of Giant Rhubarb.
    One with this same strategy using Pumpkin Jam would need a little over 10 Balloon Blooms harvests and 4.355 of the Rhubarbs.
    The drops of Comic Books are getting there as I have my Living Legend Rune at 26 percent (and paying off).
    Its nice the fully mature Pink Cupcakes can be picked up with the harvester. But, I did accidentally "fat finger" my keyboard placing cupcakes and got one at 25 points>:(.
    I just got done with Steps 1 and 2.

    So far, so good... But then again that's what a man was once heard saying about half way down, as he jumped off a tall building. xD
  10. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Mr President: I think I went one better than you! For some reason I thought the Comic Events didn't require any event crops so I did absolutely nothing in preparation and, being on my holidays, I was only logging in once a day so I had all (long term) animals and trees out at the start of the event. :sleepy:

    I have had to delete them as and when they matured and plant where I could. In addition, I forgot every single buff (except CAC) as usual. I have loads of white innocence in my barn as well as fruit cake (no surprise there lol) but I never use it as I forget in my excitement to get going on events.:oops:

    I don't usually rip out my glade but needs must. Especially as I am not around on Sunday so that is the day I will be baking cupcakes all day! :p

    I have only really grasped the essentials of the event this morning and am not really sure if I am going to make it on either farm but I will do my best - I like a challenge! Comic Books aren't particuarly forthcoming (I too will have no use for frosting :wuerg: as I will be leaving them the full 16 hours in my absence on Sunday) but as I missed a lot of time and only really started properly yesterday, first full harvests today, I am confident that they will come in the end. If not, I will post in my own thread! xD

    Good luck everyone! ;)
    snobunny333 likes this.
  11. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Does anyone know what the Special Prize we will be getting once we go to Fuzzles for 5 straight days in a row. I am hoping it is more cupcakes. I suppose if they don't tell us, we will have to wait till we open the fifth day! I am fortunate that the reset is just before I go to bed so I put my Cupcakes in and they cook all night. I am keeping my frosting in case I need it near the end.
  12. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    After my morning harvest I now have 400+ comic books, close to half, and 33 frosting, more than enough for the last batch. I never buy the baskets. I decided early on they are not in my budget and that I can finish events without them.

    CJ, no worries about the coupon for builder. I mentioned mainly for those that can afford to buy and want to speed things along, that I'm am not using the fastest method cause it costs RM. ;)

    But... PINK people don't care about EP or BEP or drops. :D
    Where did you see that?
    Banjoman likes this.
  13. AnnTAngel7

    AnnTAngel7 Advanced

    @Banjoman you forgot to take into account that you would be using some of those seeds to replant. Using 574 plots it would be 10 harvests with the last one only needing only 476 planted.
    574*3=(1722*8) + (574*4) +(476*3)
    13776+ 2296+ 1428= 17500
    (8 rounds at+3 per)+ (1 round at +4per)+(last round taking into consideration seeds used for planting)
    I broke it down for those who need more of an explanation.
    Banjoman likes this.
  14. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Banjoman (and others with a short CAC supply),

    How are you using your CAC? Most people with no shortage of CAC, tend to consume a whole bunch in one shot and extend it with Pinkie Pie (an example, Suzee, above). This is OK because it allows one to forget about it. It's simply more comfortable, I agree.

    However, if you're short of CAC, the best way to use a bunch of them -always, but especially during events- is "bridging" them. It requires some care and calculation but not so much. A PP-powered CAC lasts 23:24 hs, little short of 1 day; by timing when you activate it, you can get the most of your CAC stock by "bridging" between PP-powered CACs with longer crops. Using this event as an example, let's suppose 1 CAC gets exhausted: my suggestion is to, then, plant the longer event crop and activate the next CAC only when this longer event crop is ready to harvest, starting a new almost 24hs period for your subsequent rounds if you PP-power this next CAC. During this event, using CAC this way means you can get the exact same production in 5 days with only 4 CACs instead of 5.

    This means you have to invest some CCs in PinkiePies if you don't produce them. But that's a no-brainer decision: PP cost in mkt is negligible as compared to the benefit it yields and the comparable mkt or production cost of CAC. This last assertion is particularly true if you couple, as I do, every CAC with one ZAB.

    For me, since I work mostly from home and I'm more of a night owl than anything else, the time I try CAC/ZAB sets to start is around 16:00 or around midnight. But "bridging" inherently implies that start times are going to be shifted: it's only a matter of organizing things a bit. I always use my CAC/ZAB sets that way.
    CJAT and Banjoman like this.
  15. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    @AnnTAngel7 Eh, If you got some extra's leave 'em alone and get credit for seeds not used in the form of CCs and EP.
    Who couldn't use a bit of both ?
  16. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    @Aluntino Thank you for bringing up this strategy point to help me and others during these events.
    I didn't have a shortage of gifted CACs (don't stop giving my fellow neighbors, giving is contagious and teaches others !)
    I figure I will finish the Balloon Blooms this afternoon and then one more planting/harvest of Giant Rhubarb when head off to work.
    I will then need about 200 more to finish the crop portion. 8)
    Then it will be up to the Cupcakes and Comic Books. ;)
  17. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Lots of times for the last round I just calculate roughly how many I need then use my largest or smallest field and plant the whole thing without stressing about over planting. On the other hand... it is not the best use of farm time and space, as Aluntino would say. One would be better off with roses for anyone that doesn't feel like doing the math or a longer crop like carnations and refinements for time, etc reduction. It's been months since I've cared to login more than once a day during non-event periods. In other words not aggressively trying to maximize my farm time/space these days.
  18. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Suzee - Special Prize from Fuzzles - hover over the Box on the Big Cushion and read! Any guesses?
  19. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Rumf - I forgot. What is my nickname for you here? - As, I remember it we only get the 5 day gift once. The rest of the time that red package with the big gold bow just sits there mocking us. I guess I would have to re-read the Fuzzel FAQ to see if my memory has any accuracy at all left in it. LOL
  20. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Just did the classic - noticed my CAC had run out, yes I did notice it had run out, and then harvested anyway:p. If someone finds the village that has lost its idiot please notify them that she has been located!xD
    Anybody else bored of growing balloons yet?:wuerg:
    farmlily3, julie1013 and Arielh like this.
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