Comic# 5 the storm strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Dienstag, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    TCRooster I am on the task that needs 11.000ballons and I am bored growing them too..
    I also harvested when my CAC had run out ...but unlike you I hadn't notice it:p;)
    TCRooster likes this.
  2. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    TC... Just finished my last batch. One more full batch of Giant Rhubarb and a little extra and I am done growing event crops.
  3. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Banjo - Do you get sleep??? or Are you one of these people who sets their alarm clock so they will get up to harvest and then go back to sleep? LOL

    TC - I am beyond board. That is why I am posting so much. I just finished harvesting again so now I can go do other things for 3 hours.
    TCRooster and Brookeham like this.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    How many ballons do you have now?
  5. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    sglick, I was trying to continue the... name a veggie that starts with R game. I can't think of any. Do me a favor and don't misspell Rumf. On second thought... I could use the laugh. ;) Don't want you to get banned tho. Maybe Umf would be better. ;)

    I hadn't noticed that. Pretty sure that is from first using Fuzzle. Pretty sure it has nothing to do with this event. It was a possible... farm Machinery, etc. I agree with sglick, info is probably in the FAQ for the Fuzzy one.
    Totally bored... zzzZZZZ
    Well... it wouldn't be this village. I've got that title. :D
    I hate when that happens. That is why I took a cue from someone else and try to remember to consume one for every day of the event at the beginning. But then I make my own CAC/ZAB. And sell it rather than buy.
    TCRooster and Arielh like this.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I'm bored too...some of it is self-inflicted though. I normally rip all fields out to devote to an event (thank goodness for the builder) but since the requirements are unknown for the coral reef, I made the command decision to leave Baha in island crops and keep my spa going. Unfortunately, this means I feel like I will be growing ballons and rhubarb forever. I have 1/2 the balloons needed for level 3 with another harvest due in a couple of hours. I have 1k of the 5k needed for the last level.

    I am thinking I will subcontract out the remaining event crops to Banjo since he now has nothing else to do.:p
    Brookeham likes this.
  7. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Just call me Umf. I will answer to that.
    With regards to the message on Box perhaps I had just never left the mouse over that bit before! There was me hoping for something good for this event. Oh well, one can only dream.
  8. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Oh what a great idea pnp!!!!! Banjo will you grow some balloon plants for me as well?.........since I'm behind....I need about 5,000. Thanks.......what a sweetie you are! LOL
  9. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    Ugh, TCRooster, that is "the classic." Lol! Another good one is looking straight at the crop you wish *not* to plant, and hitting the button to plant it anyway (she says, forlornly gazing upon a field of balloons planted right before bedtime).

    Thankfully I planted the last of them this morning so I'm finished with that mess, and now hopefully just two more harvests of the rhubarb to finish the crop part.

    Aluntino's strategy of "bridging" is what I use on my farm...not necessarily because I am short on CAC, but because rather I am just feel quite cheap with it and hate wasting those hours where it is not used for anything. :p
    TCRooster and julie1013 like this.
  10. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    So my current stats 2 1/2 days into the event... I have 61 frosting, 125 cupcakes (just finished level 2) and 506 comics ~ despite missing 12+ hours of growing time over the past two days... :p

    Was glad to it! I've got it down pat now so from screenshot to posting, the whole thing took maybe 2 minutes. The hardest part was consolidating my notes on event crops and super-grow buffs into something understandable for the chart lol! ;)

    Do we get 6 or 7 days worth of cupcakes?? We got 30 cupcakes at midnight CEST time on the 10th from Fuzzles (before the event even started), then again on the 11th, 12th, 13th,14th, 15th, and 16th (14 hours before event ends). If so, that would be (30*7)+5+10=225 or 50 more cupcakes than needed... That number seems more likely to me as BP usually leaves us a bit of wiggle room if we would happen to miss a Fuzzles. Now it's your turn to check my math! :D

    If my math is right then "we" :music: would have to refigure the min # of XL cupcakes needed and min time on the rest...

    I think I will follow your strategy for setting out the cupcakes... but I will plan to wait probably two night before the event ends. I hope by then to have enough frosting to "nuke" the min number of cupcakes needed to grow into XL, as I want to maximize my time. I do want to set the cupcakes out overnight if possible. Setting them out two night before the event ends makes the most sense to me, especially as the event ends on Tuesday, only 14 hours after Fuzzles gives out the last batch of cupcakes! With the way things have been going lately, I would probably do something crazy for some obscure reason, like forget to set out the cupcakes after work and realize it with only 11:44 left in the event. :p Yeah, crazy life = plan to be better safe than sorry! ;) (Plus I'm an EP hog and I want all the EP possible, so night-growing for long stuff is a good strategy!)

    Oh and I also do the CAC/ZAB "bridging" It uses more PPP, but saves on the cost of the two buffs... especially if you can time it to include an Easter Marm and some Carrot Bread... ;)

    I'm pretty sure that refers to your initial 5 times visiting with Fuzzles. However, I have also noticed that if you miss a Fuzzles from not logging in for 24 hours that you get weird prizes for 4 days (sunflower seeds, harvester rewards, etc. and then on the 5th day you get something considered "cool"). Then it's back to "normal" Fuzzles gifts. ;)

    @Bhodho ~ you could always send your neighbors a note asking for comics. ;) Of course they might then think someone had hacked your farm... o_O ;)

    @hatzeva ~ can I ask what did you do to your hand?? I think you might have told us about your previous injury(s) on the old forum, but if so I cannot remember the details ~ or am possibly thinking of someone else. :music::p;)
    julie1013 likes this.
  11. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    It has been said a million times – do not farm before you’ve had your first morning coffee! But had I listened, today obviously not. Went ahead and planted 3 full field of Balloons (550 1x1 = 2 200 Balloons) then realizing I only need another 480 to finish the event, DOOH! xDxD

    Well, at least I’ll be done with the crops in 3 hours and can concentrate on getting the drops. Have 510 Comics at the mo but going out of town tomorrow and Monday with no access to the farm so it’ll be tough getting those last 440 books. I think I might have a go at escalonilla’s brilliant “refined rose-comfy field-SG” method this afternoon to boost my drops.

    After that it’s just the tedious Cupcakes left to deal with. Have 125 XLs done already, 10 more will be put out as soon as I’ve finished stage 3 and another 30 when the system resets at midnight. The last 1000 points I’ll do when I get back Monday night, just have to work out how many to put out, and for how long.

    Best of luck everyone and have a great weekend!

    @ CJAT – yes it was clumsy me that hurt my hand a few months back. Then it was a glass water jug that attacked me, now it’s an injured nerve that makes my right hand live a life of its own. Spooky not being able to control its movement but it should get back to normal in about 6 weeks. :)
    Banjoman and farmerumf like this.
  12. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    hatzeva - thanks for posting the link for Roses/refinery. I could not quite remember the details but will use it if I have to.
    It is the only refinery I have bothered with.

    Hope your hand recovers fully - sometimes mine is a bit jittery and the mouse goes everywhere but where I want it to.
  13. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I will finish my balloons today and then I will have all my crops needed. Right now I have 549 comics so do I want to plant my longest crop and hope to make enough comic drops? o_O
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    hatzeva - I am sorry to see you are having multiple injuries to your hand and now dealing with nerve issues. I hope you recover soon. Are you using the mouse with your right hand?

    Balloons are done. Still growing rhubarb for last level. Family is coming over so the long crop will work out for me today.

    667 comic books in the barn
    95 cupcakes done
  15. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    @hatzeva ~ my hubby also has nerve damage from a surgery (long-ago) that he had before on his elbow. It doesn't happen often, but every now and then he will be holding a glass of water (or tennis racket, etc.) and his grip will relax... thankfully he has good reflexes! o_O So how exactly did this glass pitcher "attack" you? :eek:

    As for misclicking... I've done that before too! ~ for a while there it was nuts! Finally I found out I had a "mouse malfunction." :p It was quite a while back, but I would go to use the seeder and my mouse would register one click as two or three... at first I thought it was just me, but after 3 or 4 time planting blackberries instead of event crops, I kinda caught on! -.-xD
    I've also done the "lack of CAC" harvesting before too! :( I now use an online tab-timer and label it to help me remember... it usually works lol!
    I must be the oddball here... (Oh wait, I think we all already know that!) ;) as I am actually looking forward to having the next two days to plant just balloons! Of course I don't plan on staying on the farm all that time. In between, I will be hanging with family, shopping and *cough* :music: starting this week's classes. xD
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 13, 2014
  16. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    @ sglick... yes I am one of those who set my clock on my cell phone and plant... I got in 4 harvests of Balloons that day before I had to go to work. All my crops are done now. I am working on restocking my normal farm larder prior to replotting my production pens. I need 300 more comics to finish the last Step. If I hadn't "fat fingered" one of my cup cakes I would have gotten the last I needed with today's Fuzzles gift. I will come up one shy. >:(
    I need a coffee IV... gotta go consume a pot. Sorry I can't help PnP and Brooke xD Got my RL better half tasks to do today before my graveyard shift tonight.
  17. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    hatzeva, I hope you are going to be better soon.
    Later today, i will have my event crops. Just 100 cup cakes and 320 more drops.
    It looks good so far.
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I am done with ballons now I have to give cupcakes points I have only 95
    What do you suggest me do about finish task,page 4?
  19. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Check your barn Ariel. You should have another 10 cupcakes reward for finishing Step 3
    Arielh likes this.
  20. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Arielh the 10 cupcakes you received can be found in your inventory. Left side of your screen. Click on the box, then on the decorations tab (the same place where trophies are). Once the cupcakes have "grown", they will be in your barn with the others.
    Arielh likes this.
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