The Club of Farmers

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmer96, Sep 6, 2014.

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  1. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    farmlily - what a lovely neighbourhood you must live in. We don't get much snow in this part of England - I live in the County of Cornwall which is wet and windy - but when we do everything seems to stop, usually because of Health and Safety! We too have good neighbours who look out for each other.
    farmlily3 likes this.
  2. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Αrielh if i remember correctly the last time when i saw snow in Athens it was 2002 . It was so nice .. Christmas yes with snow , and with our grandparent or grandmothers in fireplace so wonderful as like as tales! Magical times!! :p

    Welcome julie .. How are you ?
    Arielh is this true ? ''But in USA students go to school when is snowing because if they didn't they wouldn't have school for a month:p
    right??'' if yes i do not like that ... It is so strange for me .. Why a month ??:wuerg:

    Good morning to everyone !
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    not exactly a month... What I wanted to say is when is snowing in Greece we don't go to school but when is snowing in USA students go to school
    sofi!!! likes this.
  4. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    If there is a lot of snow or ice on the roads, school may be cancelled. We have been out of school for several days at a time.
    Arielh and sofi!!! like this.
  5. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Arielh i dissagre!! . When it snows here the schools are not always close . But happens that said puppiesnponies . Only if there is a lot of snow or ice on the roads!! ...

    Hello puppiesnponies, why you have been out of school for serval days at a time?:sleepy:
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Where I live the school close when it snows but I don't live in Athens like you :)
  7. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    sofi!!!- In the winter if the weather is very bad with either a lot of snow or ice on the roads, schools have been closed for several days until driving conditions improve and students can get to school safely. A couple of years ago, schools were closed weeks at a time due to a lot of snow storms coming often. The roads had not been cleared before more snow or ice arrived.
  8. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Hi, Arielh! Love hearing about Greece! Isn't it fun to get a 'Snow Day'...even if you could get to school??
    Here, when it is actually snowing, school is cancelled (lots of rejoicing from students; lots of groaning from parents:D) but after it stops - it's back to school in the snow. There is good clearing and maintainence of our roadways....and huge piles of snow mounded up alongside the roads! Everyone has to shovel their own driveway, or hire it done, though. It usually snows off and on from sometime in Dec. till sometime in March or April, with a January thaw in between. Then, in late March- April, the flowers seem to explode all over the landscape! I love Spring!:inlove::D

    :DHi, Spots! I think Montana gets much more snow than we do, yes? Your mountains are lots higher, too! I think it would be very hard to shovel your driveway!!:wuerg::p
    I don't know the Beatles song you referenced...Can you 'sing' it? It was really quite funny to see a cup of coffee come through the window...seeing it with eyes only half open! Her little boy used to love to knock on my window, or bring me little wildflowers that he found growing in the grass. He was my little gardening partner! Yes, sadly, they have moved.:(8)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
    Arielh likes this.
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Υes it is so nice when it is snowing! and here we don't have to shovel the roads because we don't have so much snow...
    The difference is small between the 4 seasons here comparing to USA.

    ohh he should have been a very cute boy:inlove:
  10. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I didn't think Massachusetts got a lot of snow. But wow that must be boring without power!
    I been to Massachusetts during the Summer time and it was nice. ;)

    @julie1013, Welcome! Nice to know I am not the only one in Pennsylvania. But I
    must be the richest player in Pennsylvania though xD
    farmlily3 likes this.
  11. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Arielh yes , but do not compare snowing Greece to other country like usa or filand for example!! Schools close and here but not very often and not only in Athens! ..

    puppiesnponies, wow so beautiful .. :p Here unfortunatelly when snow the school if will close , it will be 5 days the most!

    How are you today ?? I am confused and cracked .. :cry: ..Ηave you won the chest no the prizes of comic an other one!

    Goo afternoon to eveyone!
  12. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Hi, Arielh...yes, he was a cute little boy...he started 'helping' me when he was 5 yrs. old, and terrified of bugs! As I photographed bees in my gardens, he would follow, and so I took a few of him, too,(the ham!) and slowly taught him about the wonders of insects and their value, even to the food he was eating. Then, when I showed him honey - made by BEES - and gave him some straight from the jar to his finger to his mouth - he was hooked, and wanted to help all the time! He especially liked to fertilize with the SPRAYER, and you can guess how THAT wentxDxD:p!! It's a wonder WE didn't grow six feet tall!!:wuerg: They left two yrs. later, when he was seven, and no longer afraid of bugs.:D:D His little red plastic cup is still on my table.8)

    8)Hi, solo! Yes, we get a lot of snow, more here in western MA than the eastern part near Boston. They get more storms or hurricanes (rare) that come up the coast. But boring?? least I don't think so.:D It's quiet, peaceful, wild when it is storming. and exciting, and when the sun comes out and shines on all that magic that is can hardly wait to jump off the deck into its softness! Anybody for a snowball fight??:music: You, solo, as a photographer, too, would have lots of 'material'! (I don't think our snow is as wet as yours.) And it gives us all an excuse to stop doing what we should do, and just relax and do what we want to. And it - usually - brings out the best in your neighbors.:)8)[/QUOTE]

    8) sofi!!! I'm so sad that you are feeling so poorly:cry:, as I'm sure we all are. Here are some [[HUGS:inlove:}} for you, and some *hot chocolate* to help ease your tears. :(:(8)

    8)Oh, England! I love hearing about England!:inlove::inlove: Yes, I know a little bit about Cornwall (and have read some good Sherlock Holmes mysteries set in Cornwall....on those dark and candlelit snowy nights! {<<hey,solo! Something else to do!} Actually, my ancestors on both sides are from England!! My Dad's, not too far from you...they were King's huntsmen 'from time immemorial' in the New Forest. My Mom's were from Surrey/Sussex. I'm sure you have good neighbors - because YOU are one of them!!:D:D8)
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 17, 2014
    puppiesnponies, Arielh and solotime like this.
  13. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    When it snows heavy here, I bring out the camera ;)

    Will the snow pictures of this year early in spring time.

    @sofi!!! & @Arielh, Pass two days been boring for me.
    I went to New Jersey on Saturday but it wasn't for enjoyment, it was to
    help my dad with something. A guy he knows needed some home repairing work done.
  14. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Good Morning is Tuesday today! :sleepy: ..

    farmlily3 , come not worry please ..thank you very much for hugs and chocolate are some tasty !! [​IMG] so cute!!
    congratulations solotime i have passed some steps but i took a box ..
    farmlily3 likes this.
  15. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    well my weekend was different than the others. I started school and I had homework but still not much so I went swimming in the sea:) I would like to see photos from when is snowing!

    8) Hi, Arielh...yes, he was a cute little boy...he started 'helping' me when he was 5 yrs. old, and terrified of bugs! As I photographed bees in my gardens, he would follow, and so I took a few of him, too,(the ham!) and slowly taught him about the wonders of insects and their value, even to the food he was eating. Then, when I showed him honey - made by BEES - and gave him some straight from the jar to his finger to his mouth - he was hooked, and wanted to help all the time! He especially liked to fertilize with the SPRAYER, and you can guess how THAT wentxDxD:p!! It's a wonder WE didn't grow six feet tall!!:wuerg: They left two yrs. later, when he was seven, and no longer afraid of bugs.:D:D His little red plastic cup is still on my table.8)[/QUOTE]
    oh so nice:inlove:
    you learned him lot of things!:)

    So do you have your own honey! Before some years ago my family had tomatoes and cucumbers and they are more tasty when you grow them yourself:)
    farmlily3 likes this.
  16. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Arileh have you teacher or are they missing? books?

    I watched views for national celebrations and i moved .... What rows in rehearsals between us memories ...So live your school life
  17. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    We only don't have one book because it changed this year and hasn't been sent to schools yet.
    This year we have teachers. Last year was a problem.
    sofi!!! likes this.
  18. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Arielh, you are sooo right!! Nothing tastes as good as when it is fresh from the garden!! Do you still grow anything??:)

    I would very much like to have a few bee hives, but I live on the ground floor of a two story apt. building, one of several in a small and friendly town, and I somehow don't think bees would be properly appreciated!xD:p The honey I gave him came - literally - from a jar.
    Being on the ground floor has some advantages...I have two small gardens-one on each side of my front door, and a third one in back off my covered deck which gives me some lovely, and fragrant, privacy. My living room opens to the deck through sliding glass doors, and both overlook a greensward that abuts a narrow strip of not-so-wet 'wetland' which fronts a small wall of woods. Currently this strip of 'wetland' is bursting with swaths of gold and blue-violet wildflowers, with a few whites thrown in. It is so peaceful, and the wildflowers change with the seasons. In a few weeks, the woods will turn into a solid wall of flaming oranges, reds, and golds, mixed with greens....gorgeous Fall colors!! Once in a rare while, there has been a small flock of wild turkeys that have slowly and majestically strolled the edge of this strip of land, stopping to glean whatever they find. They take their time, and are wonderful to watch! Some of the neighbors have seen (rarely) a black bear in and out of the woods, and also deer. There is a surprising amount of wildlife here in western MA., and there are many small towns scattered across the area. It is also surprisingly rural.:)8)
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 17, 2014
    Arielh and sofi!!! like this.
  19. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Αrileh this is a really good new ....I am very happy about the teachers ... The book maybe to sent you later .as had become i think in 2011! :oops:
  20. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    You describe things so beautifully:inlove:
    The animals that I have seen in my island are cows, donkeys(some old people ride them), horses, sheep and goats but not wild animals.
    Some years ago in a church was a beautiful peacock and as a child I loved looking at it!!(it is my favorite church :))

    In our garden we grow basil but also we have some orange trees, lemon trees and grapes but mostly our garden is planted with flowers.

    sofi!!! well this book it isn't one of the very important ones so it is not a big problem.
    for an entirely year I had no books so it is good that now I just don't have one book.
    That year was difficult because we had to write all the time in notebooks:sleepy:
    farmlily3 likes this.
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